So what happens next?
Where we’ve been Jesus returns to heaven and promises a helper and tells us to “Be filled with the Holy Spirit” We compared Matthew 24 to Rev 6-7 – The first seal – a conqueror goes out to conquer – The second seal – conflict abroad – The third seal – scarcity and famine – The fourth seal – ¼ of mankind is killed or dies – The fifth seal – The martyrs wait patiently – The sixth seal – Significant Cosmic events, and then 144K of Israel and the Church are removed
The seventh seal releases the trumpets The prelude – The censer is thrown to earth The first trumpet – hail and fire burns 1/3 of the trees and all the green grass The second trumpet – an on fire mountain turns the sea to blood. 1/3 of the sea, and a 1/3 of all the ships are destroyed The third trumpet – a star crashes to earth turning 1/3 the rivers and springs of water bitter
More Trumpet Judgments The fourth trumpet – a third of the sun, moon and stars go dark The fifth trumpet – the bottomless pit is opened by Apollyon – freaky locusts torment those without the seal of God on their forehead The sixth trumpet – 200,000,000 horseman led by 4 angels and another 1/3 of mankind is destroyed (and they still did not repent)
Let’s take a break The Judgments of God are serious and frightening The warnings are all focused on one goal, mankind should repent and honor the authority of Jesus Most of the book of Revelations acts as a very sober reminder of how serious living for Jesus is
Back to the beginning Jesus says that you will need a Helper and that you should be filled by the Holy Spirit He also tells his disciples the first steps of the End Times, but only to Rev 7 – why?