M.E.S.S. Modifying Electronic Sound Signals Grupp 20 (Jimmie, Erik, Henrik, Joakim, Johan, Gustav) ISY
2 M.E.S.S. overview Experiencing M.E.S.S. is a treat to both your eyes and ears. With its awesome capability to display the amplitude of different frequencies spans. The M.E.S.S. Is a must for every one who is working with electronic sound signals.
4 FPGA-board DE2-70 Keyboard controller Audio controller Audio codec FPGA SpeakersCD-player VGA-screen VGA controller Digital oscilloscope Keyboard
6 Work procedure Well defined responsibilities for each subgroup. The subsystems were merged together at the end. Each group adopted their own form of programming approach. Revision control using GIT.
7 Troubles and experiences GIT issues when using HDL-designer. Troubles with integrating the VGA-controller with the rest of the system.
8 Advantages of M.E.S.S Only about 10% of FPGA used User friendly Good margins Advanced filters with up to 500 coefficients