So, what is a thesis statement? Easy steps in learning how to create top notch thesis statements!
A thesis statement is… …the last sentence of your introductory paragraph that tells the reader what your essay is going to be about. …a sentence that presents your argument to the reader. (What are you trying to prove?) …one that addresses specific issues and not a broad/general idea. …a sentence that takes a stand!!!
Why do I need a thesis statement? A thesis statement gives your paper: Direction Focus It grabs the reader’s attention It limits/restricts what can be discussed (so the writer doesn’t babble on and on and on and on about irrelevant information) It tells the reader what they can expect when reading your paper
What do I need to remember? Great essays begin with great intro paragraphs and great thesis statements!! Mr. Bever will judge you and your work ethic based on your thesis statement! A thesis statement explains “why” Don’t just say, “Abortion is wrong.” Tell me why it’s wrong… and be specific. A thesis statement that is barely one line is too short.
What a thesis statement is not! A thesis statement is not a title “Prayer in public schools” (what about it?) Try this instead: “Taking away prayer in public schools is unconstitutional because it violates our First Amendment right to free speech.” “The best football player ever” (who is it, what about him?) Try this instead: “Brett Favre is arguably one of the greatest football players of all time because of his ability to make his teammates better every day.” “Smoking in the home is child abuse” (why?) YOU TRY IT!
What a thesis statement is not! A thesis statement cannot be a fact! You can’t argue a fact. You’ll spend your entire essay proving something that is already true. BAD: “LeBron James left the Cleveland Cavaliers to play for the Miami Heat.” (What are you trying to say here?) BETTER: “LeBron James will not go down as one of the greatest players in NBA history because he couldn’t win a championship on his own.”
Thesis statements? Fact or observation (BAD) : People use many lawn chemicals. Thesis (GOOD): People are poisoning the environment with chemicals merely to keep their lawns clean. Announcement (BAD) : The thesis of this paper is the difficulty of solving our environmental problems. Thesis (GOOD) : Solving our environmental problems is more difficult than many environmentalists believe.
Thesis Statements? Title (BAD): Social Security and Old Age. Thesis (GOOD): Continuing changes in the Social Security System makes it almost impossible to plan intelligently for one’s retirement. Broad (BAD): The American steel industry has many problems. Thesis (GOOD): The primary problem in the American steel industry is the lack of funds to renovate outdated plants and equipment
Thesis statements? People are too selfish. Crime must be stopped. The United States economy is a mess. Dan Brown’s historical fiction novels are really good. Drug addiction has caused a huge increase in violence and crimes. George Orwell is the author of the amazing book Animal Farm.