L ET ’ S TALK ABOUT … 21 st Century Skills Partnership Role of the School Library Media Specialist Standards Students Recommendations and Ideas
I T ’ S NOT JUST ABOUT BOOKS ANY MORE … Reading remains critical to student success Books are viable (mostly) but… Other forms of reading audio e-books on-line resources devices Internet
W HAT IS THE ROLE OF THE SCHOOL LIBRARY MEDIA SPECIALIST TODAY ? Leadership and instruction information and technology literacy Promote reading Collaborate with teachers Market Procure and maintain resources to support curriculum Promote intellectual freedom Manage a program(s) Keep up with technology
D ID YOU EVER THINK People would challenge Huckleberry Finn and Scout Finch? Vampires would become a social norm? Testing would take over your computers? You would have computers? People would question whether having a library is NECESSARY? That a nook might be something other than a cozy corner?
REFRESHED ISTE STANDARDS Students, Teachers and Administrators Creativity and Innovation Communication and Collaboration Research and Information Fluency Critical Thinking, Problem Solving and Decision Making Digital Citizenship Technology Operations and Concepts
AASL 21 ST C ENTURY L EARNER Inquire, think critically and gain knowledge Draw conclusions, make informed decisions, apply knowledge to new situations, and create new knowledge Share knowledge and participate ethically and productively as members of our democratic society Pursue personal and aesthetic growth
R EFRESHED MEMO S TANDARDS FOR I NFORMATION & T ECHNOLOGY L ITERACY Inquiry, Research and Problem Solving Expanding Literacies Technology Use and Concepts Ethical Participation in a Global Society
S O WHAT ARE THE QUALITIES OF A 21 ST CENTURY SCHOOL LIBRARY MEDIA CENTER ? MEMO Standards for Effective School Library Media Programs – 2000 Essential and fully integrated Information literacy standards integral to curriculum Models and promotes collaborative planning and teaching Full range of information resources and services
MEMO S TANDARDS ( CONTINUED ) Flexible and equitable access to learning resources Collection and resources supports curriculum Shows commitment to intellectual freedom Supports mission and goals of school Adequately and professionally staffed Ongoing administrative support Program assessment
MEMO S TANDARDS ( CONTINUED ) Encourage reading, viewing, and listening Support diverse learning needs, abilities and styles Integrate use of technology Links to larger learning community Intellectual access to information and ideas Physical access to information and resources Climate conducive to learning
MEMO S TANDARDS ( CONTINUED ) Adequately funded Mission goals and impact of program clearly communicated Human, financial and physical resources effectively managed
THE DIGITAL STUDENT Net Generation, Generation Y, Millenials, Digital Natives, iGeneration, ADHD Generation (your own term here) Constantly connected Multi-taskers Instant gratification Internet first Comfortable with online relationships Work in teams Games
R EADING, W RITING AND THE W EB Web 2.0 Blogs Wikis Mini Blogs (Twitter, Plurk) Social Networking YouTube Second Life Instant Messaging
T HE 21 ST CENTURY SCHOOL LIBRARY Integrated and essential – don’t forget VISIBLE Promotes collaborative planning and teaching Supplies full range of information resources in multiple formats Supports diverse learning needs, abilities and styles Integrates technology with real world learning Promotes 21 st century information and technology literacy skills Suggestions?
F OR EXAMPLE THE LIBRARY WEBSITE At a minimum: Access to MnKNOWS resources (ELM, etc.) Destiny Catalog or Library System Online Curriculum Resources – Administrator Resources Hours of operation Contact information
T RY THIS YOURSELF : Google a school district not your own Go there and choose a school From the school web page can you find the media center? Can you even find the link to the catalog? How long did it take you? Is there any information there besides links to data bases or the catalog? Did you see anything you could use? What would you do differently?
V ISIBILITY AND PROGRAM DATA What data are you collecting on your program? Do you report regularly to your administrator? Do you reach out to the parent community? Do your teacher colleagues rely on you to accomplish their goals? Do you reach out to them? Do you design projects? Do you teach? Do you participate in curriculum design? Do you have a relationship with the technology department?
C OLLECTION Are you making maximum use of FREE online databases (ELM) Are you weeding? Do you maximize use of your automation system? Does your collection proactively support the curriculum? Do teacher colleagues know how to use library resources? Are you exploring new technologies or media? Do you provide professional resources to colleagues?
F ACILITY How is it arranged? Does the physical arrangement encourage collaboration? Or solitude? Is it accessible all day? Or longer? Are materials readily accessible? Is it attractive and welcoming?
A CCESS Before and after school? Online 24 X 7? When is the librarian available? Is the catalog automated and searchable? Are other groups able to use the library? Do you have enough computer access?
T HE L IBRARIAN Are you nice or scary? Do you understand the needs of a 21 st century student? Are you embracing technology? Would “technology integrationist” describe you? Are you knowledgeable about online resources? Are you actively collaborating with your teachers and administrator(s)? Do you read journals and keep up with trends in your profession? Are you a MEMO member? Are you tired?
W HAT DOES ONE LOOK LIKE : T HE U NQUIET L IBRARY Buffy Hamilton Creekview High School Cherokee County School District Canton, Georgia
W HAT NEXT Small steps are OK! What would you like to do differently? How can you start accomplishing your goals?