Comparison of anthropogenic emissions among AeroCom-II inventories Xiaohua Pan, Mian Chin, Thomas Diehl and Angelika Heil.


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Presentation transcript:

comparison of anthropogenic emissions among AeroCom-II inventories Xiaohua Pan, Mian Chin, Thomas Diehl and Angelika Heil

AeroCom emissions AeroCom – II ACCMIP ACCMIP AeroCom – II HCA0 v1/v2 AeroCom - I contactA Heil JF Lamarque T Diehl F Dentener temporal resolution 1850, yearly monthly decadal monthly yearly 1750, 2000 yearly monthly spatial resolution 0.5 o x0.5 o 1 o x1 o unitkg/m2/s kg/grid/yr species BC, OC, SO 2, CO, CH 4, NH 3, NO x BC, OC, SO 2, CO, CH 4, NH 3, NO x, VOC BC, OC, SO 2 updated SO 2 BC, OC, SO 2, DU, SS, SOA sectors 8 anthr, ship, air 2 bb (GFED-2 and RETRO) 8 anthr, ship, air 2 bb (GFED-2) 8 anthrop 2 bb (GFED-2) 8 anthrop 2 bb (GFED-1)

must know … about AeroCom-II ACCMIP annual AeroCom-II ACCMIP emission (i.e. 1850, 1980 to 2000) were calculated from linear time interpolation of AEROCOM-II IPCC- AR5 decadal data inter-annual monthly biomass until 2008 use of rcp8.5 scenario for period addressed are: anthropogenic and biomass burning emissions of seven selected species – BC, OC, CO, CH4, NH3, SO2, NOx aircraft emissions are stored in separate (annual) files … because of their 3D nature

ancillary data … of AeroCom-II ACCMIP grid area – the grid area for each 0.5deg horizontal grid cell (in m 2 assuming an earth radius of meters) region mask – based on IMAGE 24

must know … AeroCom – II HCA0 v1/v2 yearly emission (1980 to 2006) sub-micron aerosol – fossil fuel BC (spew, 1996 ), OC (spew, 1996 ), SO 2 (edgar, 2000 ) time-evolution by D.Streets – wild-land fires BC, OC, SO 2 (GFED-2, before 1997 AVHRR-scaling) – aircraft … by Boeing (61 altitudes) – ship… by Eyring volcanic aerosol – explosive … viaTOMS satellite data – continuous … from GEIA inventory

HCA0 v1 vs HDA0 v2 new v2 has diff. SO 2 edgar 2000  edgar less SO 2 over Europe - more SO 2 over N.Africa

anthrop. SO 2 emissions over EU ver.1 ver.2

AeroCom – II HCA0 v2

comparisons ACCMIP “IPCC: ACCMIP-hist. / rcp 8.5” AeroCom-II ACCMIP “MACCity: ACCMIP MACCity” AeroCom-II HCA0 v1/v2 “AeroComHC: AeroCom-HC”

anthropogenic emission - SO 2 ACCMIP IPCC: ACCMIP-hist. / rcp 8.5 AeroCom-II ACCMIP MACCity: ACCMIP MACCity AeroCom-II HCA0 v1/v2 AeroComHC: AeroCom-HC regional choices by Mian Chin ACCMIP AeroCom-II ACCMIP

anthropogenic emission - BC ACCMIP IPCC: ACCMIP-hist. / rcp 8.5 AeroCom-II ACCMIP MACCity: ACCMIP MACCity AeroCom-II HCA0 v1/v2 AeroComHC: AeroCom-HC regional choices by Mian Chin AeroCom-II ACCMIP ACCMIP

anthropogenic emission - OC ACCMIP IPCC: ACCMIP-hist. / rcp 8.5 AeroCom-II ACCMIP MACCity: ACCMIP MACCity AeroCom-II HCA0 v1/v2 AeroComHC: AeroCom-HC regional choices by Mian Chin AeroCom-II ACCMIP ACCMIP

anthrop. SO 2, BC and OC … by sector AeroCom-II ACCMIP vs ACCMIP species – SO2, BC and OC years – 1980, 1990, 2000 and 2010 sectors – ene, ind, tra, dom, slv, agr, awb, wst – shp (ship)

AeroCom-II ACCMIP SO2… by sector 1980

ACCMIP SO2 … by sector 1980

In MACCity: slv=agr=0 AeroCom-II ACCMIP SO2 … by sector 1990

ACCMIP SO2 … by sector 1990

AeroCom-II ACCMIP SO2 … by sector 2000

ACCMIP SO2 … by sector 2000

AeroCom-II ACCMIP SO2 … by sector 2010

ACCMIP SO2 … by sector 2010

AeroCom-II ACCMIP BC … by sector 1980

ACCMIP BC … by sector 1980

AeroCom-II ACCMIP BC … by sector 1990

ACCMIP BC … by sector 1990

AeroCom-II ACCMIP BC … by sector 2000

ACCMIP BC … by sector 200

AeroCom-II ACCMIP BC … by sector 2010

ACCMIP BC … by sector 2010

AeroCom-II ACCMIP OC … by sector 1980

ACCMIP OC … by sector 1980

AeroCom-II ACCMIP OC … by sector 1990

ACCMIP OC … by sector 1990

AeroCom-II ACCMIP OC … by sector 2000

ACCMIP OC … by sector 2000

AeroCom-II ACCMIP OC … by sector 2010

ACCMIP OC … by sector 2010

conclusions (1) AeroCom-II ACCMIP vs. ACCMIP annual means are identical – except for ship-emissions (2-6% smaller for only 1980 and 1990 in AeroCom (-II ACCMIP ) due to the linear time interpolation procedure taking into account the *true* original timestamps) – except for biomass burning emissions AeroCom biomass burning has strong inter- annual variations (1980 to 2006) - ACCMIP not AeroCom is CF compliant - ACCMIP not

conclusions (2) AeroCom-II ACCMIP vs AeroCom-II HCA0 v1 old SO 2 data – AeroCom ACCMIP has lower anthro. SO2 emissions Europe after 1990 (~ half less) & Asia (~ 30% less) – AeroCom ACCMIP has higher anthro. OC emissions Europe after 1990 (~ double) & Asia (~ 50% more) – anthrop. BC emissions are comparable