Simons Valley School Coming Together
4 Areas of Focus 1. Building Community 2. Team Teaching 3. Reading Comprehension across the curriculum 4. Assessment in reading
Building Community Theory of Action If we build school community and leadership opportunities for every student through the establishment and implementation of activities based on leadership and personal interests Then students will participate in active citizenship both in the classroom and throughout the school community, develop a feeling of belonging and an understanding of citizenship in learning as described in Ends 3, and then student achievement will increase.
Ends 3 - Citizenship Each student will be a responsible citizen by being an informed and involved member in his or her local, national and global communities. Accordingly, each student will: 1. Participate in developing and maintaining our Canadian civil, democratic society; 2. Understand the responsibilities of citizenship in local, national and international contexts; 3. Respect and embrace cultural diversity; 4. Develop the skills necessary to work and communicate effectively with others; 5. Actively contribute to creating a better local and global community.
Team Teaching Theory of Action If the school is organized into grade teaching teams with daily support from school-based learning leaders, educational assistants, administration, and extra teaching support from 3 other teachers 2 times every 6 days then we will advance the practices of personalization according to the needs and interests of each student, every day, no exceptions, and then student achievement will increase.
Why team teaching? Meet the needs of more students at one time; personalization of learning; every student, every day, no exception Students have opportunity to interact with different teachers with different teaching styles that will match student learning styles and personalities Teachers plan and teach together – consistency of programming When teacher is absent, no interruption of instruction and learning Timetable arranged so 2 times every 6 days, three extra teachers are in the classroom to give support to students according to needs, based on knowledge of classroom teachers. With more teachers available, tasks can be richer and more engaging.
Why Team Teaching? Students who require quieter work space and instruction have that need met through the breakout space – with teacher support. Flexible groupings for needs and interests allow more intentional instruction as needed Model highlights strengths and interests of teachers in a dynamic classroom so all students can benefit
Reading Theory of Action If teachers are supported in developing instructional reading strategies based on sound research supported practice, through PLC study, along with daily instructional support from school-based learning leaders, educational assistants, administration, and extra teaching support from 3 other teachers 2 times every 6 days Then reading skills and strategies will be taught intentionally and purposefully across the curriculum based on common assessment practices and data collection according to a student’s personalized needs and interests Then student achievement will improve.
PAT Scores – Gr. 6 Reading
PAT Scores – Gr. 3 Reading
Assessment Theory of Action If teachers use consistent, common and varied forms of formative and summative assessment based on learner outcomes and personalized learning opportunities for learners, Then teacher knowledge and skill will increase, student engagement will increase, learning tasks will be rich and relevant and be based on clear assessments of student learning strengths, needs and interests, and then student achievement will increase.
Assessment Summative: Fountas & Pinnell Gives us a baseline as to where a child is reading. Consistent understanding of reading levels. Also a diagnostic tool so we know what skills need to be addressed in order to improve reading. Formative: Guided reading Anecdotal recording Running records Daily work in reading and comprehension across all core subject areas
13 Personalization of Learning Task predicts performance (Elmore 2009) The real system accountability is in the tasks that students are asked to do (Elmore 2009) Work students undertake is worthwhile (Friesen 2009) The work fosters deep understanding (Friesen 2009)
Other Info: First School Council meeting – October 5, :00 in library Early Literacy workshop for parents – Kindergarten to Gr. 3. Wednesday, Sept. 28 in library 7:00 – 8:00 Workshop – Dealing with the Anxious Child coming in October Parent Volunteer workshop – Oct. 9:00 in library Concern about vandalism in playground: $ damage this summer Disturbing graffiti both this spring and again this week Have contacted security at CBE, attending community meeting Oct. 6