Super Stallion Apples: Which variety of apple has more seeds? Lulu M. Stevens Elementary Kindergarten- Mr. Villa April 11, 2013
PROBLEM: We are trying want to find out which apple has more seeds.
HYPOTHESIS: If we take three kinds of apples and count their seeds, then we think that the Granny Smith Apple will have more seeds because it is a green apple.
HYPOTHESIS: This is our graph of our Hypothesis.
VARIABLE: CONTROL: Gala Apple Red Delicious Apple Granny Smith Apple We used three variety of apples, Gala, Granny Smith, and Red Delicious. Everything else stayed the same: washing and cutting the apples, removing and counting the seeds, and gluing and comparing our results. Gala Apple Granny Smith Apple Red Delicious Apple
MATERIALS: 5 Gala Apples 5 Red Delicious Apples 5 Granny Smith Apples 3 Ten-Frame Templates Graph Paper 3 Paper trays 3 small plastic containers Paper towels Glue Spoons
PROCEDURE: 1.Wash each apple so it will be clean. 2. An adult uses a knife to cut each apple and remove its core. 3. Use a spoon and/or fingers to remove each seed. 4. Put the seed in the container so it will not get lost.
PROCEDURE: 5. Glue each seed into a ten frame. 6. Compare the results of each variety of apple. Gala: 10 seeds Red Delicious: 9 seeds Granny Smith: 26 seeds
RESULTS/DATA: The Granny Smith Apple had more seeds than the Gala or Red Delicious variety. Gala: 10 seeds Red Delicious: 9 seeds Granny Smith: 26 seeds
CONCLUSION: The majority of our classmates who chose the Granny Smith Apple proved their hypothesis correctly: the Granny Smith Apple did in fact have more seeds than the Gala and Red Delicious Apples.