Yolanda Ursa (INMARK) ICT Day Opportunities to participate in EU ICT research projects San José, 16 February 2010 Building ICT Projects. Getting through the maze
Objectives: Topics Covered: Building ICT Projects. Getting through the maze Understanding how to apply to ICT call for proposals Explaining the steps and rules for preparing ICT proposals Outlining the project proposal structure Providing the keys to find the right partners Steps for preparing ICT proposals Identify ICT priorities and Funding schemes Find project partners Key documents for proposals writing ICT Proposal structure Electronic Proposal Submission Service (EPSS) From the proposal to the project
1.Identification of research areas in the ICT work programme 2.Find a Call in 3.Confirm that the funding mechanisms available are appropriate for your goals Steps for preparing ICT proposals 4.Build a quality international consortium that: Meets the minimum participation rules for the call for proposals Has a mix of different types of organisations Has the right mix of competencies and track record Is complementary in terms of skills and perspective 5.Familiarise the consortium with specific guidance documentation and templates published by the European Commission for the targeted call for proposals 6.Draft a comprehensive proposal document following the Guide for Applicants 7.Submit the proposal to the European Commission.
Chal-4 Digital Libraries & Content Chal-5 Sustainable & Personalised Healthcare Chal-6 ICT for Mobility, Environment. Sustain.& Energy Efficiency Chal-7 ICT for Indep. Living Inclusion & Governance End-to-end Systems, Socio-economic Goals Future and Emerging Technologies Chal-2 Cognitive Systems, Interaction, Robotics Chal-1 Pervasive & Trustworthy Network and Servic. Infrast. Chal-3 Components, Systems, Engineering Technology Roadblocks ICT Work Programme Priorities
Collaborative projects (CP) Funding schemes: Types of projects Coordination and support actions (CSA) Specific research objective in a clearly focused approach. Comprehensive programme approach. Full innovation cycle from concept to pre-competitive services/products. Coordination or networking actions of research and innovation activities. Support Actions (SA) Designed to stimulate and encourage the participation of SME´s, civil organisations, remote searchers center. Help in preparation for future Community research policy Networks of Excellence (NoE) Designed for research institutions willing to combine and functionally integrate a substantial part of their activities and capacities in a given field, in order to create a European "virtual research centre" in this field. Focused research projects with clearly defined scientific and technological objectives Large Scale Integrating projects (IP) Small or medium scale focused research action (STREP) Coordinating or supporting research activities and policies Coordination Actions (CA)
Cordis Partners Service : Publish your partners profile by entering your project idea or specific expertise Search the Partners profiles submitted by other organizations Update or delete your existing profile on-line at any time Partners notification facility National Contact Points: For general advice and for finding partners from other countries Ideal-ist project : Provides a web-based platform for joining ICT projects and finding partners Your own Networwing PRO-IDEAL project Build the Consortium/project partners How to find partners:
The call fiche The work programme The Guides for Applicants relevant to the funding schemes Guide for applicants (Coordination Actions - CA) and ERA Net plus actions Guide for applicants (Support Actions - SA) Guide for Applicants (Collaborative projects: large scale Integrating Projects - IP) Guide for applicants (Collaborative projects - Small and Medium-scale focused Research Projects - STREP) Guide for applicants (Networks of Excellence - NoE) Key documents Available at
Proposal abstract Section 1: Scientific and/or technical quality, relevant to the topics addressed by the call (Maximum length for the whole of Section 1 – twenty pages. This does not include the Gantt chart, Pert diagram or tables 1.3a-e) 1.1Concept and objectives 1.2Progress beyond the state-of-the-art 1.3S/T methodology and associated work plan i)Overall strategy of the work plan (Maximum length – one page) ii)Timing of the different WPs and their components (Gantt chart or similar). iii)Detailed work description broken down into work packages: Work package list (table 1.3a); Deliverables list (table 1.3b); List of milestones (table 1.3c) Description of each work package (table 1.3d) Summary effort (table 1.3e) iv)Graphical presentation of the components (Pert diagram or similar) v)Significant risks, and associated contingency plans Section 2. Implementation 2.1 Management structure and procedures (Maximum length for Section five pages) 2.2 Individual participants (Maximum length for Section 2.2: one page per participant) 2.3 Consortium as a whole (No maximum length for Section 2.3 – depends on the size and complexity of the consortium) 2.4 Resources to be committed (Maximum length for Section 2.4 – two pages) Section 3.Impact (Maximum length for the whole of Section 3 – ten pages) 3.1 Expected impacts listed in the work programme 3.2 Dissemination and/or exploitation of project results, and management of intellectual property Part B – Contents
Part A – the Forms (1)
Proposal Acronym Proposal Title Duration in months Call (part) identifier (e.g. FP7-ICT ) Topic code(s) most relevant for the proposal Free Keywordfs Abstract Personnel costs Subcontracting Other direct costs Indirect costs –Real indirect costs –Standard flat rate 20% –Flat rate 60% for SMEs, Research organisations, NGOs (until 2010) Total budget Requested EC contribution Part A – the Forms (2) Section A1: Summary Section A3: Budget Participant number Participant IdentificationCode Legal name Organisation Short Name Legal address Organisation type Contact details Section A2: Participants
Proposals must be submitted electronically, using the Commission's Electronic Proposal Submission Service (EPSS) You can access the EPSS from the call page on CORDIS. Coordinators can: register the proposal set up (and modify) the consortium complete all of Part A of the proposal download document template for writing Part B upload finished Part B submit the complete proposal Part A and Part B Other participants can: complete their own sections A2 (participant details) download the document template for writing Part B view the whole proposal Submitting a proposal online - EPSS
Proposal submission Eligibility Evaluation by Experts Negotiation Project starts Coordinator: EPSS submission before deadline EC: Check eligibility criteria Eligible proposals are evaluated by independent experts (2-3 months) Successful proposals enter into financial and technical negotiations with the EC (3-4 months) Grant Agreement signed between the EC and the coordinator > the project officially stars (6-8 months after proposal submission) From the proposal to the project
Thank You Yolanda Ursa Tel- (+34)
FP7 activities: CORDIS: The official entry point to Europe’s Seventh Framework Programme for research and technology development (FP7), its specific programmes, activities, themes and latest developments. ICT Website brings together information on: –the FP7 ICT research programme and its objectives;programme –participating in ICT research under FP7 – including calls for proposals;participatingcalls –research and development projects carried out under FP7 and FP7;projects –the latest news on programme, projects and participation in the ICT Newsroom.news Practical guide to EU funding opportunities for research and innovation. Rev 2 02/12/ FP7 National Contact Points: FP7 Helpdesk: Partners Search Facilities Sources of information