Roundtable II Monitoring and Incentives for Performance in Indonesia
Elements of a successful M&E framework in Indonesia Change of mindset: shifting to new paradigm - Evaluation of effectiveness of budget – Improving policy perspective of view related to budget - Performance results to be feedback to LM From budget administrator to budget analyst - Analytical capacity improvement - Improvement in budget allocation policy
What can be Achieved ? 1-2 years ahead: – IT Based, MoF Evaluation for Shaping the Effectiveness of Budgeting System – Self-evaluation by line ministries (LM) – Meta-evaluation by MOF/BAPPENAS 4-5 years ahead: - Field evaluation -> Strategic evaluation - Feedback system for LM established
Implementation arrangements (Who does what?) Joint Technical Team (BAPPENAS and MOF) to cover effective monitoring and incentive system improvement and development, as a part of Budget Reform process International donors (who assisted this seminar) continue to provide necessary assistance and cooperation.