Presented by: Presented By: MIL-STD 881 Update: NDIA PMSC Neil F. Albert MCR, LLC 12 May 2010.


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Presentation transcript:

presented by: Presented By: MIL-STD 881 Update: NDIA PMSC Neil F. Albert MCR, LLC 12 May 2010

Overview Background Status of Appendices Other Activities Conclusion 2

Background of MIL-STD Update Update initiated in October 2008 with requirement to: –Update to Incorporate Changes to reflect DoD Acquisition Policy and Guidance (DODI ) –Add/Improve upon WBS Definitions –Clarify How WBS can be used with Newer Terms and Processes –Ensure the WBS is characterized as an Acquisition tool –WBS to support budget, cost, schedule, technical, contractual and performance management –Ensure Industry Participation Mr. Young’s memorandum of 9 January 2009 –Establishes MIL-HDBK as MIL-STD to ensure consistency in application –Enforces April 2005 Memorandum - WBS is consistent for Cost Estimating (CCDR), Performance Measurement (EVM), and Scheduling (IMS) –Supports development/maintenance of Central Repository 3

Systems/Appendices Addressed Established focus groups to update WBS and definitions for all appendices and add new appendices –Government and industry participation includes Program Offices, Systems/Software Engineers, Cost Estimating and EVM communities –Systems/Appendices Addressed Aircraft Systems AIS/ERP Systems (new appendix) Electronic Systems including embedded SW (adding templates: Processors, EW, Radar, Comm, Nav/Guide) Missile Systems Launch Vehicles (new appendix) Space Systems Unmanned Aircraft Systems Sea Systems Unmanned Sea Systems (new appendix) Ordnance Systems Surface Vehicle Systems Propulsion Systems (added to Appendix B) Construction (adding template) Common Elements System of Systems (new addendum) 4

Status of Appendices Aircraft Systems (Draft Completed) –Working Group met Face-To-Face in December to finalize the structure and definitions –Working group completed their review and internal coordination –Will be ready for final coordination within the next couple of months AIS/ERP Systems (new appendix) (Draft Completed) –Created structure –Working group completed their review and internal coordination –Will be ready for final coordination within the next couple of months Electronic Systems including embedded SW (Draft Completed – Templates in process) –No change to WBS structure in MIL-STD –Software definitions and structures inserted per the working Software Working Group –Creating templates for Processors, EW, Radar, Comm, Nav/Guide (hosted outside the STD) –Participation weak from industry on receiving templates –Requested AFCAA and DCARC to provide additional templates Missile Systems (Draft Completed) –Working Group met Face-To-Face in December to finalize the structure and definitions –Working group completed their review and internal coordination –Will be ready for final coordination within the next couple of months Launch Vehicles (new appendix) –Working Group met Face-To-Face in February to finalize the structure and definitions –Working group working on their review and internal coordination –Working group will meet in June to finalize by July –Will be ready for final coordination within the next couple of months 5

Automated Information Systems WBS Structure 6 Level 1Level 2Level 3Level 4 Automated Information System (AIS) Automated Information System Prime Mission Product Release/Increment X Custom Application Software 1..n Subsystem Hardware Subsystem Software CSCI (1...n) Subsystem Software Integration, Assembly, Test and Checkout Enterprise Service Element 1..n Enterprise Servic e Element Hardware Enterprise Service Element Software CSCI (1...n) Enterprise Service Element Integration, Assembly, Test and checkout Enterprise Information System 1..n Business Area Hardware Business Area Software CSCI (1..n) Business Area Integration, Assembly, Test and checkout External System Interface Development 1..n External System Interface Hardware External System Interface Software CSCI (1..n) External System Interface Integration, Assembly, Test and checkout System Level Integration

Status of Appendices Space Systems (Draft Completed) –Structure and definitions developed by JSCC working group has been edited to read like the other appendices –Working group completed their review and internal coordination –Will be ready for final coordination within the next couple of months Unmanned Aircraft Systems (Draft Completed) –Working Group met Face-To-Face in December to finalize the structure and definitions –Working group completed their review and internal coordination –Will be ready for final coordination within the next couple of months Sea Systems (No Change to HDBK Appendix) –Structure will remain the same. –Expecting a letter from PARCA stating all new Ship contracts must use the MIL-STD product oriented WBS structure for all cost and EV reporting. Unmanned Sea (Marine) Systems (new appendix) –Move to definition phase; ensure commonality with UAV –Working Group reviewed appendix in February and provided inputs. –Planning for working group meeting in June to finalize by July 7

Unmanned Air Vehicle (UAV) WBS Structure 8 Level 1Level 2Level 3Level 4 UAV System Air Vehicle Airframe Fuselage Wing Empennage Nacelle Other Airframe Components 1…n (Specify) Airframe Integration, Assembly, Test, and Checkout Propulsion Vehicle Subsystems Flight Control Subsystem Auxiliary Power Subsystem Hydraulic Subsystem Electrical Subsystem Environmental Control Subsystem Fuel Subsystem Landing Gear Rotor Group Drive System Other Vehicle Subsystems 1…n (Specify) Vehicle Subsystems Software Vehicle Subsystems Integration, Assembly, Test, and Checkout Avionics Communication/Identification Navigation/Guidance Automatic Flight Control Health Monitoring System Stores Management Mission Computer/Processing Fire Control Avionics Software Other Avionics Subsystems 1…n (Specify) Avionics Software Avionics Integration, Assembly, Test, and Checkout Auxiliary Equipment Other Air Vehicle Subsystems 1…n (Specify) Air Vehicle Software A/V Integration Assy, Test & Checkout (IAT&CO)

Unmanned Air Vehicle (UAV) WBS Structure (Cont’d) 9 Level 1Level 2Level 3Level 4 UAV System Air Vehicle Payload Survivability Payload (1…n) Reconnaissance Payload (1…n) Electronic Warfare Payload (1…n) Armament/Weapons Delivery Payload (1…n) Other Payload 1…n (Specify) Payload Software Payload IAT&CO Ground/Host Segment Ground Control Systems Command and Control Subsystem Launch and Recovery Equipment Transport Vehicles Other Ground Segment 1..n(Specify) Ground Segment Software Ground Segment Integration, Assembly, Test, and Checkout UAV Software UAV System Integration, Assembly, Test, and Checkout

Status of Appendices Ordnance Systems (Draft Completed) –Working Group met Face-To-Face in December to finalize the structure and definitions –Working group completed their review and internal coordination –Will be sent for final coordination within the next couple of months Surface Vehicle Systems (Draft Completed) –Working Group met Face-To-Face in December to finalize the structure and definitions –Working group completed their review and internal coordination –Will be sent for final coordination within the next couple of months Propulsion Systems (new addendum) –Creating structure –These may appear as Templates associated with Appendix B –Meeting planned for June Construction (new appendix) (Delayed) –Due to lack of industry and government participation, this will not be added to the STD System of Systems (new addendum) –Providing more detailed definition and approach –Working with OSD/SSE –Issues: Late start –Policy Document –In process; to be completed by end of June beginning of July 10

Surface Vehicle 11 Level 1Level 2Level 3 Surface Vehicle System Primary Vehicle Hull/Frame/Body/Cab System Survivability Turret Assembly Suspension/Steering Vehicle Electronics Power Package/Drive Train Auxiliary Auto Fire Control Armament Automatic Ammunition Handling Navigation and Remote Piloting Special Equipment Communications Other Vehicle Subsystems (1…n) (Specify) Primary Vehicle Software Primary Vehicle Integration Assembly Test and Checkout Remote Control System (UGV specific) Ground Control Systems Command and Control Subsystem Remote Control System Software RemoteControl System Integration, Assembly, Test and Checkout Secondary Vehicle

Other Activities Intelligence Community –Working with the AF Intelligence community to ensure that Intel information and costs are captured within the appropriate WBS elements throughout the lifecycle Rewriting Common elements Appendix –Each Focus Group reviews all elements of WBS for their appendix –Creates unique common elements which affects their system –Reviewing elements to ensure synergy across systems –Working with the Logistics/O&M to ensure it is captured properly in the STD 12

Conclusion Government and Industry worked together to ensure common definitions and application Software and the ability to capture new technology incorporated into all appendices Construction effort – delayed due to lack of participation from Corps of Engineers and Navy Facilities Coordinated effort with Logistics/O&M effort by OSD CAPE –Interim Contractor Support/Contractor Logistics Support Anticipated Schedule –Finish definitions and rewrite by end of July –Send to Government/Industry for final review Aug - Sept –Publish final version targeted for October