Karyn Z. Sproles, Director of Faculty Development USI Service Learning Summer Institute 16 June 2008
Communicating goals and process The Promising syllabus Preparing students for independent learning Connecting classroom and “real” world Checking in on students’ learning In-class assessment techniques
Thomas A. Angelo & K. Patricia Cross. Classroom Assessment Techniques: A Handbook for Teachers, second ed. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass Complete the inventory for the course you are working on this week
Complete the self-scoring sheet What are your our primary goals for this course? (list on back of self-scoring sheet)
Discuss with your table: 1. What do you hope your students will be able to do and to know at the end of this course? 2. How are these outcomes connected to service learning?
Ken Bain, Director, The Center for Teaching Excellence & Advancing University Learning, Montclair State University (Mercer, New York) abushr/default.htm abushr/default.htm James M. Lang. The Chronicle of Higher Education: Chronicle Careers. Monday, August 28, c/printable.html c/printable.html
Explain to students what they can expect to know or be able to do by the end of the semester—This is the course’s promise Describe the activities (readings, assingments, service learning projects) that will help students fulfill the course’s promise Begin discussing how student learning will be demonstrated & evaluated throughout the course
Describe one of your favorite classroom activities or assignments
With a partner, discuss the activity or assignment you described and how it connects—or might connect—to a service learning course
1 minute papers What’s the muddiest point? Summarize X (a concept, lecture, reading) in one sentence for a specific audience (classmate, community partner, high school student) Draw a picture of X (concept, lecture, reading) One thing you learned today/One thing you feel you need to know more about Make a connection: e.g., between X (concept, lecture, reading) and your service learning project