Improving California College San Diego By: Barbara Cannon
What needs to be improved? Lack of communication Staff staff Staff students Lack of Knowledge Who is in charge of what Students not being taken care of No response to s Class schedules messed up
Strategic Capacity Planning The objective of strategic capacity planning is to reach an optimal level where production capabilities meet demand. Capacity needs include employment skills, equipment, and space New campus good Equipment *not enough books at times Not enough equipment at other campuses, students left standing around
The Nature of Services Customers (students) always come first Students having problems with contacting staff (no responses)
The Nature of Services Cont. Schedules come out late Deans are too busy with their schedule to respond Students given more advanced classes before the beginners (i.e. phr109 before phr100)
Organizational learning Staff doesn’t know who is in charge of what Students given the run around Students do all the foot work
References Jacobs, F. R. (2011). Operations and Supply Chain Management (Vol. XIII). (S. Mattson, Ed.) New York: McGraw- Hill/Irwin.