Requested Faculty Input 4 Packages 1.Course catalog description, List of CLO (Achieved) 2.List of assessments, List of activities- Today 3.Course topics by week, Instructional methods 4.Mapping of CLO, activities and assessments into SO, Exposure hours for each CLO 1
Assessment Assessment tools are used in the course level to assist: _ the course learning objectives _ the Program Outcomes that the course is expected to address 2
Assessment The more tools used to assess a specific course learning objective, the greater the likelihood that the assessment will be both valid and reliable. Direct assessment is the key element to demonstrate satisfying the requirements of ABET Criteria 3
Assessment Direct assessment tools are used to measure the degree to which each student has achieved each course learning objective by the completion of the course. It is advisable that Written tests or test items should have a clear link to course learning objectives Some of the tools may be 4
Direct Assessment Tools Final Exam Midterm Exam Test Quiz Lab Test Project Report Research Report Discussion Presentation Graded Exercises 5
Possible Activities Lectures,IN Tutorial,IN Lab,IN Class Discussion,IN Thinking-based Activity,IN Problem-based Instruction,IN Programming Assignment,OUT Exercises,OUT Textbook Problems,OUT Online Discussion,OUT Project,OUT Group Project,OUT Reading/Selfstudy,OUT Research,OUT 6
Method of sending When to submit? Kindly before next session Saturday May 21 How to submit? Check your For list of assessments send mail to: For list of activities send mail to: 7