Background AO K’cell is a part of the largest Scandinavian telecommunications holding TeliaSonera. 1998 – AO K’cell is established. 1999 – the creation of the brand K’cell and the production of Activ cards. 2000 – market share of K’cell has reached 70%
YearUsersNotes Drop in prices by 20% for calls among the users of K’cell cities are covered. Roaming with 100 countries. 2009Over The territory with 80% of the population of Kazakhstan is covered. The amount of investments exceeded $1.2 billon K’cell is the official operator of Winter Asian Olympics. Very cheap plans for the calls and mobile Internet are introduced The rates for calls and internet are even cheaper. K’cell is a sponsor of many official events.
Tele2 started as a telecommunications company in Sweden in the late 1970s by the company Industriförvaltnings AB Kinnevik. In 1981, a mobile phone provider called Comvik started as an alternative mobile phone operator to TeleverketSweden Industriförvaltnings AB Kinnevik Kazakhstan 52% of Neo Telecom was purchased by Tele2 in early 2010 to serve as a base for the company's mobile services in Kazakhstan. Tele2 has an option to buy the remaining 49% of Neo Telecom within 5 years after the contract was closed. Tele2 is the smallest of three mobile oВ декабре 2009 компания подписала контракт о приобретении 51 % акций казахстанского сотового оператора «Мобайл Телеком-Сервис» (МТС) у государственного оператора фиксированной связи Казахтелеком (сделка была завершена в марте 2010 года[17]). Сумма сделки составила 545 млн шведских крон ($76,7 млн) с обязательством инвестировать в оператора 360 млн крон ($50,6 млн). Tele2 также получил опцион на выкуп в течение 5 лет оставшихся 49 % акций МТС, принадлежащих частной компании Amun Capital[18]. 29 апреля 2012 года Tele2 осуществил запуск сети сотовой связи в Атырауской области, после чего оператор стал работать во всех регионах Казахстана[19].perators in Kazakhstan with about 1.5 million customers.
BEELINE The company “VympelKom” is one of the largest telecommunications companies of Russia and CIS. Established in Beeline represents the mobile communications, Internet, and IP- television. Established in 1993, and six years later became a leader in Moscow’s market (47% share). Up until 2011, Beeline was the most expensive Russian brand. It had 100 million users all over the world. However, the profitability of the brand kept decreasing. In 2010, Beeline lost the competition to MTS and Megafon. the number of users greatly decreased. The company blames it on the cuts on the advertising budget.