Searching for Information: advanced & using Endnote Web to manage references Sport & Exercise Science Year 2: Autumn 2012 Peter Bradley: Subject Librarian for Health, UoBath Images provided by Microsoft Clipart
By the end of this session, we’ll cover: Changes to PubMed & Catalogue (can now perform a broader topic search using Catalogue ) Cochrane Library (briefly) Saving results from Web of K to Endnote Web Hands-on practice But first, a few questions…
Which of the following do you search? 1.Web of Knowledge 2.PubMed 3.Both the above 4.Neither
If you do use Web of K: which of these features have you used to find additional results? 1.Times Cited 2.Related Records 3.Both of these 4.Neither of these
In a general Web of K key word search: which drop-down menu option must be selected for each search field used? 1.Topic 2.Title
Which of the following do you normally use to manage your references? 1.Endnote Web 2.Endnote 3.Neither
obesity OR overweight? OR weight? others? Self- determination OR intrinsic motivation OR self- regulation others? physical activity OR physical education OR exercise OR sport* others? AND Searching: don’t forget to identify multiple sub-themes, think of alternative terms & enter each sub-theme in a separate search field
Catalogue topic search: Advanced search is a useful option
Many results: although in order of “relevance”, those that are most relevant to your specific assignment may not appear within the first page or so… You can also use filters to refine results & click description for more info
Select results of interest for ‘My Collection’: click on star next to relevant result
My Collection (need to be signed in): can also send selected results to you Endnote Web &
PubMed: - try searching with & without asterisks & speech marks - note also advanced option for multiple-field searching
Results (note potential & additional filters)
Results: can save/ via ‘send to Save file in summary text format for Endnote Web Click on a result for more information
Sometimes there are direct links to the full-text online: Links may appear as publisher logos Can also search for article title in Library Catalogue e.g. printed format
If use advanced search: put brackets around themed sets of search terms (note this time, I’m trying search without speech marks and asterisks this time)
Cochrane Library: systematic reviews Systematic reviews aim to evaluate a range of results from different trials by employing a standardised measure that takes different methodologies & group sizes into account All systematic reviews available in full To save records: use Export options
Cochrane Library : try advanced search where you can limit to systematic reviews
Searching Databases & using Endnote Web
Endnote Web or Endnote: what are they? which is better? Both enable you to: Collect & organise references from multiple sources (inc. Web of K) in the Journal of Sports Sciences reference style (as well as other styles) ‘Cite as you write’ i.e. import in-text citations & full references from Endnote/Web into your assignments (Microsoft Word). Endnote Web: Free access: keep references for duration of studies at Bath Uni + one year Generally seen as more suitable for undergraduates Endnote: Access on-campus via university network Can keep your references in perpetuity if purchase own copy c£50-60: Could transfer Endnote Web references to Endnote at a later date
Health resources:
Web of Knowledge: Recent changes & saving results to Endnote Web - can log onto ‘My Endnote Web’ before searches
No WoK password? Click on register
Web of Knowledge & saving results to Endnote Web: Sign in/register to use Endnote Web Note you can add additional search fields & ensure ‘topic’ selected for all fields
Advanced truncation in Web of Knowledge: truncating within phrases – not just at end of a phrase “physical* activ*” finds: “physically active” “physical activity” “physical activities” “intrinsic* motiv*” finds? Note in PubMed: unable to simultaneously use phrase marks & truncation - frequently better not to use them at all because can mean you miss useful results
Results sorted by relevance below (default: by date) Abstract opens up beneath result Don’t forget to follow-up ‘Times Cited’ links
A full WoK record: can link to the article’s references via ‘Cited References’ & ' ‘Related Records’ are other articles sharing same references
Save records of interest to Endnote Web Select/tick results & click ‘plus’ sign at the end
Saving records: then click number that appears next to sign +
Save & results as HTML format e.g. save to laptop, USB.. ing results: click on Envelope icon – a useful back-up Endnote Web: useful if saving references from multiple databases
Endnote Web opens: can opt to organise references into different groups e.g. for different assignments
Click on a result if you wish to edit it: e.g. can opt to add comments about an article in the notes field
Collect tab: can also browse for saved files of references e.g. where you’ve saved results from PubMed & other databases which, unlike WebOK, don’t enable direct export of results - results then imported to your ‘My References’ page
Can check that all necessary bibliographic styles are available to you via Format tab – if not, click Select Favourites & ‘copy’ style from full list into ‘My Favourites’ – should then appear in Word
Cite & Write in Microsoft Word: Cite & reference while you write your assignment 1. Click on the Endnote Web tab: If no tab: try another machine & contact BUCS w.ID number of PC If using own laptop/PC & no tab: download tab installer from within Endnote Web (via Options)
2. Click on preferences
3. Click application tab: then select Endnote Web, enter your password, ok
4. Example: you’ve written some text that you need to cite – click Find Citations
5. Search for relevant author & insert into text
6. Both citation & reference now appear in your assignment - click on bibliography arrow to re-format
7. Select required style e.g. J Sport Sci (Bath) & ok
Reference re-formatted: all references will appear in a list at the end Check references just before submit assignment in case you need to manually amend details: best to save a copy and make final amendments without connecting to Endnote Web
Develop your Information Skills: help with finding & evaluating information: note help with Endnote & Endnote Web:
Peter Bradley: Your Subject Librarian Office on Level 5 Other Librarians are also happy to help Any questions? I’m here to help…