Talleah Smith Electronic Portfolio Instructional Technology Spring 2011
Table of Contents Purpose Resume Diffusion of Innovation 8461 Issues in Instructional Technology Instructional Technology 6401 Internet Tools, Resources, and Issues Introduction to Multimedia Web Design for Instruction Research Program Evaluation Program Standards Reflection
Purpose This portfolio is a demonstration of the skills and knowledge I have acquired during the Educational Specialist program in Instructional Technology at the University of West Georgia. Key projects from courses in the program are included in the following slides.
Resume My resume is a short snapshot of my qualifications and experiences. My qualifications include certification in math (4-8) and science (4-8), degrees in engineering and education, and proficient computer skills. Talleah Smith’s Resume
MEDT Diffusion of Innovations Interviewing the Stakeholder This interview was designed to receive input from students about their views on technology and it’s use in the classroom. Diffusion and Adoption Reflection Paper Using Eli’s conditions of change, this paper takes a look at how a school district implemented Promethean Activ Boards in the classroom..Outlining an Innovation – Nintendo WiiOutlining an Innovation – Nintendo Wii The purpose of this project was to describe an innovation that could have a positive impact in the classroom and why it should be used..
MEDT Issues in Instructional Technology Professional Development Article Review This assignment allowed me to critique a peer reviewed article on professional developments that involve instructional technology. Big Three This project focuses on three essential questions stakeholders should ask before implementing any new technology. SWOT Analysis I was able to evaluate my technology strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and weaknesses.
MEDT Instructional Technology Inspiration The goal of this project was to introduce a graphic organizer tool that can be used in any grade level or subject. This type of tool can help students understand the “big picture” Website Evaluation There are many websites that contain vast amounts of information, some of which is inaccurate. It is important for our students to be able to differentiate between a credible source and an unreliable source. Technology Based Unit Plan Planning for a lesson allows you to begin with the end in mind. Incorporating technology into the lessons allows students to take ownership in their learning process by using what they are comfortable with (technology) to learn what they don’t know..
MEDT Internet Tools, Resources, Issues Internet tools introduced many free web 2.0 tools from Google and other sources that can be used with students in the classroom. Web 2.0 tools allow students to become active participants in the learning environment.
MEDT Introduction to Multimedia Multimedia Portfolio Introduction to Multimedia was an insightful class that taught the powerful uses of color, pictures, animation, and sound in Power Point presentations.
MEDT Web Design for Instruction This was an introductory course in basic web design. The website, that was ultimately created, focused on the measurement standard and elements pertaining to surface area.
MEDT Research Article Review Chart When conducting research, it is important to keep resources and information organized. Literature Review A quantitative study was done to look at the effects of technology on student achievement in mathematics. Reflective Essay Reflection is an important tool in any organization to insure that growth is obtained.
MEDT Program Evaluation Client Contract Before an evaluation can begin, you must establish the needs of your client and the terms under which the evaluation can be conducted. Evaluation Plan This serves as an outline for the evaluation by identifying the purpose, objectives, and questions to be evaluated. Evaluation Report The results of the evaluation are shared with the client and other stakeholders if needed.
Program Standards Nets and Conceptual Framework Chart Field Experience Disposition
Reflection I began my journey at the University of West Georgia with the intent of becoming a better teacher through the use of technology. After completing the courses for this program, I can say I have accomplished that goal. During this program, my professors have inspired and challenged me, and taught valuable lessons. I will pass these lessons on to my students through the use of technology in my classroom. I thank you for the opportunity to learn and grow.