Smart composer New project
Click the PROJECT icon
Set tittle and description
Define page level (2 at 4)
Set page format by selecting in the list or affect custom dimension (1/100mm). Click invert to invert width and height
Click create
Close the form
At first the new demo_project is an empty page
To resize page ? Double-click page width, page height type custom dimension or select an other page format… and click set to current project
Smart composer Manipulate group
Click page to select it The GRP2 icon will light. Click GRP2 icon to open group form !
The Group form tittle indicate the level and the name of current selecting group The group form allows you to define all group attributes. Click Common, Shape, Control, or Batch to access different sub- form attributes. Check or uncheck editable to lock/unlock the group for edit…
Click New child for create a new child group in the page
Click to confirm group creation
The new group apear to the top-left corner of the page You have to resize and move it as you like as indicate by the move or the resize cursor
Resize the shape
Move the shape
Smart composer Create style and component
Click the TEXT icon to open Text style form
Click New button to create a new TEXT STYLE
Click OK to confirm
Click the rename button Rename the component in dialog box and click OK
Define police, size, color and other attributes of the style
You see the result in the preview
Create any TEXT-STYLE you need, with different properties police, size, color…
Smart composer Create component
Click the level 1 Group to select it
Click CPNT icon to open Component form Click New button to create a new component and confirm when dialog box apear
Select the component style in style name list. The list contains the names of the style you created
Define component attributes description, size, position, value, data, shape attributes, control attributes…
Smart composer Scale and grid
Click Scale preset 1 at 4 to change proportion of the graphic space to a predefined value. Ajust the scale in % Define the origine point x-y Show hide the grid Active/unactive magnetic grid Define position unit Define grid spacement unit affect the current settings to the preset
Grid spacement set at 50mm
Shape size and dimension are automaticaly set to positionning unit multiple in manual move and size operations !
You can use the mouse wheel to zoom/unzoom when the mouse cursor is on the inspection tool or the tool bar (this change the scale) This change the origin coordinates in the scale forme The inspection tool allows you to explore the document simply by moving the mouse on !
The reset button reset scale to 100% and origin x/y to there default values
Smart composer Duplicate groups and components
Sometime you need a components array like this
Click a component to select it Click the DUPLI icon to open the duplication form
Define the number of vertical and horizontal elements and there spacement Click duplicate to create the array Click delete to erase the duplicated elements of current selected group
The red element is master of the group When resize or move it All of the elements of the group resize and move together
When move a blue element his new position is set in the array scale create by the natural spacement of elements
Resize and move together although their locations have changed Update spacement of the elements
Detach the elements of the array structure and move them anywhere They are always linked for resizing
Check mode cadre to do this when duplicate
Smart composer Undo/redo
Click UNDO icon to open the undo/redo form
Click the UNDO button to go to the previous step.
The undo/redo form record each principal edition steps of your project. It allows you to go back before a critical point, or have an overview of all what you do from beginning to end of your current session.
Scroll to a step Number of the current step Play the sequence from the end to the start Play the sequence from the start to the end Go to previous step Go to next step Pause/stop
The auto save option record the last edition step : none = off on_change = the step is recorded when any property change on_inactivity = the step is recorded when mouse stop moving a time auto save generate a session file that you can get in the project form by clicking the button restore last session
Smart composer Display options
Click the DSPL button to open the display options form The display options form allows you to show/hide shape, component contains and text informations : The show containt zone regard linked elements content. The show shape zone regard the shape appearence of elements. preset button suggest some basic configurations. The default and set as default button affect the user preferences
Show info text allows you to select text infos that’s appear at the top-left corner of any elements. This functionnality can be used to control attribute values, identify or locate an element…
All shapes hidden !
Smart composer Duplicate groups and components
Click SEL icon to open selection tool
To activ an existing selection select it in the list
new selection button create a new selection index delete all button delete all existing selections apply to define a global selection method : In this case same type/colunm
Affect the same attribute value to all elements of the current selection !
A selection can include different type and level elements : In the current exemple the selection include text, image and group elements
Smart composer PDF overview
Click PDF icon to generate a PDF sample document…
Click OK to include shape in the document ! And wait the end of the process
PDF with shape !
PDF with no shape
Smart composer SCP (Smart composer project) Exchange file format
Click save as scp file Click the link download file to open it in a new window
Put the file on the desktop or other directory ! to send it by mail
Click the FILES icon to open upload form select scp file for exemple client_project_test.scp and click open… Select sc_projects in file typeclick parcourir Click the upload button to upload the file to scp directory.
Verify if the file is corectly upload…in the list folder content
To open scp file : Open project form select.scp file click LOAD button click OK to confirm…
Project is loaded !
Smart composer Inspection data
Display a job dataset in Smart composer : Click data button to open Data inspection form Select data header Select page of data
! The data inspection tool require data exists in Kontrol print data base Look article and spool creation for more informations
Cliquer sur le titre pour ordonner asc/desc alternativement Cliquer sur la valeur pour afficher les valeurs similaires Presser F5 pour recharger la page entière Cliquer sur le bouton rouge pour afficher les actions disponibles Modifier les paramètres d’impression