Changes to Building Regulations in 2010 England, Wales and Scotland “Pilkington Solutions”
Contents Part L (England & Wales) Introduction Headline changes New Homes Existing Homes including Conservatories New Non-Domestic Buildings Existing Non-Domestic Buildings Section 6 (Scotland) Summary Actions
1. Part L (England & Wales) 2010
1.1 Introduction The Government has announced a plan to gradually improve the energy efficiency of buildings Significant changes for windows in 2010 Responses to public consultation were submitted in September 2009 Final Approved Documents were published on 30 th April 2010 with implementation 1 st October 2010 Main changes and implications for your business and customers are summarised here
1.2 Headline Changes All new buildings have target of 25% reduction in Carbon Dioxide (CO 2 ) emissions compared to 2006 levels Window Energy Ratings (WERs) will become the main compliance for replacement windows in homes Alternative route retained for window U values No change for conservatories Increased focus on limiting solar gain in summer (reducing load on air-conditioning or need to install air conditioning) Focus on solar control emphasised particularly for public and commercial buildings
1.3 Windows in New Homes
Target of 25% reduction in CO 2 emissions over the 2006 level Total is based on overall building efficiency through SAP calculation No specific requirement for windows (other than “back stop” of window U value = 2.0 W/m 2 K): Pilkington K Glass ™ and Pilkington energiKare ™ exceed requirements Optimum combination of window g and U values will give best result in SAP – i.e. simply lowering the U value may result in worse overall performance House Builders could use highly efficient windows to offset other costs Using Pilkington K Glass ™ especially when combined with Pilkington Optiwhite ™ as in Pilkington energiKare ™ offers the ideal solution Pilkington energiKare ™ Triple will provide the ultimate in energy efficiency for forward looking housebuilders
1.4 Replacement Windows in Homes
Window Energy Rating (WER) band C minimum requirement for all windows and roof lights – Alternative route – max window U value of 1.6 W/m 2 K – Where necessary to retain character of the building, centre pane U value of 1.2 W/m2K for replacement windows or supplement single glazing with low e secondary glazing – Pilkington K Glass ™ ideal for the latter Pilkington energiKare ™ will help window companies to comply or exceed requirements and go up to A rating Window companies need to obtain a BFRC (or similar) rating – Directly as Fabricator or through BFRC Authorised Retailer scheme – Pilkington help and support available Doors must have a maximum U value of 1.8 W/m 2 K – Easily achieved using Pilkington K Glass ™ Exemption for Listed buildings and those in conservation areas is more clearly defined – Pilkington energiKare ™ Legacy is the ideal solution where design constrained (or utilise Pilkington K Glass ™ in appropriate frames)
1.4 Conservatories
Small, domestic conservatories (<30m 2 ) will not be introduced into Part L (as originally proposed) Definition of Conservatory modified to add that the transparent / translucent material in external envelope is >150% floor area Still allowable to use IGUs without low e glass – Pilkington K Glass ™ and Pilkington Activ ™ still deliver energy saving and comfort benefits to householder and ensuring a comfortable environment year round. Reduce solar gain using solar control glass in the roofs and walls – Pilkington Activ ™ Blue or Pilkington Activ ™ Neutral Progressive improvements in energy efficiency still expected in 2013 and Requirements for total energy performance may need to be considered in future
1.5 New Non-Domestic Buildings
Target 25% reduction in CO 2 emissions compared with 2006 (including hotels) Compliance demonstrated on the basis of CO 2 emissions using Government approved software SBEM No tightening of the insulation requirement on windows – Left unchanged i.e. window U value 2.2 W/m 2 K – Pilkington K Glass ™ remains ideal cost effective solution Using SBEM, lowering U value not always the best way to achieve energy efficiency. In certain situations, solar gain will need to be controlled - the right glass choice will influence this – Range of products from the Pilkington Solar Control range meet all requirements No limiting value on display windows such as ground floor shop windows, car showrooms and similar glazing
1.6 Existing Non-Domestic Buildings
Maximum U value is 1.8 W/m 2 K – Pilkington K Glass ™ will meet this U value requirement – Where necessary to retain character of the building, centre pane U value of 1.2 W/m2K for replacement windows or supplement single glazing with low-e secondary glazing – Pilkington K Glass ™ ideal for the latter Doors with >50% glazed area must have a max U value of 1.8 W/m 2 K – Pilkington K Glass ™ as the low-e pane provides ideal solution If buildings are domestic in character (eg. care homes or student accommodation) the glazing requirements are the same as for domestic buildings – i.e. WER band C so Pilkington energiKare ™ is the natural choice Increased emphasis on Solar Control in these types of buildings – Choice of products from the Pilkington Solar Control Glass range meet all requirements 1.6 Existing Non-Domestic Buildings
Part L Bulletin Layout and weblink overlaps two lines ? Available free of charge from our Customer Contact Centre or download at
2. Section 6 (Scotland) 2010
2.1 Scotland 2010 Headlines Significant reductions in target CO 2 emissions for all new buildings compared with current Tighter elemental requirements for windows for replacements and extensions similar to England & Wales – Higher standards apply where fabric of existing home is poor ie. pre-1983 Window Energy Ratings and U value are routes for compliance for replacements – Restrictions on centre pane U value option More conservatories fall into scope For non-domestic replacements, window U value only New Technical Handbook issued on 6 th April 2010 Implementation on 1 st October 2010
Structure, timing & implications very similar to England & Wales 2.2 Key product implications for the Scotland Regulations New Homes: 30% CO 2 improvement required – Pilkington energiKare ™ remains ideal cost effective solution Existing Homes: WER band C required as minimum – Pilkington energiKare ™ enables windows to easily comply Conservatories: 2.0 W/m 2 K window U value required in all glazing – Easily achievable using Pilkington K Glass ™ Extensions to homes with poor fabric: WER band A or window U value 1.6 W/m 2 K minimum requirement – Pilkington energiKare ™ Plus enables windows to comply New Non-Domestic Buildings: 30% CO 2 improvement required – Pilkington K Glass ™ remains ideal low-e solution for thermal insulation – Pilkington Eclipse Advantage ™, Pilkington Solar-E ™ and Pilkington Activ ™ Neutral offer wide choice to suit all applications Existing Non-Domestic Buildings: Window U value 1.6 W/m 2 K – Pilkington energiKare ™ Plus provides effective solution
3. Summary The Government has announced requirements to improve the energy efficiency of all buildings Further changes planned for 2013 and beyond Glazing has a pivotal role in meeting the challenges Products from our wide range are suited to meet all future requirements Pilkington K Glass ™ and Pilkington energiKare ™ range are ideal in the majority of applications Solar control products such as Pilkington Activ ™ Blue, Pilkington Suncool ™ range and Pilkington Eclipse Advantage ™ are increasingly important as solutions for energy efficient glazing
Domestic windows need to be registered with BFRC before October don’t leave it too late – Check that your customers understand & are ready for the changes Assistance through the Window Energy Rating approval process with BM Trada & BuildCheck for Pilkington customers – For further details call the customer contact centre on Think about which products you will use for compliance in all building types and to meet possible requirements for solar control: New homes: Pilkington energiKare ™ Existing homes: Pilkington energiKare ™ Non-domestic: Pilkington K Glass ™ & Pilkington solar control range 4. Action Planning
April JulyOctober Decide on glazing solution for Part L Warning!DEADLINE Final Building Regulations published Ensure BFRC registration in place for domestic window supply route New Building Regulations implemented ACT NOW