PrefixesLatin Prefixes Greek Prefixes SuffixesWhat’s it mean??
This Latin prefix means heart
Cor means heart BACK TO MAIN core/encourage
This prefix means not
In or un means not BACK TO MAIN inexpensive
This prefix means many
Multi means many BACK TO MAIN multimillion
This prefix means half/partly
Semi means half/partly BACK TO MAIN semicircle/semisweet
This prefix means not
In or un means not BACK TO MAIN undecided
This prefix means not/into
Im means not/into BACK TO MAIN impossible/import
This Latin prefix means say
Dict means say BACK TO MAIN dictate/dictionary
This Latin prefix means carry
Port means carry BACK TO MAIN export/import/transport
This Latin prefix means across/over
Trans means across/over BACK TO MAIN transport
This Latin prefix means end
Fin means end BACK TO MAIN finish
This Greek prefix means write
Gram/graph means write BACK TO MAIN diagram/telegram/graphic
This Greek prefix means sound
Phon means sound BACK TO MAIN telephone/phonics
This Greek prefix means small
Micro means small BACK TO MAIN microscope
This Greek prefix means together
Syn/Sym means together BACK TO MAIN synonym
This Greek prefix means far/distant
Tele means far/distant BACK TO MAIN telephone
This suffix means the quality of being
ty/ity means the quality of being BACK TO MAIN loyalty/curiosity
This suffix means like
ish means like BACK TO MAIN girlish
This suffix means to make or cause
fy/ify means to make or cause BACK TO MAIN liquefy
This suffix means to cause to be
ize means to cause to be BACK TO MAIN modernize
This suffix means to make
en means to make BACK TO MAIN sweeten
Adding this suffix would create a word that would mean to make active activ
ate activate BACK TO MAIN
Adding this prefix would create a word that would mean partly sweet sweet
semi semisweet BACK TO MAIN
Adding this Latin prefix would create a word that would mean to carry across trans
port transport BACK TO MAIN
Adding this Greek prefix would create a word that would mean a drawing dia
bio biography BACK TO MAIN
Adding this suffix would create a word that would mean full of mountains mountain
ous mountainous BACK TO MAIN