Security Conceptions Security Security Functionality Functionality Quality Quality Performance Performance
SecuritySecurity PerformanceSecurityFunctionalityQuality Recording by functional use of special software Recording by functional use of special software Security by quality products Security by quality products Performance by standardized concept Performance by standardized concept
Emergencycall and service centercontrolling station As a whole unit for all areas of controlling Alarm and functions are all automated Full bigscreen for survey view Monitoring modules from Laptop to open plan-office available
Characteristic of function Satellite Central control station Camerasystem Objects Camerasystem illumination - transmitting system - receiving system - energy system - cooling system - central control station - 16 main monitors - 16 operators data collectors, depending on the date of software depending on the date of software - Function as registration of cars, video observation of cars video observation of cars - locating of cars outside of the area (worldwide possible) (worldwide possible) - observation of carconditions satellite objects
The whole unit cross section of mast Cross section mast – modular technique Hidden satellite antenna Bottom unit with solar cells Illumination Camera 8m
Positions of cameras Description of function Stationary camera Swivelling camera Automatic alert when entering the security area Central control station
CamerasystemCamerasystemCamerasystemCooling Camera Lucite Cross section mast - 360° rotation - Hidden system - Cooling system
RequirementRequirement Modul 1 Videomonitoring of cars Modul 2 Recording of driving - routes in the central control station Modul 3 Locating of cars and attack - report via GPS Modul 4 Identification of licence plates Modul 5 Truck scanner Modul 7 Faceprint Modul 8 Person and Room- controlling Modul 6 Free range – Area controlling
Videomonitoring of cars Description of function - video controlling / GPS locating A worldwide observation of cars is only possible, if all maps are stored in the system. Not all these maps are designed in details. That means that some roads are not indicated. Modul 1
Videomonitoring of cars Description of function - video controlling / GPS locating By coming into the security area, the car is annouced by GPS or sensors and immediately observed by video cameras. The complete observation in the controlled area is guaranteed by transmitting from camera to camera. Modul 1
Recording of driving routes in the central control station Description of function video controlling / GPS locating The complete recording will be reported and stored in the central control station. Observation course of the cameras with networkplans. Modul 2
Locating of cars and attack report via GPS Description of function locating attack reports Incoming alarms are indicated on the activ monitor of every individual car. Alarms are activated by GPS by a special alarm device within the car. Modul 3
Identification of licence plates Area of Tasks - Objectscanning Scanning of licence plates Data-checking Storing of informations for evaluation In danger: transmission of informations to the alarmstation for further observation by cameras Modul 4 ALARM
Controlling by cameras in case of pursuit Description of function A car is registered by the camera with the licence plates identification – software ( object identification ). The software is noticing whether there is a danger or not. In case of danger the alarm will be activated immediately and will be transmitted to the observation software of the Domecameras ( swivelling cameras ). They are taking over the following course of observation. The observation will be indicated and stored by monitors in the central control station. Modul 4
Truck scanning – provisional positions Area of tasks Safety by scanning of trucks Checking of contents of containers Modul 5 Characteristic of function 1 This transportable scanning equipment will be used at provisional control positions
Truck scanning - stationary position Area of tasks Safety by scanning of trucks Checking of contents of containers Modul 5 Characteristic of function 2 Scanning equipment with stationary position
Free range / area controlling Short description of central control station for free range observation Large screen: consisting of several single monitors Sensory screen: For controlling of endangered areas and for sensitve camera areas Special cameras: stationary camera and swivelling camera produced of stainless steel Modul 6
Human face recognition Characteristic of function Identification in realtime Based on leading humanface recognition technology Area for use Search by police, building- and border security Modular and scalable system architecture For one and multiple camera use Modul 7
Human face recognition Software for comparison of human face recognition increased security by immediate identification and tracking efficiency of progess display of event and distribution of alarm in realtime complete automatic process Modul 7
Person and room controlling Description of function Monitoring from the adjoining room using only one Laptop. Monitoring from the central control station. Quick positioning or disassembly due to modular system. Modul 8
Security Conceptions egm International GmbH Siemensstr Papenburg Industiegebiet Nord Fon: 0049/ Fax: 0049/