Building an EMS Database on a Company Intranet By: Nicholas Bollons Sally Goodman
1 Building an EMS Database Building an EMS database on a company intranet “This workshop will discuss the practical considerations of developing and implementing an intranet based information system to support a multi-site EMS.”
2 Building an EMS Database Scope of Presentation What we’re going to cover Design and project management of an intranet based EMS including ‘front end’ (user) design and ‘back end’ project management and admin co-ordination including document control Identification of practical problems with access to an EMS across multiple sites and how to overcome them Awareness of strategic issues and limitations with both technology and implementation Understanding benefits of using the intranet as an EMS tool
3 Building an EMS Database Format of Presentation What we’re going to go through 1.Why use the intranet? 2.Background to the client and EMS 3.System design – front end, back end + hardware, software + peopleware 4.Back end – doc management 5.Front end – design issues 6.Linking documents 7.Lessons learnt – benefits + limitations 8.15 min Q&A
4 Building an EMS Database General Points Few points to consider before we start … We are assuming you have little / no IT knowledge Intranet system, not internet reporting Focus is on system design / management, not EMS itself EMS was already set up System we have designed is not perfect – still evolving! Other people’s experience / input most welcome Please ask questions …
5 Building an EMS Database Why use the intranet for EMS reporting? Why use the intranet for EMS reporting? Client requirement – increased number of corporate systems now online (e.g. H&S, HR, finance) Industry requirement – increasing trend in EMS / CSR reporting to make information available online Ease of use – documents available across multiple sites 24 / 7 Increased transparency – key documents and procedures available for review / auditing Documents and information can be linked together
6 Building an EMS Database Client Background Background to the client Global Ops IT heavy Culture
7 Building an EMS Database EMS Background Background to the EMS UK x EMEA countries 2007 KPI, TAP, Register Legislation, Procedures Project Team Proj Leader Proj Manager Co-ordinator Admin Support
8 Building an EMS Database System Design – Overview Intranet IT System EMS Proj Manager Client Office System Design – Stage 1 Front End – THE CLIENT Back End – EMS Managment Back Office Support IT / Doc Man The Users EMS
9 Building an EMS Database System Design – Here’s one I prepared earlier … Intranet Upload Suite Local Network Doc Manag EMS Co-ord Back Office Proj Manager BV Network Overseas Office System Design – Stage 1 UK Users Front End – THE CLIENT Back End – EMS Manag Client Contact
10 Building an EMS Database System Design – Issues you need to consider Hardware PC Servers Connection speed Type Age Condition Lifetime Limitations System Design – For each part of the system, consider … Software Common platform Diff types Version No’s Admin Control Upgrades Useability Purpose Peopleware Culture Ability Awareness Training Language Preference LESSONS LEARNED I: Keep it simple; integrate into existing systems; design it for your grandparents; and beware of geeks!!
11 Building an EMS Database System Design – Overview Intranet IT System EMS Proj Manager Client Office System Design – Stage 1 Front End – THE CLIENT Back End – EMS Managment Back Office Support IT / Doc Man The Users
12 Building an EMS Database Back End – Document Management Back End – Document Management / Server Based System Multiple docs at one time Incorrect versions being used Time taken to update Many files are too large to No access to docs at client site No transparency Internet Based File Store Central document library Version control Immediate update No file storage limit Internet access Client access
13 Building an EMS Database Back End – Document Management Back End – Document Management LESSONS LEARNED II: Central control of uploading; training on use; free trial period; low cost
14 Building an EMS Database System Design – Overview Intranet IT System EMS Proj Manager Client Office System Design – Stage 1 Front End – THE CLIENT Back End – EMS Managment Back Office Support IT / Doc Man The Users
15 Building an EMS Database Front End Front End – Design Issues Different people will want to access different information EMS users (e.g. Facilities Managers) employees Different types of information will need to be accessed easily EMS docs (e.g. procedures, forms, KPIs) news & initiatives Documents will be updated regularly KPI = weekly / monthly procedures = 6 months Intranet will form part of audit content completeness
16 Building an EMS Database Front End Front End – Design Issues Country Docs KPI EMS Docs Front Page Green NewsCompany Office 1 Local News Office 2 How do I? Office 3 Copy of policy Core Proc Country ProcAudit Reports Auditor Audit Reports Env Policy EMS Cert How Doing? Initiatives LESSONS LEARNED III: Separate EMS and country docs; regular updates required; doc management essential
17 Building an EMS Database Linking Documents Linking Documents – beginner’s guide One of the main benefits of implementing an EMS across the internet is the ability to link information and documents together. Increases user interaction More robust EMS Easy to update Internal and external links Example
18 Building an EMS Database Summary Summary Design and project management of an intranet based EMS including ‘front end’ (user) design and ‘back end’ project management and admin co-ordination including document control Identification of practical problems with access to an EMS across multiple sites and how to overcome them Awareness of strategic issues and limitations with both technology and implementation Understanding benefits of using the intranet as an EMS tool.
19 Building an EMS Database Lesson Learned Lessons Learned … ‘Front end’ (user) design Separate out different types of docs – EMS docs, FM docs, user docs ‘Back end’ project management Recommend using an internet based doc managment system Practical problems Regular updates to documents on intranet + multiple docs in use Limitations Keep it simple (e.g. grandparents) + beware of geeks Benefits Linking documents on intranet increases user interaction
20 Building an EMS Database Lesson Learned Questions?
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