Finding a Role in the Education Process for Extra-Curriculum Activities Erol Inelmen Bogaziçi University October 2007
education system should develop the ability of self learning in the suggested "common fields of activities"., Introduction
EngineeringCurriculumBusinessSocial Aviationfluid dynamicsCinemaPolicy Think Tank DivingbiotechnologyEducation & ResearchBallet Computer Engineeringsoftware engineeringManag. & EconomicsBallroom Constructionbridge constructionDancing Society Electro-Technologycircuit designBridge Engineering Societyproject managementChess Environmental Societywaste managementDrama Mechanics & Technologymaterial scienceFine Arts Mountaineeringsoil mechanicsFolklore Operations Researchlinear programmingGreen Crescent
Conclusion : "I am working on a one wall of building that will be in the future the pride of the citizens our country".
We remain in debt to Prof. Gunay Kocasoy from the Environmental Sciences Institute for his support in making this work possible. Acknowledgment