Federal Environment Agency ILTER Ground truthing visions... ILTER LTER Europe Conference Donana, January 2008 Michael Mirtl Fed. Environment Agency, Austria RESULTS OF THE second European LTER Scientific Site Coordinators (SSC) WORK shop
Federal Environment Agency ILTER Session on standard observations and parameters
Federal Environment Agency ILTER Method 1 Each expert selected parameters he/she would list if asked for Parameters most used by himself and others Parameters that should be measured most urgently The precondition was to think only of parameters, which in principle covered the parameter groups as proposed at the NNRC referred to the site level 1-2 parameters should be listed belonging to the following groups, respectively: Structural parameter Functional parameter Pressure parameter (either abiotic or biotic)
Federal Environment Agency ILTER Method 2 The „most used“ parameter were written on blue cards The „most desireable“ parameters were written on white cards On the floor of the conference room the following two axes were marked on the floor: Availability: current availability for data on this parameter Feasability: technical and implementation feasability The participants then put their parameters in the right position (sectors) of this 2-dimensional graph on the floor
Federal Environment Agency ILTER Method 3 low FEASABILITY low AVAILABILITY high high
Federal Environment Agency ILTER Method 3 The cards were thematically grouped within each sectors, counted and removed A few cards reamained as, mostly project-specific „noise“, on the floor and finally removed (indication of sector again) The result are parameter groups in each sector, representing the judgement of the present experts alongside the categories „available“ high/low and „feasable“ high/low
Federal Environment Agency ILTER Brainstorming and categorizing
Federal Environment Agency ILTER 4 sections divided by availability and feasability axis, score>8 marked yellow low FEASABILITY low AVAILABILITY high high
Federal Environment Agency ILTER Merging evidently overlapping/identical groups („PLUS“) FEASABILITY low AVAILABILITY high high low
Federal Environment Agency ILTER Multiple listings in different sectors represent different parameters of the group and differences in subjective judgment low FEASABILITY low AVAILABILITY high high
Federal Environment Agency ILTER Multiple listings: one more... low FEASABILITY low AVAILABILITY high high
Federal Environment Agency ILTER Multiple listings in different sectors all indicated by matching colours in the „counts“ column low FEASABILITY low AVAILABILITY high high
Federal Environment Agency ILTER Preliminary conclusions from session on standard observations/parameters A few groups of parameters are obviously important, available and feasable, so they could be recommended immediately (partially down to the parameter level) These underpin the applicability of the list proposed by the Standard Observations group (Petriccione et al.), now underpinned by a set of concrete parameters The interaction between long-term ecosystem monitoring (LTEM) and LTER needs to be scrutinized in more detail It might be, that the discussion about standard parameters results in a recommendation related to the selection of further LTER sites in the sense, that they shall be located in close proximity to or even overlap with sites of existing monitoring (LTEM) schemes.
Federal Environment Agency ILTER Preliminary conclusions from session on standard observations/parameters The SSCC is not ready to decide on standards on the parameter level (beyond item 1) The SSCC will continue working on the issue throughout the week The SSCC will how the outcome needs to be communicated outside LTER-Europe and to the LTER-Europe community The aquatic group needs input from more experts
Federal Environment Agency ILTER Work plan for Thursday and Friday 9:30 - Introduction Overview of progress Revision of agenda Self-presentation of participants attending the first time 10:15 - Results of WG on SSCC structuring and services (incl. discussion) 11:00 - Break 11:15 - Results of WG on standard parameters (incl. discussion) 12:00 – Interface with networks and programmes related to LTER (-> „LTEM“): completion of list & key contacts 12:15 – Parallel WGs: LTSER, Information Management or one alternative 13:30 – Lunch 15:00 – Report of WGs (LTSER, ?information management) 16:00 – Programme of Work, Division of tasks, Time plan 17:00 – Decision on required WGs and planning teams on Friday 18:00 – Closing of the meeting
Federal Environment Agency ILTER The environment of developing SSCC further Scientific Site Co-ordinator Conference (SSCC) National Networks Representatives Conference (NNRC) Co-ordinating Committee (CC) EC Structure? Governance?
Federal Environment Agency ILTER Proposed structure for SSCC LTER – site LTER manager (numbers refer to the number of cards which mentioned this skill) Data management - 12 Structure builder - 9 Recognised scientist - 9 Communication monster - 7 Secure position - 6 Networked - 5 Locally oriented – 4 LTSER- platform manager Scientific generalist - 16 Manager in power - 12 Well informed i.e. connected/networked - 9 Experienced in data management - 6 Communicative - 5
Federal Environment Agency ILTER Proposed structure for SSCC LTER – site LTER manager (numbers refer to the number of cards which mentioned this skill) Data management - 12 Structure builder - 9 Recognised scientist - 9 Communication monster - 7 Secure position - 6 Networked - 5 Locally oriented – 4 LTSER- platform manager Scientific generalist - 16 Manager in power - 12 Well informed i.e. connected/networked - 9 Experienced in data management - 6 Communicative - 5 Structure of SSC Conferences Plenary ? Scientific LTER Conf. NNRC CC Networking in the WEB (Fora, Contacts) Networking at meetings -- Participants profiles according to Infobase, LTER contact database, registration information -- New information in Infobase: Fotos of site co- ordinators, site presentations Res.AgendaCommunic HarmonisatLTSER TechnologyInfo Manag Site-Manag LTER-Europe Expert panels (including ALTER WPs and other expert groups)