ILC Global Design Effort 1 ILC SCRF (WG2) program GDE Status Debriefing Hitoshi Hayano 2008/2/25
ILC Global Design Effort 2 GDE Meeting, Plenary, March 3 DayTimeSubjectPresented by 3/3a.m.Joint Plenary Session 3/314:00PM report: TD phase challengeMR or NW 14:45SRF technology; status and plansH. Hayano 15:30Coffee break 16:00JINR Dubna site proposal (tentative)G. Shirkov 16:45Cost reduction strategies (tentative)W. Bialowons
ILC Global Design Effort 3 GDE Meeting, WG-2, (1) DayTimeSubjectPresented by 3/48:30S0 and S1: replanning (general)A. Yamamoto 10:15Tuner (convener H. Hayano) - Specification table - Lorentz detuning expression - KEK tuner - DESY tuner - INFN-tuner - Availability H. Hayano Y. Yamamoto S. Noguchi L. Lilje C. Pagani (by L.L.) T. Himmel 12:00lunch 13:30Coupler (convener H. Hayano) -Specification table -Fixed coupler study H. Hayano S. Noguchi 15:30He Vessel & plug-comp. interface ( N. Ohuchi) - Vessel specification - Interface table for plug-comp. design K. Tsuchiya N. Ohuchi
ILC Global Design Effort 4 GDE Meeting, WG-2, (2) DayTimeSubjectPresented by 3/58:30Cryomodule: 5 K shield (Convener: N. Ohuchi) -Cryostat/cryogenics study at CERN (report from CERN meeting) - Thermal calculation at TTF - Thermal calculation at STF - DIscussions T. Peterson P. Pierini (by T.P.) N. Ohuchi All 10:15Quadrupole (Convener: C. Adolphsen) -Quadrupole specification and design - Quadrupole mover - Alignment of quadrupole C. Adolphsen C. Adolphsen or ? N. Ohuchi or ? 12:00lunch 13:30S1: technical discussions (A. Yamamoto0) -S1-global at KEK-STF -RF distribution system for S1-global -S1 at FNAL AY, HH, NO S. Fukuda (fnal) 15:30Summary and work-asignmentA. Yamamoto
ILC Global Design Effort 5 GDE Meeting, Plenary, March 6 DayTimeSubjectPresented by 3/69:00WG1-SummaryTBD 9:30WG2-SummaryTBD 10:00WG3-SummaryTBD 10:30coffee 11:00WG4-SummaryTBD 11:30Engin. Manag. Plan (ILC-EDMS)N. Toge 12:00Collaboration b/w ILC and CLICJ. Dalahaye 12:30lunch 14:00Joint closing plenary; GDE close outA. Yamamoto 16:00Workshop close TDP management meeting (PM, APM, PMO, TAGL)