THE REGIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL CENTER for Central and Eastern Europe Integrated Environmental Policies for Sustainable Development UNDP Workshop for NIS 14-16.


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Presentation transcript:

THE REGIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL CENTER for Central and Eastern Europe Integrated Environmental Policies for Sustainable Development UNDP Workshop for NIS June 2004 Jiri Dusik

THE REGIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL CENTER for Central and Eastern Europe Presentation outline Concerns around integrated environmental planning Potential entry-points for UNDP future support within Environment and Energy practice area SEA and integrated assessment for SD Example of SEA and IA for PRSPs Key issues for consideration

THE REGIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL CENTER for Central and Eastern Europe Integrated environmental planning through development planning PRSPs, socio-economic development planning, … urban planning, regional development planning, …. coastal zone management, watershed management, … waste management, energy planning, forestry planning, transport planning, rural development planning, ……. … real planning processes offer best opportunities for env. improvements flood of international commitments (WSSD, etc.) for integrated planning and “mainstreaming of environment” … … contrasted by poor or non-existing practice

THE REGIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL CENTER for Central and Eastern Europe What support could UNDP provide Facilitate integrated planning Assess planning process and provide advice Assessment approach  Ex-post – rectifies major deficiencies and provides advice for future planning  Ex-ante – ensures that key issues are considered at all stages of the planning and provides operative advice Both types of assessments can be used for capacity building

THE REGIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL CENTER for Central and Eastern Europe Key instruments of interest Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Focused on environment and health issues UNECE SEA Protocol provides international benchmark opportunities to build on current UNDP project Integrated assessment and planning for SD Examines due account of economic, social and economic issues (and their inter-linkages) within real planning processes new UNEP global framework being elaborated - can be tested by UNDP in EECCA countries

THE REGIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL CENTER for Central and Eastern Europe Usual planning sequence 1.Evaluation of current situation (present development patterns and their drivers - root causes of problems - future trends, opportunities, constraints - SWOT, etc.) 2.Strategic planning (scenario development – visions - strategic objectives - specific development targets – their mutual compatibility) 3.Operational planning (specific actions – their impacts and contribution to development objectives – their costing and prioritizing) 4.Implementation and monitoring (institutional supervision – monitoring – updates)

THE REGIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL CENTER for Central and Eastern Europe Application of SEA within planning process Key tasks in the planning process Corresponding environmental analyses Consultations with env and health authorities Public access to info. and public consultations Task 1X?? Task 2X?? Task 3X?? Task 4X??

THE REGIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL CENTER for Central and Eastern Europe UNEP framework for integrated assessment and planning for SD Key tasks in the planning process Corresponding environmental, social and economic analyses Evaluation of relationships between ESE issues – trade-offs and synergies Good governance and sound manag’nt Task 1XXX Task 2XXX Task 3XXX Task 4XXX

THE REGIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL CENTER for Central and Eastern Europe Hypothetical example: SEA and IAP for PRSP

THE REGIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL CENTER for Central and Eastern Europe Generalised PRSP-type planning 1.Comprehensive poverty diagnostics: who are poor + where they live + reasons of poverty + macroeconomic, social, structural and institutional constraints to faster growth and poverty reduction 2.Clearly presented and costed priorities for macroeconomic, structural, and social policies. 3.Appropriate targets, indicators, and systems for monitoring and evaluating progress - medium and long- term goals for poverty reduction + annual and medium-term targets + indicators of progress + participatory mechanisms for review.

THE REGIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL CENTER for Central and Eastern Europe SEA Protocol for PRSP-type planning 1.Comprehensive poverty diagnostics What environmental issues contribute to poverty (i.e. env. degradation that is either causing poverty or triggers poverty) Were these issues properly analyzed and taken into account? Were views of relevant environmental and health authorities gathered and taken into account? Were views of concerned public (interested an affected publics) gathered and taken into account?

THE REGIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL CENTER for Central and Eastern Europe SEA Protocol for PRSP-type planning 2. Clearly presented and costed priorities for macroeconomic, structural, and social policies What env. objectives (international, national, etc,) are relevant to poverty reduction? What is the impact of proposed policies on these objectives? What mix of interventions is most beneficial for the environment? Were views of relevant environmental and health authorities gathered and taken into account? Were views of concerned public (interested an affected publics) gathered and taken into account?

THE REGIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL CENTER for Central and Eastern Europe SEA Protocol for PRSP-type planning 3. Appropriate targets, indicators, and systems for monitoring and evaluating progress What indicators can be used to measure attainment of relevant env. objectives within PRSP implementation? Is there proper system for env. supervision of PRSP implementation? Will env. and health authorities be involved? Were views of relevant environmental and health authorities gathered and taken into account? Were views of concerned public (interested an affected publics) gathered and taken into account?

THE REGIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL CENTER for Central and Eastern Europe Integrated assessment for PRSP 1.Comprehensive poverty diagnostics Are key ESE issues, their trends and mutual inter-linkages analysed? What are the root causes of these problems? Are the institutions/actors responsible for these root causes identified? Are winners and losers of these problems identified? Which ESE trends or promising initiatives currently exist and offer opportunities for more sustainable development? Have all information sources and indigenous knowledge been adequately gathered and used? Have key authorities and stakeholders (including marginalised groups) been actively informed and involved?

THE REGIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL CENTER for Central and Eastern Europe Integrated assessment for PRSP 2. Clearly presented and costed priorities for macroeconomic, structural, and social policies Have goals and objectives been defined to divert the key negative trends/problems and to stimulate long-term positive trends /potentials? Are these goals consistent with sustainability goals? What are the trade-offs? Are proposed policy options based on different scenarios that enable achievement of proposed goals and objectives? …..

THE REGIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL CENTER for Central and Eastern Europe Integrated assessment for PRSP 3. Appropriate targets, indicators, and systems for monitoring and evaluating progress Have organisational and funding arrangements been made been identified to finance implementation? Has a realistic and feasible monitoring system been defined? Will monitoring results be used to adjust, update and/or review the plan? Have sustainability indicators been selected? Is it clear how new opportunities will be identified during implementation to define new intervention areas in line with set goals and objectives? ….

THE REGIONAL ENVIRONMENTAL CENTER for Central and Eastern Europe Key consideration for UNDP 1.Should UNDP be actively offering its assistance to EECCA countries to carry out such assessments? If so,…. 1.Which assessment approach would be more appropriate? 2.Which planning processes with strong UNDP involvement could be subject to pilot testing?