CBM slow controls CBM collaboration meeting DAQ work group CBM collaboration meeting DAQ work group Burkhard Kolb GSI1
Burkhard Kolb GSI2 Strategy Slow control - DCS - ECS has not to be „per se“ a field of experiment and new development It should work! Slow control - DCS - ECS has not to be „per se“ a field of experiment and new development It should work!
Burkhard Kolb GSI3 What it should provide Safe operation of the experiment Set up, control and monitoring of detectors, DAQ/trigger and environment Alarm handling Archiving Safe operation of the experiment Set up, control and monitoring of detectors, DAQ/trigger and environment Alarm handling Archiving
Burkhard Kolb GSI4 Strategy (2) Use existing well tested supported solutions Use Open Source wherever possible Join existing development collaborations Use existing well tested supported solutions Use Open Source wherever possible Join existing development collaborations
Burkhard Kolb GSI5 What has to be developed Drivers and interfaces to custom hard/software Support for new platforms FPGA Radiation tolerance Detect failures - repair failures Drivers and interfaces to custom hard/software Support for new platforms FPGA Radiation tolerance Detect failures - repair failures
Burkhard Kolb GSI6 What exists Existing slow control systems EPICS (open source) LabView (commercial) PVSS (commercial - higher layers only) Tango (still under development) TINE (still under development) Existing slow control systems EPICS (open source) LabView (commercial) PVSS (commercial - higher layers only) Tango (still under development) TINE (still under development)
Burkhard Kolb GSI7 Strategy (3) We have chosen EPICS! Why? It works! We have in house experience It provides solutions for all common hardware (HV, LV, gas, …) It‘s for free It‘s scalable Huge collaboration - ITER will use it too! We have chosen EPICS! Why? It works! We have in house experience It provides solutions for all common hardware (HV, LV, gas, …) It‘s for free It‘s scalable Huge collaboration - ITER will use it too!
Burkhard Kolb GSI8 What has to be done Support for EPICS in FPGAs Porting RTEMS to SysCore board and installing EPICS (KIP) Interfacing to FPGA resources via simple protocol (Where resources are limited) Radiation tolerant behaviour Watchdogs, … Support for EPICS in FPGAs Porting RTEMS to SysCore board and installing EPICS (KIP) Interfacing to FPGA resources via simple protocol (Where resources are limited) Radiation tolerant behaviour Watchdogs, …
Burkhard Kolb GSI9 What else Process control for DAQ Either with EPICS clients/servers Works in Or with system in DAQ Provide EPICS server for monitoring Process control for DAQ Either with EPICS clients/servers Works in Or with system in DAQ Provide EPICS server for monitoring
Burkhard Kolb GSI10 Interfaces EPICS connects with: LabView DIM SNMP OPC EPICS connects with: LabView DIM SNMP OPC
Burkhard Kolb GSI11 GUI CSS (control system studio) Is developed at DESY Based on Eclipse Works on many platforms Windows, Linux, MacOS Provides Synoptic display Archive view Interfaces To other control systems (Tango, TINE) CSS (control system studio) Is developed at DESY Based on Eclipse Works on many platforms Windows, Linux, MacOS Provides Synoptic display Archive view Interfaces To other control systems (Tango, TINE)
First prototype EPICS server controlling –CAEN HV –WAGO temperature readout –Corvus motor control –Keithley picoammmeter –Agilent/Lambda power supplies (not used) –EPICS GUI client based on CSS/SDS –EPICS data archiver and server EPICS server controlling –CAEN HV –WAGO temperature readout –Corvus motor control –Keithley picoammmeter –Agilent/Lambda power supplies (not used) –EPICS GUI client based on CSS/SDS –EPICS data archiver and server Burkhard Kolb GSI12
Test beam time example Burkhard Kolb GSI13
Burkhard Kolb GSI14 Manpower Basic support (BK, PZ) In house development (PZ) Radiation tolerance (KIP, FH Köln) Detector instrumentation (ext. groups) DAQ interface (EE) … Basic support (BK, PZ) In house development (PZ) Radiation tolerance (KIP, FH Köln) Detector instrumentation (ext. groups) DAQ interface (EE) …
Construction of second prototype for next t e s t b e a m e x p e r i m e n t When is next test beam? What will be in the setup? Construction of prototypes for all detector / subsystem control equipment: DCS board production (6 months FE, GSI, FH Köln) Silicon Pixel (3 months FE, GSI, NN of det group) Silicon Microstrip(3 months FE, GSI, NN of det group) Rich(3 months FE, GSI, NN of det group) TRD (3 months FE, GSI, NN of det group) TOF (3 months FE, GSI, NN of det group) ECAL (3 months FE, GSI, NN of det group) MUCH (3 months FE, GSI, NN of det group) Magnet (3 months FE, GSI, NN of det group) DAQ (3 months FE, GSI, NN of det group) Cave/Infrastructure (3 months FE, GSI, NN of det group) RICH gas system(3 months FE, GSI, Pusan/Korea) When is next test beam? What will be in the setup? Construction of prototypes for all detector / subsystem control equipment: DCS board production (6 months FE, GSI, FH Köln) Silicon Pixel (3 months FE, GSI, NN of det group) Silicon Microstrip(3 months FE, GSI, NN of det group) Rich(3 months FE, GSI, NN of det group) TRD (3 months FE, GSI, NN of det group) TOF (3 months FE, GSI, NN of det group) ECAL (3 months FE, GSI, NN of det group) MUCH (3 months FE, GSI, NN of det group) Magnet (3 months FE, GSI, NN of det group) DAQ (3 months FE, GSI, NN of det group) Cave/Infrastructure (3 months FE, GSI, NN of det group) RICH gas system(3 months FE, GSI, Pusan/Korea) Burkhard Kolb GSI15
Burkhard Kolb GSI16 Requirements DB In collaboration with PANDA we have set up a database with web access Register Then enter requirements: Process variables Common hardware … In collaboration with PANDA we have set up a database with web access Register Then enter requirements: Process variables Common hardware …
Burkhard Kolb GSI17 Example screen shot
Documentation in the wiki Burkhard Kolb GSI18