Capacity Building – Technical Assistance & Training Work Group (CBTAT) April 15, 2013 – CPCRN Virtual Meeting Cam Escoffery, PhD, MPH, CHES Emory University – Rollins School of Public Health This presentation was supported by Cooperative Agreement Number 1U48DP from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. The findings and conclusions in this presentation are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official position of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
CBTAT Work Group Members Participating Network Centers Emory University: Cam Escoffery (Chair), Michelle Carvalho Harvard University: Elizabeth Harden University of California- Los Angeles: Alison Herrmann University of Colorado-Denver: Andi Dwyer University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill: Jennifer Leeman, Alexis Moore University of South Carolina: Lyn McCracken, John Ureda University of Texas- Houston: Maria Fernandez, Pat Mullen, Glenna Dawson, Lily Shuting Liang, Leti Gatus University of Washington- Seattle: Peggy Hannon Washington University in St Louis: Debbie Pfeiffer Collaborating Organizations Centers for Disease Control and Prevention: Kathi Wilson, Linda Ekwenugo NCI: Cynthia Vinson, Mike Sanchez
Purpose of CBTAT Workgroup Build the capacity of cancer control planners and public health professionals to locate, select, adopt, adapt, implement and evaluate evidence-based cancer prevention programs, policies and practices through training and technical assistance Advance the knowledge of models of capacity building and evaluate training or technical assistance initiatives in translating evidence-based approaches into communities
Training Curriculum Development Combining collective knowledge/expertise across centers from past trainings and local examples Developing standardized, interactive training materials for in-person and webinar workshops (for varying durations) Sharing multiple web resources to locate sources of evidence Including case studies and exercises that provide hands- on applications for learning transfer Finalizing training slides, speaker’s notes, activities and supporting resources with workgroup members
Overall Learning Objectives Discuss what “evidence” means Learn how to use needs assessments to develop goals and objectives Describe different evaluation methods to consider when planning implementation Identify sources to find evidence-based chronic disease prevention strategies Assess the fit between potential approaches and the organization and population Describe steps in the adaptation process Develop an implementation work plan that integrates RE-AIM evaluation measures
“Putting Evidence into Action” Curriculum Session 1: Defining Evidence (20 min) Session 2: Conducting Community Assessments (40 min) Session 3: Defining Evaluation (25 min) Session 4: Finding Evidence (45 min) Session 5: Selecting an Option that Fits Your Community (60 min) Session 6: Adapting to Fit Your Community (50 min) Session 7: Implementing and Evaluating Evidence-Based Strategies (60 min)
Supporting Components Facilitator’s Guide –Speaker’s Notes –How-to instructions per session (e.g., activities) Glossary Resource List
CBTAT Cross Center Trainings Workshop TitleConference/Training and Date Length (hrs) ReachCenters Translating Evidence into Practice Intercultural Cancer Coalition (ICC) Houston, TX July UT Putting Evidence into Action for Healthy Communities Utah Department of Health/Local Health Departments June (repeated 2x) 100Emory UCLA UNC CDC Programs that Work: How to find evidence-based programs and make them work for you Utah Department of Health/Local Health Departments – June 2012 webinar 1.580Wash U Emory Adapting Evidence-based Approaches for Communities NCI Research to Reality Mentorship Program webinar – Apr NCI Emory
CBTAT Cross Center Trainings (cont.) Workshop TitleConference/Event and Date Length (hrs) ReachCenters Putting Practice into Evidence Foundation for a Healthy Kentucky – Aug CDC, Emory Providing Technical Assistance for Using Evidence CDC NCCDPHP Project Officer Workshop June/July (repeated 2x) 108Emory, UT, UNC, CDC Putting Evidence into Practice: Tools for Communities to Implement and Adapt Evidence-Based Programs Joint SOPHE/PRC Mid-Year Conference April Emory, UNC, Harvard, CDC, NCI Designing Chronic Disease Prevention Programs that Work National Association of Chronic Disease Directors (NACDD) July Emory, UT, WU, UW, UCLA, CDC
Upcoming CBTAT Cross Center 2013 Training Workshops Workshop TitleConference/Training and Date Length (hrs) Centers Evaluating Evidence- Based Policy, Systems, and Environmental Interventions SOPHE Preconference Workshop – Orlando, FL April 17, UNC Emory CDC UW Using Data to Select and Adapt Evidence-Based Programs, Strategies and Policies The National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO) Annual Meeting - Dallas, TX July 12, UT Emory Putting Evidence into Action for Chronic Disease Prevention APHA Learning Institute Boston, MA Nov. 3, NCI UCLA Wash U Emory
Research & Evaluation Collaborate with the development and evaluation of TACTICC Discuss long-term evaluation methods and plans Mini-grants to use evidence-based approaches –Share different models of training/TA offered to communities –Describe evaluation models –Discuss other potential research gaps/evaluation questions for use of mini-grants to increase use of evidence
Publication Exchange and Linkages Carvalho M, Honeycutt S, Escoffery C, Sabbs D, Glanz K, Kegler M. Balancing fidelity and adaptation: Implementing evidence-based chronic disease prevention programs. J Public Health Manag Pract. In press. Escoffery C, Carvalho M, Kegler M. (2012). Evaluation of the Prevention Programs that Work curriculum to teach use of public health evidence to community practitioners. Health Prom Pract, 13(5), Leeman J, Sommers J, Leung MM, Ammerman A. (2011). Disseminating evidence from research and practice: a model for selecting evidence to guide obesity prevention. J Public Health Manag Pract. 17(2), Community Guide to Preventive Services Toolbox Advisory Committee (UNC, Wash U, Emory) NCI’s Research to Reality Mentoring Program (training curriculum)
Next Steps & Discussion Community Guide has approached us to make parts of our training available via an online format –What do centers think about that possibility? –How else should we disseminate our training? Is there interest in creating a sub-group about mini-grants processes, TA methods, and/or potential publications?