The value chain for Vegetables in The Amhara Region.


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Presentation transcript:

The value chain for Vegetables in The Amhara Region

The stages of Value chain for vegetables Inputs Supply Production Post harvest Trading Processing TradingRetailingConsumption

Value chain functions and Actors Value chain stagesFunctionsActors Input supplySeed/seedlingBoA, Cooperatives, Research centers, Retailer shops, Amhara seed enterprise, AISE, Individuals, Ambasel, Holeta potatoe seed producers cooperatives FertilizersCooperatives/Unions, AISE Agro-chemicalsRetailer shop, Ambasel, AISE Cooperatives

Value chain stagesFunctionsActors Input supplyFarm EquipmentsBoA, Ambasel, Cooperatives, Retail shops, NGO, Private workshops, TVET, Agriculturala mechanization, Micro enterprise Packing and transporting materials Private workshops, Factories, Farmers ProductionVegetable productionFarmers, Organized groups, Private Post HarvestSorting/grading, processing Whole sellers, collectors, farmers, User groups, Processing plant owners Cont…

Value chain stagesFunctionsActors Trading/Whole saleWhole sale, Transport, Store Investors, Middle men, farmers ProcessingSorting/ Grading, Value addition/ juice house Whole sellers, Collectors, Farmers, Organized groups, Investors, RetailRetailingOpen market retailers, Supermarket, veg.retailers, farmers, Retailing shops, ConsumersEnd users of vegetablesFarmers, Universities, Hotels/cafeterias, Military centers, urban dwellers, Correction centers, Orphanage.

Service provided and Providers at each stage StageService providedService Providers InputProvision of Seed/ seedling BoA, Cooperatives, NGO, research centers, Amhara seed enterprise, AISE, Organized farmers, Individual farmers, Ambasel, Holeta potato seed supplier Provision of FertilizersCooperatives/ Unions, AISE Provision of Agrochemicals and spraying service Retailing shop, Ambasel, AISE, Cooperative, BoA, private Provision of Farm Equipment/ Irrigation technologies and maintenance service BoA, Ambasel, Cooperatives, Retailing shops, NGO, Private workshops, TVET, Agricultural mechanization, Private workshops

Cont… StagesService providedService providers ProductionExtensionBoA, NGO, IAR, CreditACSI, Cooperative, NGO Spraying servicePrivate shops, BoA, NGO, Capacity buildingBoA, IAR, Universities, TVET, NGO, Cooperative promotion agency Postharvest handlingExtension serviceBoA, NGO, IAR, Universities Business developmentTrade and transport Bureau TradingCapacity buildingTrade and transport Bureau

Cont… StagesService providedService providers TradingTransportPrivate transporter, Share companies Arrangement of market centers Municipals, processingTechnical adviceTrade and Transport, Quarantine regulatory department TradingTransportPrivate transporter, Share companies retailingArrangement of marketing sites Trade and transport bureau and municipals

Vision Statement To see improved income and livelihoods of male and female households by increasing production and productivity of vegetables by 75 percent.

Sub visions Value chain stagesVision/stage Input provisionTo see improved access of farmers with quality and quantity of improved technology timely and affordable cost ProductionTo see increasing the production of vegetables crops with better income and diet provision. Post harvest HandlingTo reduce the post harvest loss to the minimum using proper extension of post harvest technologies MarketingLinking the production of fruit crops with marketing system for better income provision

Constraints and oportunitiesa Constrainsoportunities Shortage of certifies seedsThe focus of the government towards Irrigated agriculture Shortage of seedlingThe presence of irrigation sheme Poor extension serviceThe florishing of new universities Week market linkageThe inception and focuses of research to irrigated agriculture /IAR/ Week provision of technologies - post harvest, water lifting technologies, Week administration of schemes Week irrigation research Poor agronomic practice/Irrig. water manag’t Poor watershed management Unwise utilization of agro chemicals Shortage of skill and capacity across

The required Knowledge and capacity to realize the vision The required Knowledge and capacity are Short and medium term training Irrigation Water management knowledge and skill Experience sharing

The required service to realize the vision To realize the vision the required services are Credit servises Maintenance service transport services Promotion service Storage services Seed and seedling provision services

The required enabling environments are The ratification of water use right and water user association in reference to proclamation Marketing system improvement Certification of produces, planting materials Regulation on food saftey

The value chain for Fruits in The Amhara Region

The stages of Value chain for vegetables Inputs Supply Production Post harvest Trading Processing TradingRetailingConsumption

Value chain functions and Actors Value chain stagesFunctionsActors Input supplySeed/seedlingBoA, Cooperatives, Research centers, Individuals, NGO, Farmers, FertilizersCooperatives/Unions, AISE Agro-chemicalsRetailer shop, Ambasel, AISE and Cooperatives

Value chain stagesFunctionsActors Input supplyFarm EquipmentsBoA, Ambasel, Cooperatives, NGO, Private workshops, TVET, Agricultural mechanization, Micro enterprise Packing /handling materials Private workshops, Factories, Farmers ProductionFruits productionFarmers, investors, Organized groups, Post HarvestSorting/grading, Storing, processing Whole sellers, collectors, farmers, User groups, Cont…

Value chain stagesFunctionsActors TradingWhole sell, Transport, Store Investors, Middle men, farmers ProcessingSorting/ Grading, Value addition/ juice/ Whole sellers, Collectors, Farmers, Organized groups, Investors, Juice house Retailing Open market retailers, Supermarket, fruits retailers, farmers, Retailing shops, ConsumersEnd users of vegetablesFarmers, Universities, juice house and cafteria, urban dwellers, Correction centers, Orphanage.

Service provided and Providers at each stage StageService providedService Providers InputProvision of Seed/ seedlingBoA, Cooperatives, NGO, research centers, Amhara seed enterprice, AISE, Organized farmers, Individual farmers, Ambasel, Holeta potato seed supplier Provision of FertizilizersCooperatives/ Unions, AISE Provision of Agrochemicals and spraying service Retailing shop, Ambasel, AISE, Cooperative, BoA, private Provision of Farm Equipment/ Irrigation technologies and maintenance service BoA, Ambasel, Cooperatives, Retailing shops, NGO, Private workshops, TVET, Agricultural mechanization, Private workshops

Cont… Service providedService providers ProductionExtensionBoA, NGO, IAR, CreditACSI, Cooperative, NGO Spraying servicePrivate shops, BoA, NGO, Capacity buildingBoA, IAR, Universities, TVET, NGO, Cooperative promotion agency Postharvest handlingExtension serviceBoA, NGO, IAR, Universities Bossiness developmentTrade and transport Bureau TradingCapacity buildingTrade and transport Bureau

Cont… Service providedService providers TradingTransportPrivate transporter, Share campanies Arrangement of market centers Municipals, processingTechnical adviceTrade and Transport, Quarantine regulatory department TradingTransportPrivate transporter, Share campanies retailingArrangement of marketing sites Trade and transport bureau and manucipals

Vision Statement To Increase the production and productivity of fruit crops that satisfied the market focusing on improving the income and livelihoods of male and female households.

Sub visions Value chain stagesVision/stage Input provisionTo see Farmers sufficiently supplied with improved varieties of crops on time to improve their income ProductionTo increase the production and productivity of fruit crops with better income and diet provision Post harvest HandlingTo reduce the post harvest loss to the minimum using proper extension of post harvest technologies MarketingLinking the production of vegetable crops with marketing system for better income provision

Constraints and oportunitiesa Constrainsoportunities Shortage of certifies seedsThe focus of the government towards Irrigated agriculture Shortage of seedlingThe presence of irrigation sheme Poor extension serviceThe florishing of new universities Week market linkageThe inception o fresearch to irrigated agriculture /IAR/ Week provision of technologies - post harvest, water lifting technologies, Week administration of schemes Week irrigation research Poor agronomic practice/Irrig. water manag’t Poor watershed management Unwise utilization of agro chemicals Shortage of skill and capacity across

The required Knowledge and capacity to realize the vision The required Knowledge and capacity are Short and medium term training Irrigation Water management knowledeg and skill Experience sharing

The required service to realize the vision To realize the vision the required services are Credit servises Maintenance service transport services Promotion service Storage services Seed and seedling provision services

The required enabling environments are The ratification of water use right and water user association in reference to proclamation Marketing system improvement Certification of produces, planting materials Regulation on food saftey

The value chain for fodder crops in The Amhara Region

The stages of Value chain for vegetables Inputs Supply Production Post harvest Trading Processing TradingRetailingConsumption

Value chain functions and Actors Value chain stagesFunctionsActors Input supplySeed/seedling/cutting/ split Spraying BoA, IAR, NGO, private trader, Cooperatives, Research centers, farmers BoA, Farmers, NGO, Retailing shops ProductionProducing forage/fodder/seedling/ split Farmers, BoA, NGO, IAR

Value chain stagesFunctionsActors Post harvestSilage making Hay making Balling Farmers Organized user groups, TradeTradingFarmers Private, users group ProcessingSorting/ grading/Farmers, Organized groups, consumptionEnd usersFarmers - Exporters Private /town dwellers Cont…

Service provided and Providers at each stage StageService providedService Providers InputProvision of Seed/ seedlingBoA, Cooperatives, NGO, research centers, Organized farmers, Individual farmers, Provision of Agrochemicals and spraying service Retailing shop, Ambasel, AISE, Cooperative, BoA, private

Service provided and providers Service providedService providers ProductionExtensionBoA, NGO, IAR, CreditACSI, Cooperative, NGO Spraying servicePrivate shops, BoA, NGO, Capacity buildingBoA, IAR, Universities, TVET, NGO, Cooperative promotion agency Postharvest handlingExtension serviceBoA, NGO, IAR, Universities TradingTechnical support Transport BoA Private transporter, Share campanies A

Vision To see improved income and livelihoods of beneficiaries /Male and female households/ by increasing availability of fodder.

Sub vision Value chain stagesVision/stage Input provisionTo see Farmers with adequate supply of improved seeds to fodder production ProductionTo see increase the production and productivity of fodder crops and satisfy the demand of users Post harvest HandlingTo reduce the post harvest loss to the minimum using post harvest technologies MarketingTo see efficient and effective linkage of production with fodder Market promotion

Service providing and providers Service providedService providers processingTechnical adviceBoA, IAR, NGO TradingTechnical support Transport BoA Private transporter, Share campanies A retailretailingFarmers, individuals

Constraints and oportunitiesa ConstrainsOpportunities Lack of attitudeThe increasing demand for livestock development /dairy and fattening/ Lack of attention for livestock production at various level The highest cost of concentrate lead farmers to implement fodder production Poor extension serviceShortage of grazing land leads to focused on production of yielder fodder Week linkage between extension and research Shortage of grazing lands leads to implementing high yielder fodder Shortage of input supply Poor market oriented livestock production Poor technical problems Low level of capacity

The required Knowledge and capacity to realize the vision The required Knowledge and capacity for fodder production are Short and medium term training Need high yielder fodder varieties Experience sharing and visiting

The required service to realize the vision To realize the vision the required services are Credit services Indoors farming Availability of Improves fodder varieties Promotion service Seed and seedling provision services post harvest equipment- chopper, baler

The required enabling environments are The implementation of land use Certification of producers on planting materials Clear strategy for fodder production in irrigated agriculture

Thank you