Practices and challenges in implementing SW systems October 2011
Agenda Implemented practices and challenges overcame Futures challenges
Implemented practices and challenges overcame Reuse of best practices Peruvian Customs modernization
Reuse of best practices Model of SW General Process - SW Services
Reuse of best practices Authentication service for importers with “SOL” To send an to the user with a link, to access generating a new key To change key and to generate new key Mail server Users and roles repository User manag. and manag. of secondary users Administration menu, maintenance and assign roles.
Reuse of best practices Authentication service for importers with “SOL”
Reuse of best practices Authentication service for importers with “SOL”
Reuse of best practices Electronic payment
Reuse of best practices Electronic payment
Reuse of best practices Electronic payment
Reuse of best practices Electronic payment
Goods and operators registration Manifest Declara tion Control Arrival Discharge Control Customs Inspec- tion Release Control Pre arrival Authori- zation Post Release Authori- zation Agency inspection Technical Questions Clearance process Peruvian Customs modernization Model of SW General Process - Macroprocess for Import
Foreign trade operator virtual community Customs specialist virtual community Peruvian Customs modernization Virtual communities XML transmission formats: 48 Options imp. in virtual communities: 172 Computer app. in the new systems: 4 Computer app. of the old systems replaced: 18
Peruvian Customs modernization Foreing trade operator virtual community
Peruvian Customs modernization Foreing trade operator virtual community
Peruvian Customs modernization
Foreing trade operator virtual community
Customs specialist virtual community Peruvian Customs modernization
Customs specialist virtual community Peruvian Customs modernization
Customs specialist virtual community Peruvian Customs modernization
Customs specialist virtual community
Futures challenges Management and process IT
Management and process: To continue to count on political support, generate expectations and interest. Reengineering processes, not automating these processes, and develop procedures for each agency in accordance with the approved General Process Model. Elimination and reduction of rates, collides with the Entity budgets. Future challenges
Management and process: List of restricted goods and procedure for updating (just enough) Legal regulation of the entire circuit of the SW, including procedure for dealing with entities. Differed payment for the immediate clearance of the imported goods. Future challenges
Management and process: Common review of goods Technical team to support the SW (process and IT) Integration with other Customs and SW of the world. To define contingency SW (process and IT) Future challenges
IT: SW technology infrastructure manager. To conduct the SW data harmonization based on the WCO Customs Data Model. To continue developing the information system that will support the rest of procedures for each agency. Future challenges
IT: Agencies’ fees electronic payment, including Business & Home Banking solutions. Intensive utilization of intelligent systems. Linking to customs clearance Future challenges
Practices and challenges in implementing SW systems October 2011