EU TRANSPORT POLICY AND THE ENLARGEMENT PROCESS Tamás Fleischer Institute for World Economics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Turkey and EU Enlargement: Prospects and Policies Public Workshop - Central European University Center for EU Enlargement Studies (CENS) and Sabanci University Istanbul Policy Center (IPC) Budapest, January 2012
Main consequences for Turkey (my interpretation) 2012 Turkey (1) Create a clear social picture about the directions of a local transport future: the possibilities of decreasing the car dependency (2) Preparation of a transport strategy: what kind of transport structure and strategy is needed for the future development of Turkey? (4) Study the EU transport policy, to see what can the EU offer for Turkey -- and what Turkey can offer to the EU (3) Needs/offers of the EU for external relations YearsLocal urban & suburban C/Macro-regional <300 – cc.800km Continental EU-wide Global & intercontinental
Main consequences for Turkey (my interpretation) Trans-European North-South Motorway (TEM)
Main consequences for Turkey (my interpretation) 2012 Turkey (1) Create a clear social picture about the directions of a local transport future: the possibilities of decreasing the car dependency (2) Preparation of a transport strategy: what kind of transport structure and strategy is needed for the future development of Turkey? (4) Study the EU transport policy, to see what can the EU offer for Turkey -- and what Turkey can offer to the EU (3) Needs/offers of the EU for external relations YearsLocal urban & suburban C/Macro-regional <300 – cc.800km Continental EU-wide Global & intercontinental
Main EU Transport Policy documents 4 White Paper 1992 (COM (92) 494 final. The Future Development of the Common Transport Policy – A Global Approach to the Construction of a Community Framework for Sustainable Mobility. Brussels: Commission of the European Communities) 4 White Paper 2001 (COM (2001.) European transport policy for 2010: time to decide. Office for Official Publications of the European Communities, CEC,) 4 Mid-term review 2006 (COM(2006) 314 final) Keep Europe moving - Sustainable mobility for our continent - Mid-term review of the European Commission’s 2001 Transport White paper. Communication from the Commission to the Council and the European Parliament, Brussels, ) 4 White Paper 2011 (COM(2011) 144 final. White Paper: Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area – Towards a competitive and resource efficient transport System. European Commission, Brussels, )
EU transport policy milestones bef. 1992Specific sub- sector targets; (motivation: competition balancing) YearsLocal urban & suburban C/Macro-regional <300 – cc.800km Continental EU-wide Global & intercontinental
EU transport policy milestones bef. 1992Specific sub- sector targets; (motivation: competition balancing) 1992 CTP harmonisation of state regulations „Single network to a single market” TEN-T (keep up with USA & Japan/E-Asia) YearsLocal urban & suburban C/Macro-regional <300 – cc.800km Continental EU-wide Global & intercontinental *
EU transport policy milestones bef. 1992Specific sub- sector targets; (motivation: competition balancing) 1992 CTP harmonisation of state regulations* „Single network to a single market” TEN-T (keep up with USA & Japan/E-Asia) YearsLocal urban & suburban C/Macro-regional <300 – cc.800km Continental EU-wide Global & intercontinental * * (Don’t attribute exaggerated significance to the corridors !)
EU transport policy milestones bef. 1992Specific sub- sector targets; (motivation: competition balancing) 1992 CTP harmonisation of state regulations* „Single network to a single market” TEN-T (keep up with USA & Japan/E-Asia) TEN TEN- Guidelines + emphasis on 14 priority projects YearsLocal urban & suburban C/Macro-regional <300 – cc.800km Continental EU-wide Global & intercontinental
EU transport policy milestones bef. 1992Specific sub- sector targets; (motivation: competition balancing) 1992 CTP harmonisation of state regulations* „Single network to a single market” TEN-T (keep up with USA & Japan/E-Asia) TEN TEN- Guidelines + emphasis on 14 priority projects 1997 => YearsLocal urban & suburban C/Macro-regional <300 – cc.800km Continental EU-wide Global & intercontinental
EU transport policy milestones 1991–94–97 PEC Pan-European (Helsinki) Corridors YearsLocal urban & suburban C/Macro-regional <300 – cc.800km Continental EU-wide Global & intercontinental
EU transport policy milestones 1991–94–97 PEC Pan-European (Helsinki) Corridors YearsLocal urban & suburban C/Macro-regional <300 – cc.800km Continental EU-wide Global & intercontinental
EU transport policy milestones 1991–94–97 PEC Pan-European (Helsinki) Corridors YearsLocal urban & suburban C/Macro-regional <300 – cc.800km Continental EU-wide Global & intercontinental That would be an extension of the TEN grid
EU transport policy milestones 1991–94–97 PEC Pan-European (Helsinki) Corridors YearsLocal urban & suburban C/Macro-regional <300 – cc.800km Continental EU-wide Global & intercontinental This is the extension of the E-W axes
EU transport policy milestones 1991–94–97 PEC Pan-European (Helsinki) Corridors YearsLocal urban & suburban C/Macro-regional <300 – cc.800km Continental EU-wide Global & intercontinental And this is what was really happening
EU transport policy milestones 1991–94–97 PEC Pan-European (Helsinki) Corridors 1995–99 TINA TINA densified secondary network for the accessing countries YearsLocal urban & suburban C/Macro-regional <300 – cc.800km Continental EU-wide Global & intercontinental
EU transport policy milestones 1991–94–97 PEC Pan-European (Helsinki) Corridors 1995–99 TINA TINA densified secondary network for the accessing countries 2002 & 2003 TIRS & REBIS Tra. Infrastr. Reg. Study in the Balkans YearsLocal urban & suburban C/Macro-regional <300 – cc.800km Continental EU-wide Global & intercontinental
EU transport policy milestones 2001 WP „Time to Decide” Users in the heart of transport policy Breaking the economic transport Reduction in Decreasing link between growth and growth; mobility road transport TEN-T Managing the globalisation of transport YearsLocal urban & suburban C/Macro-regional <300 – cc.800km Continental EU-wide Global & intercontinental
EU transport policy milestones 2001 WP „Time to Decide” Users in the heart of transport policy Breaking the economic transport Reduction in Decreasing link between growth and growth; mobility road transport TEN-T Managing the globalisation of transport 2004 (29 April) TEN-T Guidelines 30 priority projects YearsLocal urban & suburban C/Macro-regional <300 – cc.800km Continental EU-wide Global & intercontinental
EU transport policy milestones 2001 WP „Time to Decide” Users in the heart of transport policy Breaking the economic transport Reduction in Decreasing link between growth and growth; mobility road transport TEN-T Managing the globalisation of transport 2004 (29 April) TEN-T Guidelines 30 priority projects 2006 WP review „Keep Europe Moving” “optimise each potential” „Mobility disconnected negative side- mode’s own must be from its effects” YearsLocal urban & suburban C/Macro-regional <300 – cc.800km Continental EU-wide Global & intercontinental
EU transport policy milestones 2001 WP „Time to Decide” Users in the heart of transport policy Breaking the economic transport Reduction in Decreasing link between growth and growth; mobility road transport TEN-T Managing the globalisation of transport 2004 (29 April) TEN-T Guidelines 30 priority projects 2006 WP review „Keep Europe Moving” “optimise each potential” „Mobility disconnected negative side- mode’s own must be from its effects” 2007 => YearsLocal urban & suburban C/Macro-regional <300 – cc.800km Continental EU-wide Global & intercontinental
EU transport policy milestones 2007 Guidelines for transport in Europe and neighbouring regions: Extension of the major trans- European transport axes to the neighbouring countries and regions. YearsLocal urban & suburban C/Macro-regional <300 – cc.800km Continental EU-wide Global & intercontinental
EU transport policy milestones 2007 Guidelines for transport in Europe and neighbouring regions: Extension of the major trans- European transport axes to the neighbouring countries and regions Union guide- lines for the development of the Trans- European Transport Network (TEN-T) Identification of main urban and other nodes Connecting these main nodes by multimodal links Missing links of free movement disparity in quality lack of nodes cap. emission reduction different rules Dual layer approach: core & comprehensive network + core network corridors Adequate connections to neighboring and third countries YearsLocal urban & suburban C/Macro-regional <300 – cc.800km Continental EU-wide Global & intercontinental
EU transport policy milestones 2011 WP Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area – Towards a competitive and resource efficient transport system GHG emission pass 17 % freight 6 % GHG emission pass 33 % freight 23 % GHG emission pass 10 % freight 11 % YearsLocal urban & suburban C/Macro-regional <300 – cc.800km Continental EU-wide Global & intercontinental
EU transport policy milestones 2011 WP Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area – Towards a competitive and resource efficient transport system GHG emission pass 17 % freight 6 % GHG emission pass 33 % freight 23 % GHG emission pass 10 % freight 11 % YearsLocal urban & suburban C/Macro-regional <300 – cc.800km Continental EU-wide Global & intercontinental
EU transport policy milestones 2011 WP Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area – Towards a competitive and resource efficient transport system GHG emission pass 17 % freight 6 % GHG emission pass 33 % freight 23 % Goals: 60 % GHG emission reduction by 2050; reducing oil dependency; barriers to increasing congestion GHG emission pass 10 % freight 11 % YearsLocal urban & suburban C/Macro-regional <300 – cc.800km Continental EU-wide Global & intercontinental
EU transport policy milestones 2011 WP Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area – Towards a competitive and resource efficient transport system GHG emission pass 17 % freight 6 % GHG emission pass 33 % freight 23 % Goals: 60 % GHG emission reduction by 2050; reducing oil dependency; barriers to increasing congestion + ‘implicit objective’: „…single European transport area” GHG emission pass 10 % freight 11 % YearsLocal urban & suburban C/Macro-regional <300 – cc.800km Continental EU-wide Global & intercontinental
EU transport policy milestones 2011 WP Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area – Towards a competitive and resource efficient transport system GHG emission pass 17 % freight 6 % GHG emission pass 33 % freight 23 % Goals: 60 % GHG emission reduction by 2050; reducing oil dependency; barriers to increasing congestion + ‘implicit objective’: „…single European transport area” GHG emission pass 10 % freight 11 % YearsLocal urban & suburban C/Macro-regional <300 – cc.800km Continental EU-wide Global & intercontinental
EU transport policy milestones 2011 WP Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area – Towards a competitive and resource efficient transport system GHG emission pass 17 % freight 6 % (1) Phase out conventionally fuelled cars in cities (9) 0 fatalities by 2050 (10) User / polluter pays, harmful subsidies = 0 GHG emission pass 33 % freight 23 % (3) 30% of >300km road fright at another mode by 2030; 50% by 2050; (4) 3x more h-s rail 2030, medium dis. Rail by 2050 (8) Multimodal inform. Management payment sys (9) 0 fatalities by 2050 (10) User / polluter pays, harmful subsidies = 0 Goals: 60 % GHG emission reduction by 2050; reducing oil dependency; barriers to increasing congestion + ‘implicit objective’: „…single European transport area” GHG emission pass 10 % freight 11 % (2) Reduce maritime emissions with 40%, low-carbon fuel planes achieve 40% share in fleet (6) rail provision of air-ports and ports by 2050 (7) Transport manag. system for air, land, water by Galileo (9) 0 fatalities by 2050 (10) User / polluter pays, harmful subsidies = 0 YearsLocal urban & suburban C/Macro-regional <300 – cc.800km Continental EU-wide Global & intercontinental
EU transport policy milestones 2011 WP Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area – Towards a competitive and resource efficient transport system GHG emission pass 17 % freight 6 % (1) Phase out conventionally fuelled cars in cities (9) 0 fatalities by 2050 (10) User / polluter pays, harmful subsidies = 0 GHG emission pass 33 % freight 23 % (3) 30% of >300km road fright at another mode by 2030; 50% by 2050; (4) 3x more h-s rail 2030, medium dis. Rail by 2050 (8) Multimodal inform. Management payment sys (9) 0 fatalities by 2050 (10) User / polluter pays, harmful subsidies = 0 Goals: 60 % GHG emission reduction by 2050; reducing oil dependency; barriers to increasing congestion + ‘implicit objective’: „…single European transport area” (5) TEN-T core network by 2030; capacity extension by 2050 GHG emission pass 10 % freight 11 % (2) Reduce maritime emissions with 40%, low-carbon fuel planes achieve 40% share in fleet (6) rail provision of air-ports and ports by 2050 (7) Transport manag. system for air, land, water by Galileo (9) 0 fatalities by 2050 (10) User / polluter pays, harmful subsidies = 0 YearsLocal urban & suburban C/Macro-regional <300 – cc.800km Continental EU-wide Global & intercontinental
EU transport policy milestones bef. 1992Specific sub-sector targets; : competition balancing 1992 CTPharmonisation of state regulations „Single network to a single market” + TEN-T (keep up with USA & Japan/E-Asia) 1996 TENTEN-Guidelines + emphasis on 14 priority projects 1991–94–97 PECPan-European (Helsinki) Corridors 1995–99 TINATINA densified secondary netw. for accessing countries 2001 WP „Time to Decide” Users in the heart of transport policy Breaking the link between econo Reduction in Decreasing mic growth and transport growth mobility road transport + TEN-T Managing the globalisation of transport 2002 TIRS & 2003 REBIS Transport Infrastructure Regional Study in the Balkans 2004 (29 Apr.) TEN-T Guidelines 30 priority projects 2006 WP review „Keep Europe Moving” “optimise each „Mobility must be disconnected mode’s own potential” from its negative side-effects” 2007 Guidelines for Europe and neighboring regions: Extension of trans-European transport axes to neighboring countries and regions WP …to a Single European Transport Area – Towards a competitive and resource efficient transport sy No. (2) (9) (10) of ten goalsNo. (3) (4) (8) (9) (10) of ten goals 60 % GHG emiss. reduc. 2050; reducing oil dependency; barriers to increasing congestion + „single European transport area” No. (5) of ten goals No. (2) (6) (7) (9) (10) of ten goals 2011 TEN-T Guidelines Identification of urban main nodes Dual layer approach: core & comprehensive network + core network corridors Adequate connections to neighbouring and third countries 2012 Turkey (1) Create clear social picture about local transport future: the possibilities of decreasing car dependency (2) Preparation of a transport strategy: what kind of trans-port structure and strategy is needed for the future development of Turkey? (4) Study the EU transport policy, to see what can the EU offer for Turkey -- and what Turkey can offer to EU (3) Needs/offers of the EU for external relations YearsLocal urban & suburban C/Macro-regional <300 – cc.800km Continental EU-wide Global & intercontinental
Main consequences for Turkey (my interpretation) 2012 Turkey (1) Create a clear social picture about the directions of a local transport future: the possibilities of decreasing the car dependency (2) Preparation of a transport strategy: what kind of transport structure and strategy is needed for the future development of Turkey? (4) Study the EU transport policy, to see what can the EU offer for Turkey -- and what Turkey can offer to the EU (3) Needs/offers of the EU for external relations YearsLocal urban & suburban C/Macro-regional <300 – cc.800km Continental EU-wide Global & intercontinental
EU TRANSPORT POLICY AND THE ENLARGEMENT PROCESS Tamás Fleischer Institute for World Economics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences Turkey and EU Enlargement: Prospects and Policies Public Workshop - Central European University Center for EU Enlargement Studies (CENS) and Sabanci University Istanbul Policy Center (IPC) Budapest, January 2012 THANKS FOR YOUR ATTENTION !