Sleeve & Band: Increased Risk of Esophageal Cancer Dr. Rutledge
MGB / OA Consensus Conference Paris Oct 18-19, Imagine; Your Post Op Pt Post Op Patient Visit" "Dr., I found out the operation that you performed on me may cause cancer." "You did not tell me this." Your answer?
Sleeve & Band, 30% Reflux (2yr FU), Leads to Esophageal Cancer Dr. Rutledge
1. GE Reflux => Esophageal Cancer Survey 120 Bariatric Surgeons "GERD Increases Risk of Cancer of Esophagus. Longer GERD = More Risk." AGREE 100%
2. Band and Sleeve => 30% GE Reflux "Sleeve gastrectomy produces an important decrease in LES pressure, which can cause reflux symptoms and esophagitis" Obes Surg Mar;20(3): Epub 2009 Dec 15.Manometric changes of the lower esophageal sphincter after sleevegastrectomy in obese patients.Braghetto I,
MGB / OA Consensus Conference Paris Oct 18-19, All patients had a pre- and postop swallow 18% New-onset GERD on UGI GERD score questionnaire, 22% New-onset GERD symptoms despite receiving daily Anti-Acid therapy Surg Obes Relat Dis Nov-Dec:Gastroesophageal reflux after sleeve gastrectomy in morbidly obese patients. Howard DD, Caban AM, Cendan JC, Ben-David K. Department of Surgery, Minimally Invasive, Gastroesophageal and Bariatric Surgery Service, University of Florida, Gainesville, Florida 32610, USA
MGB / OA Consensus Conference Paris Oct 18-19,
Survey Bariatric Surgical Experts
MGB / OA Consensus Conference Paris Oct 18-19, Band & Sleeve
MGB / OA Consensus Conference Paris Oct 18-19, Esophageal carcinoma after sleeve gastrectomy. Scheepers AF, Schoon EJ, Nienhuijs SW. Surg Obes Relat Dis Jul-Aug; Esophageal adenocarcinoma after laparoscopic gastric band placement for obesity. Stauffer JA, Mathew J, Odell JA. Dis Esophagus Jan; Adenocarcinoma of the lower esophagus after placement of a gastric band. Korswagen LA, Schrama JG, Bruins Slot W, Hunfeld MA. Obes Surg Mar;
3. Band Sleeve => Increased Risk of Esophageal Cancer 4. Surgeons Should Warn Their Patients: Risk of Esophageal Cancer after Band Sleeve
MGB / OA Consensus Conference Paris Oct 18-19, Best Practices What happens, When your sleeve patients find that They may be at increased risk for Esophageal Cancer Their surgeons could or should have known about it But Did Not Warn Them?