Win or Lose CONSENSUS Diana Peer Arkansas Leadership Academy - AASCD Conference 2011
Getting Started 1. Why we called this meeting? 2. Who are all these people? 3. How do I get my physical needs met? 4. How do I fit into this community? 5. Where are we headed? 6. How are we going to get there? 7. How are we going to behave? 8. Can we live with it? Arkansas Leadership Academy - AASCD Conference 2011
Dimensions of a PLC Shared values and vision Collective learning and application Supportive and shared leadership Supportive conditions Shared personal practice (Hall & Hord) Arkansas Leadership Academy - AASCD Conference 2011
Common beliefs People support what they help create. Diversity is embraced and valued. Arkansas Leadership Academy - AASCD Conference 2011
Change is a highly personal experience, involving developmental growth in feelings and skills. Horsley & Horsley Arkansas Leadership Academy - AASCD Conference 2011
Consensus takes both sides of the Railroad Track! RESULTSRESULTS RELATIONSHIPSRELATIONSHIPS Arkansas Leadership Academy - AASCD Conference 2011
Understanding Relationships Parallel play Adversarial AdversarialCongenial Collegial (Roland Barth) Arkansas Leadership Academy - AASCD Conference 2011
CBAM Stages of Concern AwarenessInformationalPersonalManagementConsequenceCollaborationRefocusing Horsley & Horsley Arkansas Leadership Academy - AASCD Conference 2011
Team Development Wheel performingforming stormingnorming (B.W. Tuckman, 1965) Arkansas Leadership Academy - AASCD Conference 2011
SAFE enviornment FairConsistentTransparentTrustworthy Roles & Responsibilities Arkansas Leadership Academy - AASCD Conference 2011
“The Big 8” 1. Why we called this meeting? 2. Who are all these people? 3. How do I get my physical needs met? 4. How do I fit into this community? 5. Where are we headed? 6. How are we going to get there? 7. How are we going to behave? 8. Can we live with it? Arkansas Leadership Academy - AASCD Conference 2011
Building Relationships That’s me! Sentence Stems Arkansas Leadership Academy - AASCD Conference 2011
Norms No assumptions How we will work together Arkansas Leadership Academy - AASCD Conference 2011
Agendas Productive meetings Clear expectations Intended outcomes Transparent processes Safe accountability Linked to action Arkansas Leadership Academy - AASCD Conference 2011
Table Talk Roles RecorderReporterTimekeeperFacilitator Materials Manager Arkansas Leadership Academy - AASCD Conference 2011
Voice SurveyBrainstorming Carousel Brainstorming DialogueAll-on-the-Wall Right-brained activities Arkansas Leadership Academy - AASCD Conference 2011
Shared Decision Making Fist to Five Dot Voting Criteria Matrix Arkansas Leadership Academy - AASCD Conference 2011
Research DifferentiationImplementation Support Totals Option Option Option Option Arkansas Leadership Academy - AASCD Conference 2011
Consensus A mature collaborative culture built on shared beliefs, vision, and purpose seldom uses voting as a decision- making strategy. Using tools for consensus building is a natural approach to collective focus and shared responsibility. Arkansas Leadership Academy - AASCD Conference 2011
“Six essential factors work in concert to produce a sense of shared responsibility for student success.” “Six essential factors work in concert to produce a sense of shared responsibility for student success.” 1. Compelling purpose, shared standards, and academic focus 2. Collective efficacy and shared responsibility for student learning 3. Collaborative culture 4. Communal application of effective teaching practices and deprivatized practice 5. Relational trust in one another, in students, and in parents 6. Individual and group learning based on on-going assessment and feedback (Garmston & Wellman, p. 15) Arkansas Leadership Academy - AASCD Conference 2011
Refereneces Hall & Hord (2011) Implementing change: Patterns, principles, and potholes (3 rd ed.) Allyn & Bacon Garmston & Wellman (2009) The adaptive school: A sourcebook for developing collaborative groups (2 nd ed.) Christopher- Gordon Arkansas Leadership Academy - AASCD Conference 2011
Contact Diana Peer, Master Principal Leader Arkansas Leadership Academy (479) Arkansas Leadership Academy - AASCD Conference 2011