網路管理 (Network Management) 開課系級: 4G 上課時間: 4bcd (09:10~12:00) 上課地點:管 226 Office Hours: 週四 14:00~16:00, or 預約 課程網頁:


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Presentation transcript:

網路管理 (Network Management) 開課系級: 4G 上課時間: 4bcd (09:10~12:00) 上課地點:管 226 Office Hours: 週四 14:00~16:00, or 預約 課程網頁: 授課教師:陳彥錚,

教科書: 1. 老師的網管網站 2. X.700: Management framework for OSI for CCITT applications 3. Essential SNMP, Chapter SNMPv1 RFCs: RFC 1157, RFC 1155, RFC 1212, RFC SMIv2 RFCs: RFC 2578, 2579, SNMPv3 RFCs: RFC 3416,...

參考書籍: * Network Management: Principles and Practice, Mani Subramanian, Addison Wesley, 2000 * SNMP, SNMPv2, SNMPv3, and RMON 1 and 2, by William Stallings, Addison Wesley, 3rd Edition, 1999

成績評量方式: * Homework: 30% * Mid-Term Exam.: 40% * Project/Final Report: 30%

課程內容: 1.Data Communications and Network Management Overview 2.Standards, Models, and Language  Introduction to ASN.1 3.SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) Organization and Information Models Communication and Functional Models 4.Developing Network Management Applications Network Traffic Monitoring - MRTG SNMP Programming in PHP SNMP Programming in Java 5.SNMPv2 6.Host Monitoring - Host Resources MIB 7.SNMPv3

Labs 1.MRTG ( 2.SNMP Applications  PHP SNMP Programming  WebNMS SNMP API (Java)  MIBs: MIB II Host Resource MIB 3.Command-Line Tools  arp, finger, ftp, ipconfig, netstat, nslookup, tracert, ping, route