1 Temporal Parsing Annotation A temporal parse (TP) is an annotation that explicitly marks the temporal relationship between the different events, time anchors and other temporally salient units mentioned in a document. TPs generally follow the syntactic dependency parse of the annotated sentences. Cross-sentential annotation is done at the head-of-sentence level. TP is shallower than a TimeML analysis (Pustejovsky et al. 2003, Mani and Pustejovsky, 2004) and is much easier to create. TP is useful for –Constructing activity schedules from text –Answering temporal order questions: did/does/will X happen before/after/same_time_with Y? where X,Y are events, states, dates or time ranges.
2 Temporal Parse Components Temporal Units –Annotate temporally salient words meaning those inherently marked for time (past, present, future, or specific time) and/or explicitly temporally ordered through a temporal connector (before/after/until/etc.) Temporal Type (for temporal units) –Event/State/Communication/Date/Range –Past, present, future, partially specified or unspecified –Negative/positive Temporal Parent (link to parent unit) –Generally follows syntactic dependency (skipping to ancestors is allowed) Temporal Relationship (between child and parent) –Before, after, concurrent, or a combination of them
3Example Baghdad 11/28 -- Senator Hall arrived in Baghdad yesterday. He told reporters that he “ will not be visiting Tehran” before he left Washington. He will return next Monday. TimeUnit TypeRelationParent 11/28Specific.Date After arrived arrivedPast.EventBefore yesterdayPast.DateConcurrent arrived toldPast.SayBefore arrived visitingNeg.Future.EventAfter told leftPast.Event After told returnFuture.EventAfter MondaySpecific.DateConcurrent return
4Example 11/28 arrived yesterdaytold (not) visiting left return Monday TIME