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Overview of Search Engine
Flow Chart of SE
Text Processing (1) - Indexing A list of terms with relevant information Frequency of terms Location of terms Etc. Index terms: represent document content & separate documents “ economy ” vs “ computer ” in a news article of Financial Times To get Index Extraction of index terms Computation of their weights
Text Processing (2) - Extraction Extraction of index terms Word or phrase level Morphological Analysis (stemming in English) “ information ”, “ informed ”, “ informs ”, “ informative ” inform Removal of stop words “ a ”, “ an ”, “ the ”, “ is ”, “ are ”, “ am ”, …
Text Processing (3) – Term Weight Calculation of term weights Statistical weights using frequency information importance of a term in a document E.g. TF*IDF TF: total frequency of a term k in a document IDF: inverse document frequency of a term k in a collection DF: In how many documents the term appears? High TF, low DF means good word to represent text High TF, High DF means bad word
An Example Document 1 Document 2
Text Processing (4) - Storing indexing results Arizona University :::::: … Index WordWord Info. Document 1 Document
Text Processing (2) - Storing indexing result
Text Processing (3) - Inverted File
Matching & Ranking (2) Ranking Retrieval Model Boolean (exact) => Fuzzy Set (inexact) Vector Space Probabilistic Inference Net... Weighting Schemes Index terms, query terms Document characteristics
Vector Space Model
Techniques for efficiency New storage structure esp. for new document types Use of accumulators for efficient generation of ranked output Compression/decompression of indexes Technique for Web search engines Use of hyperlinks Inlinks & outlinks (PageRank) Authority vs hub pages (HITS) In conjunction with Directory Services (e.g. Yahoo) Matching & Ranking (2)
Pagerank Algorithm Basic idea: more links to a page implies a better page But, all links are not created equal Links from a more important page should count more than links from a weaker page Basic PageRank R(A) for page A: outDegree(B) = number of edges leaving page B = hyperlinks on page B Page B distributes its rank boost over all the pages it points to
Readings Gregory Grefenstette (1998). “ The Problem of Cross-Language Information Retrieval. ” In Cross-Language Information Retrieval (ed: Grefenstette), Kluwer Academic Publishers. Doug Oard et al. (1999). “ Multilingual Information Discovery and AccesS (MIDAS). ” D-Lib Magazine, 5 (10), Oct. Sung Hyon Myaeng et al. (1998). “ A Flexible Model for Retrieval of SGML Documents. ” Proc. of the 21st ACM SIGIR Conference, Austrailia. James Allan (2002). “ Introduction to Topic Detection and Tracking. ” in Topic Detection and Tracking: Event-based Information Organization (ed: Allan), Kluwer Academic Publishers. Paul Resnick & Hal Varian (1997). “ Recommender Systems. ” CACM 40 (3), March, pp Bardrul Sarwar et al. (2001). “ Item-based Collaborative Recommendation Algorithms ”, Karen Sparck Jones (1999). “ Automatic summarizing: factors and directions. ” In Advances in Automatic Text Summarization (eds: Mani & Maybury), MIT Press. Ellen Boorhees. (2000). “ Overview of TREC-9 Question Answering Track. ” Ralph Grishman (1997). “ Information Extraction: Techniques and Challenges. ” In Information Extraction - International Summer School SCIE-97, (ed: Maria Teresa Pazienza), Springer- Verlag, (See