What is this monk doing ? Mandalas To understand the spiritual benefit of making a mandala To make your own mandala To experience Buddhist meditation
Mandalas are sacred spaces, drawn or made in sand, as aids for meditation. A monk must undergo a long period of training (3 years), learning how to draw all the various symbols and understand the Buddhist concepts they represent. The monks must memorize each detail of the mandala as part of their monastery's training program. The monk’s life must be pure, because this is reflected in their work, for the maximum benefit of the viewer. Describe what a mandala is. Explain how it helps with meditation. Click to see more examples. You “travel” through the different parts of a mandala in your imagination, using them to help you become aware of the 3 signs of being in yourself (no- self, suffering and nothing lasts) so you can reach enlightenment.
A mandala is a sacred space that represents the journey you have to make towards enlightenment in meditation. 1.Label the different sections of your mandala using information on this slide. The outside ring represents wholeness, the universe, eternity. If you persevere, you come to another obstacle. The 4 gates of the palace are guarded by angry doorkeepers. What “angry doorkeepers” keep you from finding inner peace? There is a “ safe” place within the circles. It is filled with angelic beings, symbols of joy and purity. Experience their blessing and loving-kindness as you find yourself there. Each symbol in the mandala has a special meaning. They remind you of some part of the Buddha’s teaching, leading you closer to the heart of existence. Colours have meanings. Blue represents truth. Red represents compassion. White represents purity. Think about each as you pass through them. The centre of the Mandala is where all things are united as one. There is no self/ other. There is just peace, and selfless existence. You hope to reach this place within yourself. The 3 rings within the outer circle are rings of fire. They represent some form of greed, hatred or the desire to remain ignorant. You need to be strong, devoted and fearless to get through.
Making a Mandala People who color mandalas often experience a deep sense of calm and well-being. Mandalas not only focus your attention, but allow you to express your creative side, which many of us neglect in our daily lives. 1.Watch the video 2.Either draw your own mandala, or colour in a template, while listening to the meditation. Don’t be afraid of your feelings ! Tibetan Meditation mantra Om Mani Padme Hum Mandala Video Om Mani Padme Hum can not really be translated into a simple phrase or even a few sentences. It is the most widely used of all Buddhist mantras. It invokes the symbol (bodhisattva) of all compassion. It is commonly carved onto rocks or written on paper which is inserted into prayer wheels which are then spun. Mani = jewel, padme = lotus flower, om and hum have no meaning.