SNARE complex and Ca 2+ sensor
Endocytic invagination 1.Bar-domain containing protein such as amphiphysin which inducing membrane curvature 2.Clathrin, which is recruited by AP-2, is critical in maintaining the curvature of endocytic vesicles Clathrin-mediated endocytosis Pinch-off: Dynamin Vesicle uncoating: Synaptojanin 1 that hydrolyzes PI(4,5)P 2
Clathrin-mediated endocytosis is a slow form of endocytosis
Full fusion and kiss-and-run Harata et al, J Neurochem 2006
Coupling between PI(4,5)P 2 metabolism and synaptic vesicle recycling PI(4)P PI(4,5)P 2 Kinases PI(4,5)P 2 PI(4)P phosphatases
Techniques for synaptic vesicle recycling 1.Electrophysiology 2.Imaging 3.Electron microscopy FM dyes SynaptopHluorin Quantum dots
Geppert et al, Cell Electrophysiology: single stimulation
1.Electrophysiology: a train of stimulations Defects in synaptic vesicle endocytosis Dickman et al, Cell 2005
Autaptic hippocampal neuron Bekkers & Stevens, PNAS Electrophysiology
Distinct vesicle pools Rettig & Neher, Science Electrophysiology
Detection of RRP by hypertonic sucrose solution Stevens & Sullivan, Neuron Electrophysiology Hypotonic 0.5 M sucrose
Rhee et al, Cell 2002 A reduction in RRP size in Munc-13 KO neuron 1.Electrophysiology
Gaffield & Betz, Nat Protoc Imaging: FM dye FM dyes
Sankaranarayanan et al, Biophys J Imaging: SynaptopHluorin SynaptopHluorin Miesenbock et al, Nature 1998
SynaptopHluorin reports synaptic vesicle exocytosis Sankaranarayanan & Ryan, Nat Cell Biol 2000
2. Imaging: SynaptopHluorin Bafilomycin to separate exo/endocytosis Mani et al, Neuron 2007
2. Imaging: SynaptopHluorin Transgenetic mice expressing SynaptopHluorin Li et al, PNAS 2005
Full fusion and kiss-and-run Harata et al, J Neurochem 2006
Detection of full fusion and kiss-and-run by quantum dots Zhang et al, Science Imaging: quantum dots
Detection of full fusion and kiss-and-run by quantum dots Zhang et al, Science Imaging: quantum dots
3. Electron microscopy (1) Endocytic vesicle biogenesis (2) Docked vesicles Rettig & Neher, Science 2002
Hayashi et al, PNAS Electron microscopy Defects in synaptic vesicle endocytosis
Neuroendocrine chromaffin cells Chromaffin granules: ~ 250 nm Synaptic vesicles: 30 – 50 nm
Adrenal gland Chromaffin cells as the model system for vesicle cycling Techniques: Capacitance measurements Amperometry Big vesicle size ( nm in diameter) Oxidizable catecholamine
Carbon fiber +700 mV Amperometry detects catecholamine release from single vesicles by oxidization Amperometrical current Quantal size Amperometry Chromaffin cell Fusion pore PM Foot Spike
Whole cell capacitance technique stimulation Capacitance (pF) 60 fF
Patch pipette Detection in exocytosis and endocytosis of single vesicles by cell-attached capacitance technique Conductance Capacitance Im Exocytosis Endocytosis Kiss-and-run
Detection the dynamics of fission-pore during endocytosis
Cell-attached capacitance to detect single vesicle fusion Conductance Capacitance Patch pipette Chromaffin cell 0.1 nS 1 fF 0.5 nS 10 ms Conductance Capacitance Fusion pore conductance Fusion pore PM