Tribally Controlled School: Best Practices and Tools for Success ROGER C. BORDEAUX, Ed. D. Wambdi Ob Mani = Walks With Eagles Wounspe Wawokiya Yuha Mani = Walks and Helps Others in Education
History of Tribal Schools Requirements to apply and maintain BIE Blueprint and re-organization Recommendations for Sovereignty
History BC up to 1966 0 1966 1 1972 – IEA - Establishment grants 15 1966 1 1972 – IEA - Establishment grants 15 1975 – ISDEAA 60 1978 - 561 1988 – TCSA 125 2001 – NCLB - NASIA
Requirements to apply and maintain ISDEAA and TCSA Plus NASIA NCLB – Title I
25 USC Chapter 27 TCSG § 2501. Declaration of policy § 2502. Grants authorized § 2503. Composition of grants § 2504. Eligibility for grants § 2505. Duration of eligibility determination § 2506. Payment of grants; investment of funds § 2507. Application with respect to Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act § 2508. Role of the Director § 2509. Regulations § 2510. The tribally controlled grant school endowment program § 2511. Definitions
BIE Blueprint and Re-organization American Indian Study Group Blueprint for Reform – effective teachers and principals, agile organization, promote self determination, support through partnership, budget Secretarial Order 3334 = BIE Implementation Plan – Phase One and Two Group of 65 recommendations – streamline, TA by tribes, no duplication, BIE not a state, local content and performance standards, NEGREG, MOA, full funding, real consultation, tribal decision on contracting or granting, others
Recommendations Grant Support Costs Facilities Operations Facilities Backlog Culturally Based Education Culturally-Based Indigenous Language Use, Culturally-Based Pedagogy, Culturally-Based Curriculum, Culturally-Based Patterns of Participation in Leadership and Decision-Making, and Culturally-Based Methods of Assessing Student Performance CREDE – joint productive activity, language and literacy development, contextualization, complex thinking, instructional conversation, modeling and child directed activity Creating Sacred Places for Children language and culture, school and community, interactive teaching, performance based, etc. (OERI)
Additional Questions? For additional comments or questions after today’s webinar, please submit them to the National Indian Education Association at NIEA@NIEA.ORG.