A rt of joy A R T E X H I B I T I O N Ven. Nuptul Tenpei Nyima Rinpoche & Friends 1st E X H I B I T I O N ……………………………………………………………………………………… Opening: 10 am Date: 3 July 2011 Venue: Bukit Jalil Golf & Country Resort (Lobby Lounge) Exhibition Time: 10am till 6pm All profits from the sale of paintings will be donated to the Himalayan’s project and local homes for the disabled Om Mani Pedme Hung Auspicious Vase The Holy Mountain Auspicious Lungta
Welcome to the 1 st Art Exhibition By Ven. Nuptul Tenpei Nyima Rinpoche Art of joy A R T E X H I B I T I O N
Draw with Joy
Paint … with Happiness
Enjoy the moment
A moment of joy with my paintings
A rt of joy Love and Light The Vase symbolises Light whilst the man and woman symbolise Love
A rt of joy Energy Ball
A rt of joy The Treasure Vase The treasure vase overflowing with the energy of the treasure; the golden birds descending to receive the power of the treasure
A rt of joy Om Ah Hung The sublime essence of the principles of enlightened body, speech and mind
A rt of joy Dakini – (Angel) Divine mother with full of love and joy
A rt of joy The light of wisdom The glow of Buddha’s wisdom and light illuminating the universe
A rt of joy Om Mani Padme Hung
Blue Dragon A rt of joy
Golden Dragon The vibrant dance of the Golden Dragon guarding the precious treasure of the Wish- Fulfilling-Jewel
A rt of joy Inspiration of Lord
A rt of joy Body, Speech and Mind Om Ah Hung are the sublime essence of the principles of enlightened body, speech and mind
A rt of joy Yogini
A rt of joy Prosperity These celestial beings are the pets of the God of Wealth. Wealth and prosperity are constantly emanating from the mouth of these celestial being
A rt of joy B e a u t y
A rt of joy Angel A rt of joy
M E D I T A T I O N Lord Buddha gained enlightenment while meditating under the Bodhi Tree
A rt of joy
The Nature
A rt of joy
*** A rt of joy Receiving … … … … … … … … … … ……
A rt of joy The joy of giving Giving is Receiving
A rt of joy Transferring of love This piece creates a loving, peaceful and healing environment
Unity A rt of joy
A rt of joy Golden Hill 1
A rt of joy Golden Hill 2
A rt of joy Mudra of Teaching
Receive Blessings from A rt of joy
A rt of joy Spirits of the Universe The view from my window
A rt of joy Tears of Happiness This piece is deeply inspiring and uplifting – Om Mani Pedme Hung mantra with the backdrop of the Holy Bodhi Leaf O m M a n i P a d m e H u n g
Painting from Nepal’s Friends
Art of joy A R T E X H I B I T I O N Enjoy the Art Love and Thank you From