Air Breathing Propulsion Systems Integration Technical Committee 48th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit Atlanta, GA 30 July - 1 August 2012 Michelle McMillan July 30, 2012
ABPSI TC Meeting Agenda for JPC 12 Introductions ABPSI Organization & Succession Planning P&E and Steering Committee Meeting Overviews New Initiatives and Subcommittee Reviews PAW GARTEUR (Group of Aeronautical Research and Technology in Europe, - Thomas Berens Liaisons Technical Subcommittee Breakout Sessions
Air Breathing Propulsion Organization 48th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit Air Breathing Propulsion Organization P&E ABP Deputy Jeff Hamstra (817) 655-8894 Updated July, 2012 Technical Committees Gas Turbine Engines J.A. (Jimmy) Kenyon (571) 372-6512 Vice Chair: John Sordyl Past Chair: Ian Halliwell High Speed Air Breathing Propulsion Ryan Starkey (303) 492-0871 Vice Chair: Dora Musielak Past Chair: Joaquin Castro Air Breathing Propulsion Systems Integration Michelle McMillan (314) 324-4482 Vice Chair: Bruce McKay Past Chair: Jeff Flamm ABPSI Membership Keith Blodgett (513) 243-3492 HSABP Membership GTE Membership Common Elements Communications Dora Musielac (817) 471-7115 Education Dan Kirk (321) 674-7622 Membership Keith Blodgett (513) 243-3492 Honors & Awards Madhan Bala (408) 541-1484, XN:04 Aerospace Sciences Meeting Mani Subramanian (xxx)-xxx-xxxx Joint Propulsion Conference Janet Convery (540) 387-7579
ABPSI TC Organization …and Successors TC Chair Michelle McMillan Vice Chair Bruce McKay (2014 Chen Chuck) Past Chair Jeff Flamm Communications Chair: Neal Herring Vice: Anne-Laure Delot Honors & Awards Chair: Keith Blodgett Vice: Vance Dippold Education Chair: Rod Daebelliehn Vice: Chen Chuck Membership Vice: Service Subcommittees Integrated Aero Performance Chair: Thomas Berens Vice: Chris Hughes Dick Scharnhorst Subsystem, Performance, Optimization Chair: Bruce McKay Vice: Propellers, Pistons, Turboprops Chair: Charles Beard Vice: Stephen Johnson Requirements Verification, Certification and Testing Chair: Bob Nichols Vice: David Wang Technical Subcommittees Fill names if available Joint Propulsion Conference Chair: Michelle McMillan Vice: Bruce McKay Aerospace Sciences Meeting Chair: Vance Dippold Vice: Dyna Benchergui Conference Subcommittees
APBSI Roster First Name Last Name Organization Name Primary E-Mail Charles Beard Boeing Commercial Airplanes Dyna Benchergui Bombardier Inc Thomas Berens Cassidian Norbert Bissinger Keith Blodgett GE Aviation Shane Bunnag Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems Haixin Chen Tsinghua University C. F. Lance Chenault Aerospace Business Development Associates Chuck Roderick Daebelliehn Aerojet Anne-Laure Delot ONERA Vance Dippold NASA Glenn Research Center Neal Domel Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Jeffrey Flamm NASA Langley Research Center Gaharan Lie-Mine Gea Boeing Engineering Operations & Technology Ian Halliwell Power Systems Manufacturing LLC Hamstra Eric Hansen Air Force Flight Test Center, Edwards AFB
APBSI Roster ctn First Name Last Name Organization Name Primary E-Mail Neal Herring United Technologies Research Center Christopher Hughes NASA Glenn Research Center Stephen Johnson Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems John Kelly Department of Defense Douglas Kisling Belcan Corporation Jonathan Litt Eric Loth University of Virginia Bruce McKay Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Michelle McMillan Syngenics Corporation Robert Nichols The University of Alabama at Birmingham Richard Scharnhorst Boeing Defense, Space & Security Angie Scribben Air Force Reseach Laboratory David Wang Air Force Flight Test Center, Edwards AFB Tim Warlick Raytheon Missile Systems William Westphal Rolls-Royce Corporation Bryan Westra
Membership Profile 35 Total Category International members 29 Regular 1 Associate 5 International Category 23 Industry (66%) 4 Academia (11%) 8 Government (23%) International members 1 Canada 1 France 2 Germany 1 China 5 Rotated Off (Since May2011) 8 New Members
ABPSI Conference Leads ASM ASM 09 Jeff Flamm (Orlando) ASM 10 Vance Dippold (Orlando) ASM 11 –Don Malloy (Orlando) ASM 12 – Vance Dippold (Nashville) ASM 13 – Dyna Benchergui (Dallas) ASM 14 – Richard Scharnhorst? Anne-Laure Delot? Washington DC ASM 15 – Volunteer? Orlando JPC JPC 09 Doug Kisling (Denver) JPC 10 Don Malloy (Nashville) JPC 11 Rod Daebelliehn (San Diego) JPC 12 – Michelle McMillan (Atlanta) JPC 13 – Bruce McKay (San Jose) JPC 14 – Chris Hughes (Cleveland) JPC 15 – Shane Bunnag (TBD: Seattle, Honolulu, Las Vegas, New Orleans, Los Angeles, or Monterey) All members are expected to chair sessions and review abstracts 8 8
Conferences: Paper Statistics JPC10 ASM11 JPC11 ASM12 JPC12 Abstracts Received 11 12 26 18 22 Transferred In/Out 10 / 0 21 / 3 Rejected 3 2 1 5 Withdraw/No-Show 6 5 / 0 8 / 0 Total ABPSI Papers 7 8 19 21 27 ABPSI Sessions 4 Co-Sessions 1-HS 2-APA 9-HS/GTE Total Sessions 13 9 9
P&E Group Feedback Held workshop to discuss implementation of New Event Model 5 Forums per year AIAA Science & Technology Forum (Winter) AIAA Defense & Security Forum (Winter/Spring) AIAA Aviation & Aeronautics Forum (Early Summer) AIAA Propulsion & Energy Forum (Mid Summer) AIAA Space & Astronautics Forum (Late Summer) 3 Tiers Plenary Integration Technical Asked to consider 2 questions How do we build successful expanded P&E Forum? How do we support other forums, especially Aviation for GTE TC? ABP TCs successfully expanded to full intent ITAR sessions at future AIAA conferences (including JPC/P&E Forum) Issue with Gordon C. Oates Award
ABP TC Steering Committee Feedback Considering how to reduce number/length of meetings Steering committees via teleconference before conferences Avoid duplication between individual TC and ABP TCs dinner meeting ITAR sessions – need to solicit abstracts/papers/reviewers Subcommittee Structure Membership – individual vs. joint with other ABP TCs Nominations – GTE TC doing, should others join? Improving new member orientation
Other Strategic Initiatives Nominations Subcommittee New subcommittee to divide workload for Honors & Awards Subcommittee Nominates award candidates and develops nomination packages, ensures requisite number and quality of nominees to ensure annual awards, monitors financial status of monetary awards (for consideration) Avoids conflicts of interest Subcommittee Standard Operating Procedures Current subcommittee chairs asked to develop and document standard operating procedures Communications Approved SOP Document Conferences Subcommittee in work Other subcommittees initiating effort Goal completion date – September 30, 2012
AIAA Propulsion Aerodynamics Workshop (PAW) (Chen Chuck) 17 Teams Participated at 29 July 2012 Workshop, Atlanta Obtained Boeing Sponsored Scholarship for 6 Teams Maintained Workshop Website, Sponsored by Tecplot Planning Special Session for JPC 2013 Where Teams Will Present Their Work 2nd Workshop (JPC 2014) Planning in Progress Exploring Collaboration with GTTC for Nozzle Geometries as a Test Case for 2nd Workshop Seeking Input for Other Future Test Cases
Integrated Aero Performance Technical Subcommittee Idea communicated to GARTEUR Steering Committee in July 2011 with support from all Proposal was made in the ABPSI TC-Meeting at the JPC in San Diego, on August 1st, 2011, and met positive acceptance Proposal was presented at the GARTEUR Steering Committee Meeting on 19/20 September 2011 and was approved Proposal was presented at the GARTEUR Council Meeting on 14/15 October 2011 and was approved Council approval was communicated in the ABPSI TC-Meeting at the ASM in Nashville, on January 9th, 2012, and the go-ahead was confirmed by the TC Request for commitments for paper presentations from GARTEUR Action Groups was sent to all AG chairmen in March 2012 So far (status of July 3rd, 2012) six commitments for paper presentations have been received, confirmation will be stated at the ABPSI-TC Meeting at the JPC in Atlanta Final go-ahead for the organization of a Special GARTEUR Paper Session at ASM 2014 could be decided at the ABPSI-TC Meeting at the JPC in Atlanta 14 14
Integrated Aero Performance Technical Subcommittee Possible scope of a Special GARTEUR Paper Session Session within the frame of ABPSI, Integrated Aero Performance First paper in session: Introduction of GARTEUR, non-technical, presented by a GARTEUR official Six technical papers for one session Papers invited by AIAA (note: conference fees and travel expenses must be carried by authors) Posters of different GARTEUR Action Groups possibly available for display during technical sessions 15 15
Liaisons Other AIAA TC’s/PC’s Other Societies Local Sections Other Ground Test (Keith Blodgett) Ground Test Committee – DOE Focus Group (Michelle McMillan & David Wang) Aerodynamics – 2 Joint Sessions at ASM 2012 (Eric Loth) Joint panel sessions with GTE TC for JPC 2012 (Michelle McMillan) Joint technical sessions HSABP and GTE TC for JPC ’12 (Michelle McMillan) Green Engineering PC (Keith Blodgett) Other Societies AIAA/ASME Joint Engine competition judges Overset Meshing, Dayton Oct 15-18, 2012 (Lie-Mine Gea) Local Sections Hampton Roads (Jeff Flamm) Pacific NW (Charles Beard) Northern Ohio Section (Jonathan Litt) Guest Speaker at May 2012 Atlanta AIAA Section Meeting (Bruce McKay) Other PPSA (Jeff Flamm) NATO – Thermal Systems Modeling Working Group (Neal Herring) Puget Sound Engineering Council – Mentoring (Charles Beard) GARTEUR (Thomas Berens & Anne-Laure Delot)
Service Subcommittee Rosters Communications Chair: Neal Herring Vice: Anne-Laure Delot? Thomas Berens Anne-Laure DeLot Dyna Benchergui David Wang John Kelly Neil Herring Honors & Awards Chair: Keith Blodgett Vice: Vance Dippold Norbert Bissinger Jeffrey Flamm Jeffrey Hamstra Stephen Johnson Tim Warlick Education Chair: Rod Daebelliehn Vice: Chen Chuck Charles Beard Chen Chuck Rod Daebelliehn Ian Halliwell William Westphal Bryan Westra Angela Scribben Haixin Chen Lie-Mine Gea Eric Hansen Dick Scharnhorst Membership Chair: Keith Blodgett Vice: Keith Blodgett Lance Chenault Neal Domel Joint Propulsion Conference Chair: Michelle McMillan Vice: Bruce McKay Douglas Kisling Bruce McKay Jonathan Litt Michelle McMillan Chris Hughes Bob Nichols Shane Bunnag Charles Gaharan Aerospace Sciences Meeting Chair: Vance Dippold Vice: Dyna Benchergui Vance Dippold Eric Loth Proposed Redistributing Conference Subcommittee Members Among Service Subcommittees
Membership Subcommittee Controls Membership Roster, Assigns Subcommittee Members, Works with TC Chair to Designate Subcommittee Chairs and Ensure Orderly Succession of Leadership, Recognizes High Performing TC Members through Awards and Membership Upgrades Chair: Keith Blodgett Vice Chair Welcome New Members! Shane Bunnag, Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems Haixin Chen, Tsinghua University Neal Domel, Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Charles Gaharan, Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Lie-Mine Gea, Boeing Engineering Operations & Technology Eric Hansen, Air Force Flight Test Center, Edwards AFB Robert Nichols, The University of Alabama at Birmingham Richard Scharnhorst, Boeing Defense, Space & Security 18 18
Membership Subcommittee ctn JPC 2012 Initiatives Break Membership Subcommittee to TC Level New Member Orientation Initiatives Joint Orientation but with Representatives from each TC Outing at JPC – P&E Funds? Assign Mentors to New Members Streamline New Member Orientation Onsite Briefing Generate and Provide New Member Handbook Prior to Orientation that Explains TC Structure, Subcommittees (Service and Technical), Roles and Responsibilities 19 19
Communication Subcommittee Disseminate Information Regarding TC Accomplishments, Activities, and Announcements to AIAA through Year in Review Articles, ABP and ABPSI Websites, and Promotional Material Chair: Neal Herring Vice Chair: Roles and Responsibilities Year in Review Article: Dyna Benchergui Newsletter: Website ( Anne-Laure Delot JPC 2012 Updates Nominated New Chair: Dora Musielac Approved Standard Operating Procedures Document Initiated Creation of New-Member Handbook: Neal Herring ABP Shared Folder: In Work New Major Goal: Banner, Cover Slide, Branding for ASM 20 20
Education Subcommittee Develop and Sponsor Short Courses Aeropropulsion Short Course @ UTSI Engine/Airframe Integration Short Course Via Purdue PDE Short Course Introduced January 2003 Propulsion Integration Short Course Develop Propulsion Specifications for Student Design Competitions and Select Best Design Team Chair: Rod Daebelliehn Vice Chair – Chen Chuck Activities Student Design Competition Bill Westphal Neal Herring Outreach Chen Chuck Short Courses 21 21
Honors and Awards Develop Award Specifications for ABP, Recommend Selection for ABP (Career Achievement) Award, Select Gordon C. Oates Graduate Student Award and ABP Best Paper Awards, Provide Young Engineer’s Recognition Certificates and Presents Chairman’s Award when Appropriate Chair: Keith Blodgett Vice Chair: Vance Dippold Activity Leads Propulsion Award Packages: EVERYBODY Student Award: Vance Dippold Best Paper Award: Shane Bunnag, Gordon C Oates Award – Not Awarded, No Funding Air Breathing Propulsion Award: Walter F. O’Brien, J. Bernard Jones Professor of Mechanical Engineering, Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University Professor O’Brien is being recognized for outstanding technical contributions, creativity, and generosity that have inspired hundreds of students to achieve bright careers in gas turbine and high speed propulsion 22 22
2011-2012 ABP Best Paper Award Congratulations to Dan Baruzzini, Neal Domel, and Daniel Miller of Lockheed Martin Aeronautics Company, Fort Worth, Texas for their Work: “Addressing Corner Interactions Generated by Oblique Shock-Waves In Unswept Right-Angle Corners and Implications for High-Speed Inlets” (AIAA-2012-275) Presented at ASM 2012
Air Breathing Propulsion Systems Integration TC Scope & Charter The application of mechanical design, fluid mechanics and thermodynamics to the science and technology of air vehicle propulsion and power systems integration, including: Installed performance and controls (SPO, PPT) Propulsion aerodynamics; inlet and nozzle systems (IE) Power and thermal management (SPO, PPT) All aspects of propulsion system / air vehicle interface and certification (RVCT) Charter: Advance air breathing propulsion integration technology by: Developing and sponsoring technical sessions at ASM, JPC and other conferences of interest Working effectively with AIAA TCs and PCs and other technical societies to organize and promote joint sessions and activities Providing for technical communications and reviews, educational activities, and honors and awards Providing the Institute with authoritative technical opinions and public policy recommendations Actively recruiting experts in integrated propulsion, power and thermal systems Power systems subcommittee Near Goal: Update the Short Course to include certification Long term is a book on the same subject. Mid Term Goal Develop a workshop ala DPW or High Lift – work with A/C Design or Flow Control Committees
Subsystem, Performance, Optimization Technical Area Scope & Charter Chair : Bruce McKay, Lockheed Martin Vice Chair: Charter: Promote & Facilitate Communication in support of Efficient Interaction, And Performance of Air Breathing Propulsion Systems Scope: Exploit Synergies in Aeropropulsion, Thermal And Power Subsystems Performance Modeling And Validation Cognizance in the contributions of Advanced Materials, Sensing, Controls, Maintenance New Challenges In Green Aircraft – Operations, Emissions, Noise Foster Discussions And Ideas - New Energy Sources, and synergies with alternate energy being developed for ground based energy. Outline established for Technology Advocacy Paper examining auxiliary electric concepts
Propellers/Pistons/Turboprops (Rotors) Technical Area Scope & Charter Chair: Charles Beard, Boeing Commercial Airplanes Vice Chair: Stephen Johnson, Northrop Grumman Aerospace Systems Scope Create the focal point for concepts and issue resolution related to the airframe integration of propellers, pistons and turboprop engines Charter To provide a forum for the design, development and certification of powerplant installations for piston and turboprop aircraft. Topics for consideration Propellers Un-ducted fans (rotor burst, noise and icing protection) Pistons Avgas and Diesel FADEC Engines Elimination of Leaded AV Gas Turboprops 300 – 500 SHP engines for light GA Aircraft
Integrated Aero Performance Technical Subcommittee Scope & Charter (Updated 25 Jul 12) Chair - Thomas Berens, CASSIDIAN Vice chair - Christopher Hughes, NASA Glenn Research Center Scope Focus on the development and performance of aircraft inlets, nozzles and exhaust systems. Charter Emphasis on both computational and experimental results (including sub-scale and flight components), component optimization, inlet and exhaust system design techniques, propulsion test techniques at speeds ranging from subsonic through hypersonic. Topics for consideration STOVL Jet effects Thrust vectoring Area control Survivability Thrust reversers Nacelle/wing interaction Unducted fan Flow control application including scaling effects Aircraft performance Aerodynamic and structural integration of inlets and exhaust systems Engine/inlet compatibility Real world operation environmental issues (ice, sand, rain, FOD, etc.) Acoustics Acoustic treatments Affect of inlet and nozzle on sonic boom High Speed Applications 27 27
Advance air breathing propulsion integration testing technology by: Requirements Verification, Certification and Testing Technical Area Scope & Charter Chair: Bob Nichols Vice Chair: Dave Wang Scope All aspects of air breathing propulsion integration certification and testing including: Installed performance and controls Propulsion aerodynamics; inlet, nozzle and systems Power and thermal management Charter Advance air breathing propulsion integration testing technology by: Developing and sponsoring technical sessions at the IGTI Turbo Expo in collaboration with ASME IGTI Aircraft Engine TC Develop and Sponsoring Technical Sessions at the ASM, JPC and other conferences of interest in collaboration with the SAE S-16 Engine Inlet Flow Distortion TC Working effectively with the ABPSI Inlets/Exhausts and SPO technical areas and other technical societies to organize and promote joint sessions and actives
What is the role of a Tech sub-committee At minimum Help define call for papers - assure relevance and timeliness of the call Support conferences by organizing special topic sessions/panels Expanding White papers Position papers Develop Short course or module in a short course Liason with other TC’s and societies Text books Standards definitions Workshops
Technical Subcommittee Rosters Integrated Aero Performance Chair: Thomas Berens Vice: Chris Hughes Keith Blodgett Chen Chuck Roderick Daebelliehn Vance Dippold Jeffrey Flamm Douglas Kisling Bryan Westra Eric Loth Michelle McMillan Anne-Laure DeLot Angela Scribben Shane Bunnag Neal Domel Haixin Chen Lie-Mine Gea Dick Scharnhorst Subsystem, Performance, Optimization Chair: Bruce McKay Vice: Lance Chenault Jeffrey Hamstra Jonathan Litt Neal Herring Tim Warlick Dyna Benchergui Propellers, Pistons, Turboprops Chair: Charles Beard Vice: Stephen Johnson Norbert Bissinger Ian Halliwell Charles Gaharan Requirements Verification, Certification and Testing Chair: Bob Nichols Vice: David Wang William Westphal John Kelly Eric Hansen