GNH: Concept and Operationalization:


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Presentation transcript:

GNH: Concept and Operationalization: Presented to the Consultative workshop on Measuring Progress in Post-2015 Development Framework : Environmental Performance Indicators and Environmental Welfare Indicators 10-12 December 2013, Incheon, Republic of Korea

Outline GNH – An Introduction GNH – Index/survey findings and its 1 GNH – An Introduction 2 GNH – Index/survey findings and its Application 3 GNH Policy Screening Tool – Its Application & GECDP Mainstreaming 4 Conclusion - Questions Gross National Happiness Commission, RGoB

What is Gross National Happiness (GNH)? GNH is a “development approach that seeks to achieve a harmonious balance between material well-being and the spiritual, emotional and cultural needs of our society.” GNH is based on the belief that since happiness is the ultimate desire of every citizen, it must be the purpose of development to create the enabling conditions for happiness GNH based on four pillars: 1. Sustainable and Equitable Socio-Economic Development, 2.Enivronmental Conservation, 3.Preservation and Promotion of Culture and 4. Good Governance The Four Pillars are Specified by Nine Dimensions Gross National Happiness Commission, RGoB

How is GNH Operationalized? “Bhutan’s journey with GNH began more than four decades ago and more elaborate and precise metrics to measure GNH has been underway since 2008” Gross National Happiness Commission (GNHC) created to mainstream GNH GNH indicators and Policy Screening Tools developed GNH Survey carried out every three years to assess our journey towards GNH Gross National Happiness Commission, RGoB

What is GNH Index? “A composite statistic to measure Bhutan’s progress in enhancing the happiness of the people based on a holistic framework made up of 9 domains and 33 indicators” The GNH Index, its domains and indicators will be used to guide Bhutan’s development : draw attention to areas that need to be addressed, basis for resource allocation etc. mainstream GNH into new policies & plans by screening the policies and projects using the GNH Policy and Project Screening Tools (PST) Gross National Happiness Commission, RGoB

GNH PWB Life satisfaction Positive emotions Negative emotions Spirituality Living Standard Assets Housing Household per capita income Health Mental health Self reported health status Healthy days Disability GNH Eco Diversity Ecological Issues Responsibility towards environment Wildlife damage (Rural) Urbanization issues Time Use Work Sleep Comm Vitality Donations (time & money) Community relationship Family Safety Education Literacy Schooling Knowledge Value Nine Domains: Conventional domains & other softer domains.GNH Outlook ( PWB, TU, Culture, CV) GNH framework is a more holistic approach to development by having incorporated the innovative domains PWB, CV, TU, CD&R otherwise undermined in the policy making frameworks ( Not on the policy making framework of many govts based on the assumption that govt. action or inaction are neutral to these aspects). Thus GNH framework is a realistic measure of progress that ensures a consistent alignment between what an individual aspires from development and what the government does in the name of development. PWB- Happiness is just a state of mind. Development interventions mostly cater to the physical side but a sound mental/emotional health is indeed a primary condition for happiness, therefore, just like the physical side our spiritual/emotional also needs nurturing and nourishment. Meditation, prayers, Spending time with your loved ones some powerful ways to boost this. CD&R-Strong correlation between well being and strong sense of self = strong sense of identity. Culture is the source for this Strong sense of identity. Mask dances- avenue of imparting values. CV-(Donations, Community Relationship, Family, Safety) : We are social animals. We derive happiness from relating/Interaction to other human beings. Modern metropolitan cities face problems of loneliness (paradoxical situation). Building block of community is family Time use-( work, Leisure, sleep) : Time is life according to the GNH paradigm and not money: most precious and the truest zero sum wealth. Culture Speak native Language Cultural Participation Artistic Skills Driglam Namzha GG Gov’t performance Fundamental rights Services Political Participation Gross National Happiness Commission, RGoB

%People enjoying sufficiency in each indicator as per 2010 GNH Survey Sufficiency in indicators Gross National Happiness Commission, RGoB

Gross National Happiness Commission, RGoB

Some Key Findings (GNH 2010 Survey) Of the nine domains, Bhutanese have the most sufficiency in health, followed by ecology, and psychological wellbeing but lacks in GG and Education Urban areas do better in health, living standards and education, but lacks sufficiency in GG and community vitality. conversely Rural areas do better in community vitality, cultural resilience, and good governance but lacks sufficiency mainly in education and living standards Happiness is higher among people with a primary education or above than among those with no formal education, but higher education does not affect GNH very much Gross National Happiness Commission, RGoB

Key Findings contd. Unmarried people and young people are among the happiest The ranking of Dzongkhags by GNH differs significantly from their ranking by income and multidimensional poverty. Zhemgang for example, do far better in GNH than in income. Gross National Happiness Commission, RGoB

GNH Index by Dzongkhag This is essentially to highlight the importance of the innovative dimensions and the subjective indicators captured by the GNH outlook Gross National Happiness Commission, RGoB

Thresholds . Sufficiency Threshold Happiness Threshold Shows how much is needed to enjoy sufficiency in each of the 33 indicators Happiness Threshold 50%, 66%, 77% Unhappy, narrowly happy, extensively happy, and deeply happy 41% of the population under 66% . Gross National Happiness Commission, RGoB

According to 2010 GNH Survey results Case Example – Accordingly 2010 GNH Survey Thimphu and other urban areas are behind in CV as compared to the rural areas According to 2010 GNH Survey results RURAL PLACES URBAN PLACES COMMUNITY VITALITY Policy and program response from the Government: Establishment of recreation centers, children’s parks, Mani Dungkhors etc Eg: centenary park at Changlimithang, Chanjiji etc Gross National Happiness Commission, RGoB

Knowledge of Tsechu and Masked Dances Possible policy and program responses by the Government: more culture content in education national and local holidays to promote attendance at these festivals Gross National Happiness Commission, RGoB

The GNH Policy Screening Tool Gross National Happiness Commission, RGoB

WHAT IS GNH POLICY SCREENING TOOLS? What is it? What is it not? What does it provide? The GNH policy screening tools is an application to assess/review all draft policies through a GNH Lens Specific recommendations and feedback to review the policy within nine GNH domains NOT- the determining factor for approving/endorsing a policy

Linkage Between Variables and GNH Indicators Equity Economic Security Material wellbeing Engagement in productive activities Decision-making opportunity Anti Corruption Legal Recourse Rights Gender Transparency Skills and Learning Public Health Water and Air Pollution Land degradation Bio-Diversity Health Social support Family Interaction Leisure Culture Values Spiritual pursuits Stress 9 GNH Domains Living standard Good Governance Education Health Ecology Community vitality Time use and balance Culture Psychological wellbeing 151 variables (2010 survey)

Rationale and Mitigation/Alternatives Calculation 1 2 3 4 Negative Uncertain Neutral/Not Applicable Positive Rationale and Mitigation/Alternatives Rationale Rationale

A heterogeneous group comprising of people with skills/qualifications in various areas is formed. Effort are made to ensure NCWC,RUB, and NEC are present for all screening exercises. Rest of the group dependent on the draft policy being discussed. Transparent: No limitations who can participate. Try to have a minimum of 15 participants. Representatives of the proponent sector presents the draft policy to the screening group. Screening conducted during a joint sitting in the past, however shifted to individual screenings. Results submitted to RED, Consolidated and Presented to the GNH Commission. Screening Process

Results: 19 against joining WTO – 5 for 1. Experiences from Field Testing – GNH Policy Screening Tools Bhutan’s Accession to WTO Voting based on discussions among 24 GNHCS officers Results: 19 for joining WTO – 5 against GNH Policy Screening Tools used by the same 24 GNHCS officers Results: 19 against joining WTO – 5 for Conclusion: Policy is Not GNH Favorable 20

Policies screened using PPST Approved Policies NHRD Policy 2010 Tertiary Education Policy 2010 National Irrigation Policy 2011 National Health Policy 2011 National Youth Policy 2011 RNR Research Policy 2011 CSMI Policy 2012 Thromde Finance Policy 2012 Draft Policies Mineral Development Policy MSME Policy National Education Policy National OHS Policy National Population Policy FNS Policy Gross National Happiness Commission, RGoB Gross National Happiness Commission, RGoB 21

Policy Screening Tool:Application An Example: The Mineral Development Policy Gross National Happiness Commission, RGoB

Gross National Happiness Commission, RGoB

Gross National Happiness Commission, RGoB

Rationale and Alternatives Example:Gender Rationales No specific provision Mining activities may favor men over women Women may suffer indirectly (separation) Alternatives/Mitigation Measure May need specific provisions on the advancement of gender equality (preference could be given to women for specific jobs) Promote female participation in HRD Awareness on health and sexual issues To conclude, GNH is a holistic approach to development that ensures alignment between what an individual wants from life and what a government does in the name of development Due to its comprehensiveness, it can provide a better measure of progress and thus ensure that development means more than just economic growth or attainment of targets like MDGs. The GNH paradigm concludes that “economic growth is not an end in itself but rather a means to achieve more important ends”….perhaps happiness. Consequently, this index and tools influence development priorities, resource allocation, policies and programs Gross National Happiness Commission, RGoB

Rationale and Alternatives Example:Gender Rationales Mining will never be 100% clean No limit on number of mines Increased mining activities will lead to increased green-house gas emissions, use of fossil fuels, water a Alternatives/Mitigation Measure Strategic Assessment of the mining master plan needed May need to zone areas for mining operations Need to review costing methods of mineral resources To conclude, GNH is a holistic approach to development that ensures alignment between what an individual wants from life and what a government does in the name of development Due to its comprehensiveness, it can provide a better measure of progress and thus ensure that development means more than just economic growth or attainment of targets like MDGs. The GNH paradigm concludes that “economic growth is not an end in itself but rather a means to achieve more important ends”….perhaps happiness. Consequently, this index and tools influence development priorities, resource allocation, policies and programs Gross National Happiness Commission, RGoB

GECDP Mainstreaming Based on the Following Rationales: Mainstreaming has to take place throughout the policy and planning process from formulation to implementation for reasons of sustainability, effectiveness, and efficiency (assuming the process itself is fairly good) Need to take a holistic view Need to be Proactive Everyone is responsible The ‘Stage or Level’ within the process determines what action should be taken and associated indicators Gross National Happiness Commission, RGoB

GECDP Mainstreaming Rationales Contd.: Based on the Following Rationales: The actions taken are ‘interconnected’ and ‘inter-dependent’ Individual actions may contribute towards GECDP Goals, but it would not be ‘sufficient’ Gross National Happiness Commission, RGoB

GECDP Mainstreaming Rationales Contd.: Based on the Following Rationales: The actions taken are ‘interconnected’ and ‘inter-dependent’ Individual actions may contribute towards GECDP Goals, but it would not be ‘sufficient’ Gross National Happiness Commission, RGoB

Programmatic approach to GECDP Mainstreaming Preparatory Phase Finding the entry points and making the case Finding champions at the institutional level – policy & planning agencies, human settlement &construction sector, Industries, finance, local government, training providers, etc. Phase 1 Integrating GECDP into national development processes Influencing policy processes Planning processes (both national and LG levels) Phase 2 Sensitization & building implementation capacity Develop GECDP indicators and integrate with existing monitoring systems; Engage in budgeting process Capacity building strategy 30

GECDP Mainstreaming Current Activities: Creating awareness across all levels of government Assessment of the Policy and Planning Process and Identification of windows of opportunity Influencing Planning Guidelines and Key Result Areas to integrate GECDP and other cross cutting concerns Identification of GECDP and Other Cross Cutting Concerns within the central sectors and local governments and recommending interventions Comments on draft 11th FYP & Mainstreaming frameworks for Sectors & LGs) Gross National Happiness Commission, RGoB

GECDP Mainstreaming Current Activities: Review of policies for integration of GECDP and other cross cutting concerns Providing support and inputs into the Introduction of GECDP modules in the curriculum of tertiary institutes: RIM, CST & Sherubtse College Gross National Happiness Commission, RGoB

National Key Result Areas Gross National Happiness GNH Pillars Pill 1: Sustainable and equitable socio-eco. Dev. Pill. 2: Presv. and promotion of culture Pillar 3 : Conservation and Sustainable Environment Mgnt. Pillar 4: Good Governance 8 Carbon neutral/ Green & climate resilient development Sustainable Mgt & utilization of natural resources Integrated water utilization & Mgt Imp. disaster resilience & Mgt mainstreamed 1 Sustained economic growth Poverty + Reduced/MDG + Achieved Food Secure & sustainable Full Employment Needs of Vulnerable Group addressed 6 12 Improved public service delivery, motivated public servants GPMS Democracy and Governance strengthened Gender friendly environment for Women’s participation Corruption reduced Historical, cultural property and Bhutanese identity promoted and preserved. Indigenous wisdom, arts and crafts promoted for sustainable rural livelihood National Key Result Areas (NKRAs) 2 9 13 3 7 14 10 4 5 15 11 15 NKRAs identified based on four pillars of GNH. Health, Education Delivered by Transport,Communications,Human Settlement, Construction Tourism, Private Sector, Trade & Investment, Agriculture, Energy Culture, Governments (Central ministries/Agencies/Local Government)

Plz. see and Thromdes /municipalities Does the dzongkhag include the 4 Class A Thromdes? and Thromdes /municipalities Plz. see

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