31 Planes of Existence. Literal view : These are actual places of existence. Psychological view : These are states of mind. Composite view.


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Presentation transcript:

31 Planes of Existence

Literal view : These are actual places of existence. Psychological view : These are states of mind. Composite view : These are states of mind pertaining to the 31 Planes, leading eventually to rebirth in one of these 31 Planes.

31 Planes of Existence Literal view : These are actual places of existence. Psychological view : These are states of mind. Composite view : These are states of mind pertaining to the 31 Planes, leading eventually to rebirth in one of these 31 Planes.

31 Planes of Existence Literal view : These are actual places of existence. Psychological view : These are states of mind. Composite view : These are states of mind pertaining to the 31 Planes, leading eventually to rebirth in one of these 31 Planes.

31 Planes of Existence Literal view : These are actual places of existence. Psychological view : These are states of mind. Composite view : These are states of mind pertaining to the 31 Planes, leading eventually to rebirth in one of these 31 Planes.

31 Planes of Existence Literal view : These are actual places of existence. Psychological view : These are states of mind. Composite view : These are states of mind pertaining to the 31 Planes, leading eventually to rebirth in one of these 31 Planes.

31 Planes of Existence Literal view : These are actual places of existence. Psychological view : These are states of mind. Composite view : These are states of mind pertaining to the 31 Planes, leading eventually to rebirth in one of these 31 Planes.

31 Planes of Existence 4 Formless Planes Beings of Mind Only Neither Perception nor Non-Perception Nothingness Infinite Consciousness Infinite Space 16 Form Planes Beings of Fine Material 5 Pure Abodes for Non-Returners 10 Brahma realms 1 realm of body only (no mind) 7 Planes of Sensual Happiness 6 Deva realms 1 Human realm 4 Planes of MiseryDemons Hungry Ghosts Animals Hell

31 Planes of Existence 4 Formless Planes Beings of Mind Only Neither Perception nor Non-Perception Nothingness Infinite Consciousness Infinite Space 16 Form Planes Beings of Fine Material 5 Pure Abodes for Non-Returners 10 Brahma realms 1 realm of body only (no mind) 7 Planes of Sensual Happiness 6 Deva realms 1 Human realm 4 Planes of MiseryDemons Hungry Ghosts Animals Hell

31 Planes of Existence 4 Formless Planes Beings of Mind Only Neither Perception nor Non-Perception Nothingness Infinite Consciousness Infinite Space 16 Form Planes Beings of Fine Material 5 Pure Abodes for Non-Returners 10 Brahma realms 1 realm of body only (no mind) 7 Planes of Sensual Happiness 6 Deva realms 1 Human realm 4 Planes of MiseryDemons Hungry Ghosts Animals Hell

31 Planes of Existence 4 Formless Planes Beings of Mind Only Neither Perception nor Non-Perception Nothingness Infinite Consciousness Infinite Space 16 Form Planes Beings of Fine Material 5 Pure Abodes for Non-Returners 10 Brahma realms 1 realm of body only (no mind) 7 Planes of Sensual Happiness 6 Deva realms 1 Human realm 4 Planes of MiseryDemons Hungry Ghosts Animals Hell

31 Planes of Existence 4 Formless Planes Beings of Mind Only Neither Perception nor Non-Perception Nothingness Infinite Consciousness Infinite Space 16 Form Planes Beings of Fine Material 5 Pure Abodes for Non-Returners 10 Brahma realms 1 realm of body only (no mind) 7 Planes of Sensual Happiness 6 Deva realms 1 Human realm 4 Planes of MiseryDemons Hungry Ghosts Animals Hell

31 Planes of Existence 4 Formless Planes Beings of Mind Only Neither Perception nor Non-Perception Nothingness Infinite Consciousness Infinite Space 16 Form Planes Beings of Fine Material 5 Pure Abodes for Non-Returners 10 Brahma realms 1 realm of body only (no mind) 7 Planes of Sensual Happiness 6 Deva realms 1 Human realm 4 Planes of MiseryDemons Hungry Ghosts Animals Hell

31 Planes of Existence 4 Formless Planes Beings of Mind Only Neither Perception nor Non-Perception Nothingness Infinite Consciousness Infinite Space 16 Form Planes Beings of Fine Material 5 Pure Abodes for Non-Returners 10 Brahma realms 1 realm of body only (no mind) 7 Planes of Sensual Happiness 6 Deva realms 1 Human realm 4 Planes of MiseryDemons Hungry Ghosts Animals Hell

31 Planes of Existence 4 Formless Planes Beings of Mind Only Neither Perception nor Non-Perception Nothingness Infinite Consciousness Infinite Space 16 Form Planes Beings of Fine Material 5 Pure Abodes for Non-Returners 10 Brahma realms 1 realm of body only (no mind) 7 Planes of Sensual Happiness 6 Deva realms 1 Human realm 4 Planes of MiseryDemons Hungry Ghosts Animals Hell

31 Planes of Existence 4 Formless Planes Beings of Mind Only Neither Perception nor Non-Perception Nothingness Infinite Consciousness Infinite Space 16 Form Planes Beings of Fine Material 5 Pure Abodes for Non-Returners 10 Brahma realms 1 realm of body only (no mind) 7 Planes of Sensual Happiness 6 Deva realms 1 Human realm 4 Planes of MiseryDemons Hungry Ghosts Animals Hell

31 Planes of Existence 4 Formless Planes Beings of Mind Only Neither Perception nor Non-Perception Nothingness Infinite Consciousness Infinite Space 16 Form Planes Beings of Fine Material 5 Pure Abodes for Non-Returners 10 Brahma realms 1 realm of body only (no mind) 7 Planes of Sensual Happiness 6 Deva realms 1 Human realm 4 Planes of MiseryDemons Hungry Ghosts Animals Hell

31 Planes of Existence 4 Formless Planes Beings of Mind Only Neither Perception nor Non-Perception Nothingness Infinite Consciousness Infinite Space 16 Form Planes Beings of Fine Material 5 Pure Abodes for Non-Returners 10 Brahma realms 1 realm of body only (no mind) 7 Planes of Sensual Happiness 6 Deva realms 1 Human realm 4 Planes of MiseryDemons Hungry Ghosts Animals Hell

31 Planes of Existence 4 Formless Planes Beings of Mind Only Neither Perception nor Non-Perception Nothingness Infinite Consciousness Infinite Space 16 Form Planes Beings of Fine Material 5 Pure Abodes for Non-Returners 10 Brahma realms 1 realm of body only (no mind) 7 Planes of Sensual Happiness 6 Deva realms 1 Human realm 4 Planes of MiseryDemons Hungry Ghosts Animals Hell

31 Planes of Existence 4 Formless Planes Beings of Mind Only Neither Perception nor Non-Perception Nothingness Infinite Consciousness Infinite Space 16 Form Planes Beings of Fine Material 5 Pure Abodes for Non-Returners 10 Brahma realms 1 realm of body only (no mind) 7 Planes of Sensual Happiness 6 Deva realms 1 Human realm 4 Planes of MiseryDemons Hungry Ghosts Animals Hell

31 Planes of Existence 4 Formless Planes Beings of Mind Only Neither Perception nor Non-Perception Nothingness Infinite Consciousness Infinite Space 16 Form Planes Beings of Fine Material 5 Pure Abodes for Non-Returners 10 Brahma realms 1 realm of body only (no mind) 7 Planes of Sensual Happiness 6 Deva realms 1 Human realm 4 Planes of MiseryDemons Hungry Ghosts Animals Hell

31 Planes of Existence 4 Formless Planes Beings of Mind Only Neither Perception nor Non-Perception Nothingness Infinite Consciousness Infinite Space 16 Form Planes Beings of Fine Material 5 Pure Abodes for Non-Returners 10 Brahma realms 1 realm of body only (no mind) 7 Planes of Sensual Happiness 6 Deva realms 1 Human realm 4 Planes of MiseryDemons Hungry Ghosts Animals Hell

31 Planes of Existence 4 Formless Planes Beings of Mind Only Neither Perception nor Non-Perception Nothingness Infinite Consciousness Infinite Space 16 Form Planes Beings of Fine Material 5 Pure Abodes for Non-Returners 10 Brahma realms 1 realm of body only (no mind) 7 Planes of Sensual Happiness 6 Deva realms 1 Human realm 4 Planes of MiseryDemons Hungry Ghosts Animals Hell

31 Planes of Existence 4 Formless Planes Beings of Mind Only Neither Perception nor Non-Perception Nothingness Infinite Consciousness Infinite Space 16 Form Planes Beings of Fine Material 5 Pure Abodes for Non-Returners 10 Brahma realms 1 realm of body only (no mind) 7 Planes of Sensual Happiness 6 Deva realms 1 Human realm 4 Planes of MiseryDemons Hungry Ghosts Animals Hell

31 Planes of Existence 4 Formless Planes Beings of Mind Only Neither Perception nor Non-Perception Nothingness Infinite Consciousness Infinite Space 16 Form Planes Beings of Fine Material 5 Pure Abodes for Non-Returners 10 Brahma realms 1 realm of body only (no mind) 7 Planes of Sensual Happiness 6 Deva realms 1 Human realm 4 Planes of MiseryDemons Hungry Ghosts Animals Hell

31 Planes of Existence 4 Formless Planes Beings of Mind Only Neither Perception nor Non-Perception Nothingness Infinite Consciousness Infinite Space 16 Form Planes Beings of Fine Material 5 Pure Abodes for Non-Returners 10 Brahma realms 1 realm of body only (no mind) 7 Planes of Sensual Happiness 6 Deva realms 1 Human realm 4 Planes of MiseryDemons Hungry Ghosts Animals Hell

31 Planes of Existence 4 Formless Planes Beings of Mind Only Neither Perception nor Non-Perception Nothingness Infinite Consciousness Infinite Space 16 Form Planes Beings of Fine Material 5 Pure Abodes for Non-Returners 10 Brahma realms 1 realm of body only (no mind) 7 Planes of Sensual Happiness 6 Deva realms 1 Human realm 4 Planes of MiseryDemons Hungry Ghosts Animals Hell

The Precious Human Life Not all human lives are precious rebirths Must be able to encounter the Dhamma. Must have an interest in the Dhamma. Must have the physical health and mental capacity to learn and practice the Dhamma. Very few people on earth have a precious human life. Don’t waste it!

The Precious Human Life Not all human lives are precious rebirths Must be able to encounter the Dhamma. Must have an interest in the Dhamma. Must have the physical health and mental capacity to learn and practice the Dhamma. Very few people on earth have a precious human life. Don’t waste it!

The Precious Human Life Not all human lives are precious rebirths Must be able to encounter the Dhamma. Must have an interest in the Dhamma. Must have the physical health and mental capacity to learn and practice the Dhamma. Very few people on earth have a precious human life. Don’t waste it!

The Precious Human Life Not all human lives are precious rebirths Must be able to encounter the Dhamma. Must have an interest in the Dhamma. Must have the physical health and mental capacity to learn and practice the Dhamma. Very few people on earth have a precious human life. Don’t waste it!

The Precious Human Life Not all human lives are precious rebirths Must be able to encounter the Dhamma. Must have an interest in the Dhamma. Must have the physical health and mental capacity to learn and practice the Dhamma. Very few people on earth have a precious human life. Don’t waste it!

The Precious Human Life Not all human lives are precious rebirths Must be able to encounter the Dhamma. Must have an interest in the Dhamma. Must have the physical health and mental capacity to learn and practice the Dhamma. Very few people on earth have a precious human life. Don’t waste it!

The Precious Human Life Not all human lives are precious rebirths Must be able to encounter the Dhamma. Must have an interest in the Dhamma. Must have the physical health and mental capacity to learn and practice the Dhamma. Very few people on earth have a precious human life. Don’t waste it!

6 Realms of Existence Neither Perception nor Non-Perception Nothingness Infinite Consciousness Infinite Space 5 Pure Abodes for Non-Returners 10 Brahma realms 1 realm of body only (no mind) 6 Deva realms 1 Human realm Demons Hungry Ghosts Animals Hell

6 Realms of Existence Neither Perception nor Non-Perception Nothingness Infinite Consciousness Infinite Space 5 Pure Abodes for Non-Returners 10 Brahma realms 1 realm of body only (no mind) 6 Deva realms 1 Human realm Demons Hungry Ghosts Animals Hell

6 Realms of Existence Neither Perception nor Non-Perception Nothingness Infinite Consciousness Infinite Space 5 Pure Abodes for Non-Returners 10 Brahma realms 1 realm of body only (no mind) 6 Deva realms 1 Human realm Demons Hungry Ghosts Animals Hungry Ghosts Hell

6 Realms of Existence Neither Perception nor Non-Perception Nothingness Infinite Consciousness Infinite Space 5 Pure Abodes for Non-Returners 10 Brahma realms 1 realm of body only (no mind) 6 Deva realms 1 Human realm Demons Animals Hungry Ghosts Hell

6 Realms of Existence Neither Perception nor Non-Perception Nothingness Infinite Consciousness Infinite Space 5 Pure Abodes for Non-Returners 10 Brahma realms 1 realm of body only (no mind) 6 Deva realms Demons Human Animals Hungry Ghosts Hell

6 Realms of Existence Neither Perception nor Non-Perception Nothingness Infinite Consciousness Infinite Space 5 Pure Abodes for Non-Returners 10 Brahma realms 1 realm of body only (no mind) 6 Deva realms Demons Human Animals Hungry Ghosts Hell

6 Realms of Existence Gods Demons Human Animals Hungry Ghosts Hell

Om Mani Pädme Hum Gods Demons Human Animals Hungry Ghosts Hell OmPrideGenerosity MaJealousyMorality niAttachmentPatience PädIgnoranceDiligence meGreedRenunciation HumAngerWisdom

Om Mani Pädme Hum Gods Demons Human Animals Hungry Ghosts Hell OmPrideGenerosity MaJealousyMorality niAttachmentPatience PädIgnoranceDiligence meGreedRenunciation HumAngerWisdom

Om Mani Pädme Hum Gods Demons Human Animals Hungry Ghosts Hell OmPrideGenerosity MaJealousyMorality niAttachmentPatience PädIgnoranceDiligence meGreedRenunciation HumAngerWisdom

Om Mani Pädme Hum Gods Demons Human Animals Hungry Ghosts Hell OmPrideGenerosity MaJealousyMorality niAttachmentPatience PädIgnoranceDiligence meGreedRenunciation HumAngerWisdom

Om Mani Pädme Hum Gods Demons Human Animals Hungry Ghosts Hell OmPrideGenerosity MaJealousyMorality niAttachmentPatience PädIgnoranceDiligence meGreedRenunciation HumAngerWisdom

Om Mani Pädme Hum Gods Demons Human Animals Hungry Ghosts Hell OmPrideGenerosity MaJealousyMorality niAttachmentPatience PädIgnoranceDiligence meGreedRenunciation HumAngerWisdom

Om Mani Pädme Hum Gods Demons Human Animals Hungry Ghosts Hell OmPrideGenerosity MaJealousyMorality niAttachmentPatience PädIgnoranceDiligence meGreedRenunciation HumAngerWisdom

Om Mani Pädme Hum Gods Demons Human Animals Hungry Ghosts Hell OmPrideGenerosity MaJealousyMorality niAttachmentPatience PädIgnoranceDiligence meGreedRenunciation HumAngerWisdom

Om Mani Pädme Hum Gods Demons Human Animals Hungry Ghosts Hell OmPrideGenerosity MaJealousyMorality niAttachmentPatience PädIgnoranceDiligence meGreedRenunciation HumAngerWisdom

Om Mani Pädme Hum Gods Demons Human Animals Hungry Ghosts Hell OmPrideGenerosity MaJealousyMorality niAttachmentPatience PädIgnoranceDiligence meGreedRenunciation HumAngerWisdom

Om Mani Pädme Hum Gods Demons Human Animals Hungry Ghosts Hell OmPrideGenerosity MaJealousyMorality niAttachmentPatience PädIgnoranceDiligence meGreedRenunciation HumAngerWisdom

Om Mani Pädme Hum Gods Demons Human Animals Hungry Ghosts Hell OmPrideGenerosity MaJealousyMorality niAttachmentPatience PädIgnoranceDiligence meGreedRenunciation HumAngerWisdom

Om Mani Pädme Hum Gods Demons Human Animals Hungry Ghosts Hell OmPrideGenerosity MaJealousyMorality niAttachmentPatience PädIgnoranceDiligence meGreedRenunciation HumAngerWisdom

Why people believe in ‘God’ Two psychological reasons : 1.Self protection 2.Self preservation

Why people believe in ‘God’ Two psychological reasons : 1.Self protection 2.Self preservation

Why people believe in ‘God’ Two psychological reasons : 1.Self protection 2.Self preservation

Why people believe in ‘God’ Two psychological reasons : 1.Self protection 2.Self preservation

Belief in ‘God’ Self protection – Desire for someone or something to protect or save us from trouble. Desire for someone or something to grant us happiness. Self preservation – Desire for eternal life and happiness.

Belief in ‘God’ Self protection – Desire for someone or something to protect or save us from trouble. Desire for someone or something to grant us happiness. Self preservation – Desire for eternal life and happiness.

Belief in ‘God’ Self protection – Desire for someone or something to protect or save us from trouble. Desire for someone or something to grant us happiness. Self preservation – Desire for eternal life and happiness.

Belief in ‘God’ Self protection – Desire for someone or something to protect or save us from trouble. Desire for someone or something to grant us happiness. Self preservation – Desire for eternal life and happiness.

Belief in ‘God’ Self protection – Desire for someone or something to protect or save us from trouble. Desire for someone or something to grant us happiness. Self preservation – Desire for eternal life and happiness.

Buddhism Self protection – Desire for someone or something to protect or save us from trouble. Desire for someone or something to grant us happiness. Self preservation – Desire for eternal life and happiness.

Buddhism Self protection – Protect ourselves through avoiding evil. Desire for someone or something to grant us happiness. Self preservation – Desire for eternal life and happiness.

Buddhism Self protection – Protect ourselves through avoiding evil. Attain our own happiness by doing good. Self preservation – Desire for eternal life and happiness.

Buddhism Self protection – Protect ourselves through avoiding evil. Attain our own happiness by doing good. Self preservation – See the truth of existence through purifying our minds.

Buddhism Self protection – Protect ourselves through avoiding evil. Attain our own happiness by doing good. Self preservation – See the truth of existence through purifying our minds.

Buddhism Self protection – Protect ourselves through avoiding evil. Attain our own happiness by doing good. Self preservation – See the truth of existence through purifying our minds.

Buddhism Self protection – Protect ourselves through avoiding evil. Attain our own happiness by doing good. Self preservation – See the truth of existence through purifying our minds.

Buddhism Avoid evil Do good Purify our minds This is the teaching of the Buddha. Dhammapada - Verse 183.

Buddhism Avoid evil Do good Purify our minds This is the teaching of the Buddha. Dhammapada - Verse 183.

Buddhism Avoid evil Do good Purify our minds This is the teaching of the Buddha. Dhammapada - Verse 183.

Buddhism Avoid evil Do good Purify our minds This is the teaching of the Buddha. Dhammapada - Verse 183.

Prepared by T Y Lee