Ready to Start! Now A.D. 47 Paul - Christian for 13 years All the pieces are in place for first missionary journey!
Chapter 13 – Shifting of the Brotherhood’s Center of Gravity Jews Gentiles
Chapter 13 – Shifting of the Brotherhood’s Center of Gravity Jews Gentiles
Starting Point – Antioch
Antioch: Missions Central Antioch – Outpost for the Gentile world The idea of missions came from the Holy Spirit – (13:2, 4) Barnabas, Saul, John Mark
Stop #1 – Salamis
1 st Stop: Salamis 13:4-6 Cyprus was home of Barnabas Taught in Jewish Synagogues John Mark was with them
Stop #2 – Paphos
2 nd Stop: Paphos 13:7-12 Jewish Sorcerer/False Prophet Bar-Jesus (Elymas) Proconsul – Sergius Paulus Paul blinds Elymas/S.P. believes
2 nd Stop: Paphos 13:9 Saul → Paul Saul (Hebrew Name) Paul (Roman Name)
Stop #3 – Perga
3 rd Stop: Perga 13:13 No preaching at this time John Mark left and returned to Jerusalem – (Why?)
Stop #4 – Antioch
Antioch of Syria Antioch of Pisidia Antioch of Syria Antioch of Pisidia
4 th Stop: Antioch 13: miles from Perga 3,600 ft. elevation Malaria? (Galatians 4:13)
4 th Stop: Antioch Synagogue Guests were invited to speak Men of Israel and you Gentiles
In the Synagogue Jews Proselytes God-Fearers
Why Was Judaism Appealing to the God-Fearers? Monotheism Morality
Journal Assignment #5 What aspects of Christianity would be attractive to my non- Christian friends if they could clearly see?
4 th Stop: Antioch Very Jewish sermon Theme: God’s Care Favorable response
4 th Stop: Antioch Jealousy (44-45) Like social club issue Gentiles – glad Word spread (49)
4 th Stop: Antioch Opposition from Jews, God-fearing women, leading men – all stood to lose if Christians succeeded
4 th Stop: Antioch Driven out of region Is that good or bad? (cf. 8:1, 4)
The Message Jesus (13:23) D/B/R (13:28-30) Forgiveness (13:38) Invitation (13:39-40)
Chapter 13 – Shifting of the Brotherhood’s Center of Gravity Jews Gentiles
Chapter 13 – Shifting of the Brotherhood’s Center of Gravity Jews Gentiles