Code Update: International Building Code NFPA 5000 William E. Koffel, P.E. Koffel Associates, Inc.
Overview Changes in the model code organizations Overview of issues in NFPA 5000 Overview of recent code change proposals to the International Building Code Discuss the curtain wall/spandrel wall issues
Regional US Building Codes BOCA National Building Code Uniform Building Code Standard Building Code
ICBO Uniform Bldg. Code SBCCI Standard Bldg. Code BOCA National Bldg. Code
= Region Dominated by SBCCI = Region Dominated by BOCA = Region Dominated by ICBO = Region Shared by ICBO & SBCCI SBCCI ICBO BOCA = States Having Local Codes Significantly Different from Model Codes Dominant Model Code in Local Building Regulations
National Bldg. Code (99) Standard Bldg. Code (99) Uniform Bldg. Code (97) SBCCI ICBO BOCA International Bldg. Code (2000) International Code Council
= Region Dominated by SBCCI = Region Dominated by BOCA = Region Dominated by ICBO = Region Shared by ICBO & SBCCI = States Having Local Codes Significantly Different from Model Codes = States Considering IBC = Possible NFPA States Dominant Code in Local Building Regulations
Current Vision of NFPA Consensus Codes™ Set Referred to as C3 Codes Fire—NFPA 1, Uniform Fire Code—Harmonized with UFC in 2003 Electrical—NFPA 70, National Electrical Code® Plumbing—Uniform Plumbing Code—processed through NFPA procedures in 2003 Mechanical—Uniform Mechanical Code— processed through NFPA procedures in 2003
Current Vision of NFPA Consensus Codes™ Set Fuel Gas—NFPA 54, National Fuel Gas Code—AGA partnership continues Building—NFPA Building Code ™ Based on EPCOT Building Code (RCID), NFPA Life Safety Code® and other NFPA Codes and Standards; Standards and Design Information from ASCE, ASTM, UL, FEMA, NCSEA and Others.
Current Vision of NFPA Consensus Codes™ Set Energy Efficiency—ASHRAE 90.1 and 90.2 Manufactured Housing—NFPA 501; HUD Partnership Residential—Keep in NFPA 5000 –Extract document in future
NFPA Building Code Committees Technical Correlating Committee 13 Committees with dual roles – LSC and Building Code 3 New Technical Committees: –Structures and Construction –Building Materials –Building Systems
Scope TC on Fire Protection Features Responsible for documents on construction compartmentation, including the performance of: –assemblies, –openings, and –penetrations as related to the protection of life and property from fire and other circumstances.
Model Codes Form the Basis for Local Regulations & Local Building Codes Affect the Market For Building Products
Critical Dates International Codes –2003 Editions will be available in February 2003 –Deadline for proposed changes – March 24, 2003 –Two eighteen month cycles to development of 2006 Edition –Possibility of off-site voting
Critical Dates NFPA 5000/101 –NFPA Edition now available –NFPA 101 – 2003 Edition to be voted on my NFPA membership in Nov. 20, 2002 –Documents will be moved to the same cycle Deadline for changes not yet announced Probably early 2004
The Future is NOW!!!
Code Issues To Be Discussed Smoke leakage Quality assurance Perimeter fire barrier systems
Smoke Leakage Smoke Barriers – Subdivision of building space intended to provide a temporary area of refuge for building occupants Smoke Partition – Partition intended to provide a minimal amount of time for people to pass by an area Both use terms such as “limit”, “restrict”, or “resist” smoke leakage
IBC Smoke Barrier – Penetrations shall comply with Section 711 (general section on penetrations) Smoke Partition (new to 2002 Supplement) – Annular space shall be filled with an approved material to resist the passage of flame and products of combustion
IBC – 2002 Changes FS33-02 submitted by Hilti, Inc. –Required penetrations of smoke partitions to be protected with materials or systems that can withstand 400 o F and capable of withstanding anticipated movement of the penetrating item –Disapproved
IBC – 2002 Changes FS38-02 submitted by 3M Company –Required penetrations of corridor walls and smoke barriers to meet a leakage rate of 25 cfm per sq ft as determined by UL –Disapproved –Public Comment submitted by the IFC but the item was still disapproved.
NFPA 5000 Where the penetrating item uses a sleeve to penetrate the smoke barrier, …the space between the item and the sleeve shall be be filled with a material capable of resisting the transfer of smoke, in accordance with the air leakage requirements of section 6 of UL 1479.
NFPA 5000 All proposed changes attempting to introduce an air leakage requirement failed the written ballot of the Technical Committee
Quality Assurance How to ensure that the selection and installation of penetration firestopping has been properly executed.
IBC – 2002 Changes FS submitted by the FCIA –Installations shall be subjected to special inspections conducted in accordance with ASTM E2174 Exception: Where the code official performs the inspection –Disapproved
NFPA 5000 A quality assurance program shall be prepared and monitored by the registered design professional for firestop systems and devices and systems installed to protect joints. Text is in NFPA 5000
Any Questions?
IBC Exterior curtain wall/floor construction –Where fire resistance-rated floor or floor/ceiling assemblies are required, voids created at the intersection of the exterior curtain wall assemblies and such floor assemblies shall be sealed with an approved material.
IBC Exterior curtain wall/floor construction –Such material shall be securely installed and capable of preventing the passage of flame and hot gases sufficient to ignite cotton waste where subjected to ASTME E119 time-temperature fire conditions under a minimum positive pressure differential of 0.01 inch of water column for the time period at least equal to the fire- resistance rating of the floor assembly
2002 Changes to the IBC FS39-02 submitted by FCIA –Where fire resistance-rated floor or floor/ceiling assemblies are required, voids created at the intersection of the exterior curtain wall assemblies and such floor assemblies shall be sealed with an approved system to prevent the interior spread of fire. Such system….. –Approved as Modified Similar change submitted to NFPA 5000 was accepted by the Committee but failed ballot
2002 Changes to the IBC FS40-02 submitted by GICC –Add a new sentence to read as follows –Height and fire-resistance requirements for curtain wall spandrels shall comply with Section –Approved although Public Comment by Thermafiber requested disapproval –Nothing in this change eliminates perimeter fire barrier systems in sprinklered buildings! Similar change submitted to NFPA 5000 was accepted
2002 Changes to the IBC FS41-02 submitted by Metal Construction Association –..for the time period equal to the fire-resistance rating of the exterior curtain wall assembly, or 30 minutes, whichever is greater. Exception: Where the floor is less than the wall, the floor fire resistance shall be the criteria –Disapproved Similar change submitted to NFPA 5000 was accepted by the Committee but failed ballot
NFPA 5000 Where fire resistance-rated floor or floor- ceiling assemblies are required, voids created at the intersection of the exterior curtain wall assemblies and such floor assemblies shall be sealed with approved materials.
NFPA 5000 Such materials shall be capable of preventing the passage of flame and hot gases sufficient to ignite cotton waste where subjected to NFPA 251 time-temperature fire conditions under a minimum positive pressure differential of.01 in. of water column for the time period at least equal to the fire resistance rating of the floor assembly.
NFPA 5000 Annex note indicated that the intent is to prevent the interior spread of fire through the void space and not the exterior spread of fire.
Issues To Be Addressed Clarify that the reduction in the spandrel wall requirements for sprinklered buildings does NOT eliminate requirement for perimeter fire barrier systems –Propose language to 704 to require compliance with 712 in a paragraph separate from the sprinkler exception for spandrel wall protection.
Issues To Be Addressed Spandrel wall requirements –Currently in exterior wall section –Listing of perimeter fire barrier system could influence height of spandrel wall Reason for GICC proposed language –Are the existing requirements adequate? –Is this an issue for the FCIA?
Spandrel Wall Issues Increase in height –Opponents include BOMA, architects, curtain wall industry, exterior wall panel and glazing industry –Previous attempts in past 15 years have all failed –Where is the loss experience, especially in sprinklered buildings? IBC requires sprinkler protection in buildings of 55 ft. –What about other non-rated exterior wall systems?
Spandrel Wall Issues Risk to FCIA –If the perception is that the increased spandrel wall is required due to perimeter fire barrier system, requirements could be changed to determine perimeter fire barrier performance based on exterior wall requirements
Questions??? Thank you for your time and participation