You are a Smart Consumer USmartConsumer Contract number: 13/590/SI Project duration: 36 months (03/ /2017) Last modified: USmartConsumer
Project summary Despite of the big number of smart meters rollouts in EU countries, the existing challenge is to make them work both with utilities and consumers’ benefit. Even considering the trials that have taken place, debate still ranges on the energy savings that consumers are going to make when they have access to their usage data, particularly over the long term. The innovative services from the smart meters will help consumers to save electric, gas or district heating energy, by means of friendly interfaces, thus improving their engagement. The project supports the 2012/27/EU Directive on energy efficiency, as well as the national and EU policies and developments for smart metering. 2USmartConsumer
Background Challenges identified and to be solved →Despite of the number of smart meters rollouts in EU countries, the existing challenge is to make them work both with utilities and consumers’ benefit. →The final consumers should already be informed frequently about their energy consumption at the time of use. →The implementation of smart meters vary among the EU countries, delivering a complex overall picture. →Missing information and guidelines targeted to consumer needs. Actions guiding consumers to save energy at home by changing their behaviour including tailor-made solutions 3USmartConsumer
Objectives Benefiting European households (tenants and owners) from the improved information facilities of their smart meters. Mobilising both consumers associations and energy companies/services providers reaching sustainable changes and energy efficiency improvements. Facilitating networking in order to develop the energy services market for small consumers. 4USmartConsumer
Main steps Development of smart meter services market activation tools, including market segmentation reaching energy efficiency improvements. Wide National campaigns for consumers’ engagement with active involvement from other market actors. Development of “Action in the field” activities with innovative services directly enabling consumers to benefit from smart metering services. European communication and dissemination of results and conclusions of the project, to help a wider replication of the successful outcomes 5USmartConsumer
Expected impacts Increase the understanding of consumer’s needs, interests and protection, through specific market dedicated activities, in order to help them to gain benefit from the innovative services offered by energy companies. The growth of the innovative smart metering services supply and demand in the EU. Enhance EU home owners and tenants, consumers and their representatives to better understand the smart metering market and thus be able to get actively involved in it. Average reduction of the energy consumption by 10% in the homes involved in the project, involving householders from 8 EU countries. Favour key market actors dialogue in the EU countries and Norway for a real exchange of experiences, facilitating the confidence on the EU developments. EU-wide publications and events organization. 6USmartConsumer
Partners & contact Coordination:Escan, s.l. Energy Consulting, Spain Francisco Puente Tel: Partners: Central Finland Energy Agency / Benet Ltd., Finland Centre for Sustainable Energy, United Kingdom The Polish National Energy Conservation Agency, Poland Austrian Energy Agency, Austria AISFOR, Italy NL Agency (RVO), The Netherlands REE-Management, Germany WEMAG, Germany Polish Consumer Federation National Council, Poland 7USmartConsumer