2012-13 Weapons and Behavior Reporting In previous years, the Weapons and Behavior reports collected information from districts/schools regarding data.


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Presentation transcript:

Weapons and Behavior Reporting In previous years, the Weapons and Behavior reports collected information from districts/schools regarding data they had tracked throughout the school year. Beginning with the school year, data collected within CEDARS will be used to pre-populate the majority of the data contained within the report. The Weapons and Behavior reports are located within the Education Data System (EDS). Beginning with the school year, the application link will be titled Behavior and Weapons. A bulletin will be issued soon with instructions regarding user roles and access to the application.

Weapons and Behavior Reporting (cont’d) When users access the application for the first time, they will see a slightly different front, or initial view, in the application.

Weapons and Behavior Reporting (cont’d) This page will be displayed to all users. The CEDARS District Administrator names, addresses, and phone numbers will be displayed and will be based on who has the CEDARS District Administrator role assigned for each district. The View Historical Information Link: For the school year only this link will take the user to the old Attendance and Weapons application. Next year and going forward the user will be able to select the school year they wish to view. Any year prior to the school year will take the user to the old application. If the user selects or later it will take them to the data displayed in the new application for that year.

Weapons and Behavior Reporting (cont’d) Users with school level access will come straight to the School Reporting page when they click on the Certification tab in the top menu bar.

Weapons and Behavior Reporting (cont’d) The Weapons data will be pre-populated from CEDARS. The business rules used to extract this data from CEDARS for the summarized incidents are: All incidents reported in CEDARS Element P08 – Behavior Code with a valid value of 8 – Possession of a Weapon are included in an unduplicated count in the corresponding category. Incidents reported with a weapons type of FO – Firearm and Other Weapons are included in the counts with incidents identified as OF - Other Firearms. Summary level data, broken out by grade level and suspension/expulsion is aggregated for all students identified with an incident reported in CEDARS with the following. Element P08 – Behavior Code with a valid value of 8 – Possession of a Weapon; and Element P09 – Intervention applied was a valid value of EX – Expulsion, LS – Long-term Suspension or SS – Short-term Suspension; and Element P10 – Number of Intervention Days is equal to or greater than one.

Weapons and Behavior Reporting (cont’d) The information below is to be supplied by the reporting district/school.

Weapons and Behavior Reporting (cont’d) Selecting the Behavior link on the left hand side will take you to the page below.

Weapons and Behavior Reporting (cont’d) The Behavior data will be pre-populated from CEDARS. The business rules used to extract this data from CEDARS for the summarized incidents are: All incidents reported in CEDARS Element P08 – Behavior Code with valid values 1-7 are included in an unduplicated count in the corresponding category. Summary level data, broken out by grade level and suspension/expulsion is aggregated for all students identified with an incident reported in CEDARS as follows. Element P08 – Behavior Code with any of the valid values of 1-7; and Element P09 – Intervention applied was a valid value of EX – Expulsion, LS – Long-term Suspension or SS – Short-term Suspension; and Element P10 – Number of Intervention Days is equal to or greater than one.

Weapons and Behavior Reporting (cont’d) Districts/schools will be able to view the students populated in the cells, in both the Weapons and Behavior reports by clicking on the count number reported. The following information will be displayed for the summary count of incidents. School Name, School Code, SSID, District Student ID, First Name, Last Name, Middle Initial, Date of Birth, Federal Race Roll-up, Incident ID, Incident Date and Weapon Type/Behavior Code The following information will be displayed for the data displayed by grade and intervention. School Name, School Code, SSID, District Student ID, First Name, Last Name, Middle Initial, Date of Birth, Federal Race Roll-up, Incident ID, Incident Date and Weapon Type/Behavior Code and Intervention Applied

Weapons and Behavior Reporting (cont’d) Harassment, Intimidation and Bullying (HIB) Report. This report is to be completed by the district level user. Selecting the HIB link on the left hand side will take you to the page below.

Weapons and Behavior Reporting (cont’d) The HIB report will be pre-populated with data provided in the report for the school year. All information contained within this report must be reviewed and updated prior to accepting/submitting. School level users will be able to view the report in ‘read only’ format after the district has completed and accepted the report.

Weapons and Behavior Reporting (cont’d) Behavior & Weapons Certification Page 1 (District Level Users Only)

Weapons and Behavior Reporting (cont’d) Public School Report Completed Status: Clicking on a school name will take the user to the Completion page. The check boxes will be unchecked until the Page Completed button is clicked on each of the school level pages. The district level user can “unlock” the school level pages by unchecking the box. Display options: Districts can choose to have either all schools, completed schools, or incomplete schools displayed. The Certify Reports button will be greyed out until all schools are checked.