“Validate and Elevate” Our road to continued success! Laguna Beach Unified School District Common Core State Standards Overview Parent Overview Presentation “Validate and Elevate” Our road to continued success! DENI
District Mission Each student gains the knowledge, experience, world perspectives, and skills needed to become a lifelong learner and producer in a competitive and interconnected world. DENI
Our mission is focused through 5 Strategic Goals…. GOAL 1: Student Achievement GOAL 2: School Culture GOAL 3: Learning Environment GOAL 4: Staffing GOAL 5: Fiscal Responsibility DENI Goals Ave.
Goal 1: Student Achievement All students will demonstrate academic growth across all content areas. DENI
Related areas of focus: Professional Learning Communities (PLC’s) Multi-Tiered Systems of Support (MTSS) Intervention and Enrichment Best First Instruction Literacy Math SuccessMaker Common Core State Standards (CCSS) Transition
What are the Common Core Standards? State-led effort to establish a shared set of clear educational standards; California standards led the way in establishing CCSS. Common Standards will help ensure students are receiving a high-quality education consistently from school to school and state to state. The Standards are designed to be robust and relevant to the real world, reflecting the knowledge and skills that our young people need for success in college and careers.
By 2018 the U.S. Labor Market Demands 63% with College and Career Readiness Post-secondary education will be necessary to compete in the global economy in 2010 and beyond. In 2018, 63% of all U.S. jobs will require at least some college. Source: Center on Education and the Workforce, Georgetown University High School Diploma or less B.A. Degree or More Some College/ A.A .Degree
What is needed in the workplace? “The Four C’s” Critical thinking and problem solving— including the ability to make decisions, solve problems, and take action as appropriate; Communication skills—the ability to synthesize and transmit your ideas both in written and oral formats; Collaboration and team building—the ability to work effectively with others, including those from diverse groups and with opposing points of view; Creativity and innovation—the ability to see what’s NOT there and make something happen.
We must move learning from this….
To this…
Strengths of the New Common Core Aligned with expectations for College and Career Readiness Developed to provide consistency from state to state Included both content and application of knowledge through high-order skills For California: more of a shift in “how” we teach, as opposed to a shift in “what” we teach
Rigor/Relevance Framework® Parent Council Presentation Rigor/Relevance Framework® Joan
CCSS “Habits of Mind” All content area teachers should: Design deeper learning environments to develop “Habits of Mind”: Lead high-level, text-based discussions Focus on the process, not just content Create assignments for real audiences and with real purposes Teach argument (logic/reasoning), not just persuasion (emotion) Increase text complexity
CCSS “Habits of Mind” All content area teachers should: Intentionally sequence instructional strategies to progressively engage students in “Habits of Mind”: Think, Pair-Share (or Think, Write, Pair-Share) Show/model “thinking” in classrooms Practice questioning and wait time Group students and use engaging problems Use questions and prompts with student groups Allow struggle time Encourage/model logical reasoning
CCSS “Habits of Mind” All content area teachers should: Assess students’ progression and mastery of content knowledge, skill and literacy through demonstration and application of “Habits of Mind”: After each experience with the “Habits,” both students and teachers reflect, evaluate, modify and carry forth to future application Remember that truly literate students can read, write, speak and listen appropriately in all content areas (i.e. as student mathematicians, scientists, historians, etc.)
CCSS “Habits of Mind” The English Language Arts “Capacities” Demonstrate independence Build strong content knowledge Respond to varying demands of audience, task, purpose, and discipline Comprehend as well as critique Value evidence Use technology and digital media strategically Come to understand other cultures and perspectives
CCSS “Habits of Mind” Standards for Mathematical Practice Parent Council Presentation CCSS “Habits of Mind” Standards for Mathematical Practice Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them. Reason abstractly and quantitatively. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Model with mathematics. Use appropriate tools strategically. Attend to precision. Look for and make use of structure. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning. What key words jump out at you…connect with your shoulder partner
What about the assessments? SMARTER Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) The new assessments will be ready by the 2014- 2015 school year. Smarter Balanced assessments will go beyond multiple-choice questions and include short constructed response, extended constructed response, and performance tasks that will allow students to complete in-depth work that demonstrates analytical skills and real-world problem solving.
SBAC ELA Example 1:
SBAC ELA Example 2:
SBAC Math Example 1:
SBAC Math Example 2:
Parent Council Presentation California’s Transition to the Common Core Full Implementation 2014-2015 CCSS SBAC CST ??? CAHSEE??? Implementation 2013-2014 Implement CCSS Field Testing SBAC (expanded group of districts statewide) CST & CAHSEE Transition 2012-2013 CA Content Standards CST & CAHSEE Pilot SBAC Assessments (select Districts) Our Current 2012-13 first grade students will be tested as third graders Last year… 2011-2012 CA Content Standards CST & CAHSEE Robert 24
Common Core State Standards Status SMART Goal Focus Overall awareness of CCSS Professional development designed to bridge from NCLB to CCSS Math CCSS mapping Depth and complexity Analysis of overlap between current California Standards and CCSS in core content areas Develop curriculum mapping of essential standards; plan timeline for implementation throughout 2012-13 Continue to align best practices with CCSS Habits of Mind: Student engagement Critical thinking Depth/complexity; rigor/relevance Literacy across the curriculum Assessment design Align professional development to CCSS – Spring/Summer Academy DENI
Our road to success is clear!