Bryan Addeman April 6, 2010
Background Theory Motivation Measurements Moving Forward
Label specific metabolites with 13 C 12 C isotope is not magnetically active
Natural abundance of 13 C is ≈ 1.11% Amount of signal is related to gyromagnetic ratio (γ) & abundance ◦ γ H = (Mhz/T) ◦ γ 13C = (Mhz/T) Hyperpolarization can give a factor of 10,000x more initial signal
Inject sample mixed with free radical Cool to 1.4 K in a High magnetic field Bombard sample with microwaves Mix with heated solution Duration: 1.5 hours Amount of Hyperpolarization decays with time (T1) Robarts DNP Hyperpolarizer
Spin-Spin RelaxationSpin-Lattice Relaxation T1T2
Effects of low magnetic fields on T1values for hyperpolarized 13 C Pyruvic Acid
Hyperpolarized sample transport: ◦ B o : High (DNP) -> Low -> High (MRI) What happens to the sample in transit? T1 relaxation is a characteristic of the molecule that can be measured
SpinmasterOxford Instruments MQC Variable magnetic field ◦ B o = T Desktop NMR system ◦ B o = 0.55 T Both devices can measure Signal amplitude at time intervals
B o =0.55, 13 C enriched Pyruvic Acid Fit Equation Non-Linear Least Squares Fit
SpinmasterMQC (0.55 Static Field) Field Strength (T) T1 (s)Fit Error (s)T1 (s)Fit Error (s)
Need to take more measurements to understand the effects low field strengths on T1 values
Supervisors Dr. Charles McKenzie Dr. Lanette Friesen- Walder Dr. Tim Scholl Dr. Jake Onwuachi Lab Curtis Wiens Samantha Flood Steven Yange Elmer Soto Trevor Wade