Church Finances July 2013
Financial Update financial year summary for general account Building fund income and expenditure to date Projection of future income and expenditure Increasing income through Gift Aid
Financial Year Summary – General Account – Income
Financial Year Summary – General Account – Expenditure
Financial Year Summary - Cashflow
Financial Year Summary Income has remained around £50,000 for previous 3 years Expenditure well controlled last year Bank balance = 3 weeks expenditure (low!)
Building fund – Income and Expenditure
Building fund – cashflow
Projection of future income and expenditure Assumptions: Remaining building fund balance to be used for renovation work From April 2014 all ongoing unit 1a costs to be funded from general account From April 2013 gift aid can be claimed immediately From April 2014 we will not lease the current kids church space
Projection of future income and expenditure
If income increases by at least 10% in and in then the move to Unit 1a is sustainable Income trend for year-to-date is relatively flat
Increasing income through Gift Aid claim was £16,037 From April 2013 loose cash offerings of £20 and under can be claimed Cash offerings over £20 and cheques – please use a Gift Aid envelope Once only Gift Aid form can be used for cheques and standing orders
THE END!!! Any questions then come and see me after the meeting