© 2011 SunPower Corporation Culver City Unified School District Photovoltaic System Project Update June 11, 2013
© 2011 SunPower Corporation CCUSD Solar Project Status Update SCE Easement issue update: Following a site visit from the SCE regional planner SunPower received informal approval to proceed with construction as planned. SPWR is preparing to submit the official encroachment request paperwork. Permitting Update: SunPower did not receive DSA approval on June 4 th as originally scheduled. DSA was concerned about the solar arrays spanning across multiple campuses. This issue has been resolved and a new over the counter review date has been scheduled for June 18 th. Steel has been ordered and is being procured. Fabrication will begin shortly after receiving DSA approval. Mobilization is scheduled to occur on July 1 st.
© 2011 SunPower Corporation CCUSD Solar Project Status Update SunPower and CCUSD have agreed on an alternate location for the Farragut ES solar array. The garden area will no longer be covered and no trees will be removed.
© 2011 SunPower Corporation CCUSD Solar Project Timeline 4 Task Start Date Finish DateDuration System Design3/1/136/14/1370 days DSA Permitting (over the counter) 6/18/136/18/131 days Construction7/1/1310/18/1380 days Mobilize, Site Prep, Lighting Demo7/1/137/5/135 days Concrete Foundations7/8/138/16/1330 days Steel Erection8/5/138/30/1320 days PV Module Installation9/2/139/20/1315 days Lighting, Wiring, Terminations, Misc.9/23/1310/18/1320 days Commissioning10/21/1311/15/1320 days Test and Commission PV System10/21/1310/25/135 days Commissioning Punch List10/28/1311/1/135 days Utility Inspection and PTO11/4/1311/15/1310 days CSI Reservation11/18/1312/20/1325 days Submit CSI Documentation11/18/1311/22/135 days Site Inspection by 3 rd Party Firm11/25/1311/29/135 days CSI Application Review and Approval12/2/1312/20/1315 days CSI Reservation Incentive ChecksJan 2014Jan years
© 2011 SunPower Corporation 5 CCUSD Solar Project Timeline Highlights SunPower will submit look-ahead schedules and coordinate all construction activities with Balfour Beatty and CCUSD. SunPower will build all three campuses simultaneously, but work will be phased to accommodate parking needs. We will delineate our work areas and maintain parking and traffic control. Construction deliveries will be scheduled and coordinated to avoid school drop off and pick up times. All “heavy construction” (underground work, concrete work and steel erection) will take place during Summer This will minimize the impact of our construction activities when school returns in the fall. One twelve hour shutdown will be required for electrical interconnection. Shutdown will be scheduled on a weekend or after hours. When school begins in September 2013, construction will be limited to the areas directly beneath the arrays. Construction areas will be safely delineated with temporary fencing.
© 2011 SunPower Corporation